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Mad Scientist Networking

Guest Rumpelstiltskin

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Guest Rumpelstiltskin

Mad Scientist Networking

Friday, September 6th - Thursday, September 19th (11:59 PM GMT)


The first order of business is to get your business in order. We have used the infamous scientific method to determine your best chances of succeeding as Mad Scientists. We've determined that the best course of action is to start gaining some reputable connections among your scientific peers!

In addition, you'll be in the know of all the happenings of the community. After all, you can't run into an experiment until you've fully assessed the situation! You'd better keep an eye on your fellow Scientists (including Prefects and Staff) to ensure they're not up to anything fishy, either. You can't have anyone trying to sabotage your experiments on you.


Starting Friday, September 6th you will have a full two weeks to win the favor of the scientific community and spread your influence! Using our collective data, your Prefects have compiled a Checklist of Objectives to complete in order to do this. Keep in mind that certain objectives may have stipulations, which will be indicated beside them.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in this thread.

Checklist of Objectives:

  1. Leave a review for each Prefect (750 characters minimum) (7 reviews)
  2. Create a PicSpam for Another House (1)
  3. Leave a nice note on the profile of 5 members from other Houses (5)
  4. Write a letter of appreciation for the members of each of the other Houses (1000 character minimum) (3)
  5. Do something nice (reviews, wall posts, gifts etc) for a staffer from each house. (4)
  6. Review a story from an author of a different House you've never read before. (1)
  7. Review a story (not chapter!) with zero reviews on it from an author from a different house posted before July 2019 (1)
  8. Guess the Prefect [Scientist] - PicSpam & Prompts (6) - RELEASED WEEK 2
  9. Respond to (or start a new) a forum thread (non-Quidditch Pitch subforum) (1)
  10. Respond to 5 Unanswered Reviews (1)
  11. Make a Signature/Icon Set for another House (1)
  12. Recommend 3 stories from each House (750 character minimum Reason for Rec) (9)
  13. Social Media (Twitter or Tumblr) submission about how great the other Houses are (3)
  14. Write a drabble about a character from another House (1)
  15. Write a blog post about House pride for your House (1000 character minimum) (1)
  16. Review a podfic in a blog post (200 word minimum) (1)
  17. Play in 3 game threads in the Quidditch Pitch (3)
  18. Write a Thank You note to the Staff (750 character minimum) (1)
  19. Leave a nomination for Sitewide Story of the Month (1)
  20. Leave a review on a non-HP story from a member of each House(750 character minimum) (4)



There are some things to keep in mind while completing your Objectives on each task.

  • Do Not Panic. As is the mantra of your Prefects. ❤️ We're here to support you if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Science is fun!
  • You have two week to complete this, and this is a collaborative effort between all the members of your House.
  • Feel free to share any of the graphics/letters/notes in this thread throughout the two weeks ^_^ 

You have until Friday, September 19th (11:59 PM GMT) to turn your completed (or as completed as possible) checklist in. Please turn your completed checklist in by posting a copy of it with links to the completed objectives in this thread! Each objective is worth 7.5 points for a grand total of 150 points.

You may now begin your networking! Good luck to all houses!



  • Guest pinned and unpinned this topic

i've got a couple of questions :P 

Create a PicSpam for Another House - do you mean like a picspam for, say, gryffindor house as their aesthetic? not a specific member? (same question for the signature task)
Do something nice (reviews, wall posts, gifts etc) for a staffer from each house - so not all staff that aren't in our house, just 4 different ones?
Guess the Prefect [Scientist] - PicSpam & Prompts - generally not sure what this task is so i suppose it's something to be revealed at a later date? or am i blind haha?
Respond to 5 Unanswered Reviews - one member responds to 5 total? a couple of members respond to 5 total? a couple of members each respond to 5 reviews?


Guest Rumpelstiltskin
22 minutes ago, grumpy cat said:

i've got a couple of questions :P 

Create a PicSpam for Another House - do you mean like a picspam for, say, gryffindor house as their aesthetic? not a specific member? (same question for the signature task)
Do something nice (reviews, wall posts, gifts etc) for a staffer from each house - so not all staff that aren't in our house, just 4 different ones?
Guess the Prefect [Scientist] - PicSpam & Prompts - generally not sure what this task is so i suppose it's something to be revealed at a later date? or am i blind haha?
Respond to 5 Unanswered Reviews - one member responds to 5 total? a couple of members respond to 5 total? a couple of members each respond to 5 reviews?


Picspams & Signature Sets: Doulbe-checking with group and will have an answer for you shortly.

Something Nice for Staffer: Yep, this one is just one per House (so a total of 4)

Guess the Scientist: This will be released in week two :) you're not blind haha!

Unanswered Reviews: the entire list is a collaborative effort, so that's 5 unanswered reviews per house [as done by any house member(s)] o7

Guest Rumpelstiltskin
30 minutes ago, grumpy cat said:

Create a PicSpam for Another House - do you mean like a picspam for, say, gryffindor house as their aesthetic? not a specific member? (same question for the signature task)

This is open for any way you'd like  to do it -- it's not necessarily restricted to a House Aesthetic :)


Possibly stupid question: for the social media submission task, how/where are we meant to submit it? To a specific account or is posting it on our own enough? 

Thanks! ?

10 minutes ago, Aphoride said:

Possibly stupid question: for the social media submission task, how/where are we meant to submit it? To a specific account or is posting it on our own enough? 


If you post your social media submission in the checklist (either as a link to an image or quote the text you would like) then a Prefect from your House (in this case Ravenclaw) will post it to the Claw twitter/tumblr for you ?


enjoy these *_*



ravenclaw-signature.gif + ravenclaw-icon.png

11 hours ago, something wicked said:

If you post your social media submission in the checklist (either as a link to an image or quote the text you would like) then a Prefect from your House (in this case Ravenclaw) will post it to the Claw twitter/tumblr for you ?

Does it have to be done in this manner/is this the preferred method, or can we also post them to our own accounts and @ our house account/provide the Prefects with a link back to the original post, so that they can then reblog and/or retweet the post(s) that we make? 

Guest Rumpelstiltskin
25 minutes ago, RoxiMalfoy said:

Does it have to be done in this manner/is this the preferred method, or can we also post them to our own accounts and @ our house account/provide the Prefects with a link back to the original post, so that they can then reblog and/or retweet the post(s) that we make? 

Because of certain privacy settings, blocking accounts, and for consistency's sake, we'd prefer that the SM posts be in the checklist and tweeted/reblogged (tumbled) from the house accounts.


graphic things! i'm lookin at you, claws and snakes ??


8l3rqyg.png  jCXWZvf.png


i just wanted to double check - review tasks that don't have a specified character count still need to be a minimum of 750 characters of substantial content (not counting sign offs and such)?

Guest Rumpelstiltskin
2 hours ago, grumpy cat said:

i just wanted to double check - review tasks that don't have a specified character count still need to be a minimum of 750 characters of substantial content (not counting sign offs and such)?

If something isn't specified, 750 characters is a good guideline. ?


in a totally secret quest of graphically taking over @sibilant's AP i'm dropping off a banner gift for war stories+



annnd a banner for @Chemical_Pixie's yet they speak+ because the feminist in me couldn't resist :P



and another banner for @MuggleMaybe because ninety-two seconds in catatonia+ is a dark masterpiece *_*



and a banner for my fellow slytherin @toomanycurls because say goodbye+ is a wonderful story about friendship, leaving school and teenage years behind, and being brave in the face of a dark world ^_^



for Gryffindor ❤️ 




for Ravenclaw ?

One of the great things about Ravenclaw is all those people like Luna who are born with a spirit of exploration and wonder, whose curiosity drives them to seek out new places and ideas wherever they are. They find wisdom along the way. As they do, the door to that wonder opens for others who might not have ventured so far. It is the Ravenclaw spirit that leads us to new horizons. 


your resident questioning gremlin reporting for duty :P

#14 - can this be about a next gen character (specifically james sirius)? :ninjavanish: or are only established canon characters (for example parvati patil) allowed? (theoretically, someone could put james into slytherin so that's why i'm asking :hmm:)

Guest Rumpelstiltskin
15 minutes ago, grumpy cat said:

your resident questioning gremlin reporting for duty :P

#14 - can this be about a next gen character (specifically james sirius)? :ninjavanish: or are only established canon characters (for example parvati patil) allowed? (theoretically, someone could put james into slytherin so that's why i'm asking :hmm:)

So, if you're writing a canonical character that has a specified house (except CC), we'd like people to try to keep them in their house.

Anything unspecified, like the next-gen crew for example, can be up to your discretion. ?


My Dearest Claws, 

You are the house of curiosity and intellect. I once found my home in the feathery nest of Ravenclaw tower where both the studious and mad scientist may dwell and continue to cherish that period in my life. You’re not all numbers and books -- wit, humor, passion, and daring also come quickly for the blue and bronze.

I love that you aren’t a lot that just hordes knowledge -- you all take time and care to share your knowledge with others (sometimes in all caps at 2 am) so that we all have a small piece of Ravenclaw information. Speaking of all caps, you’re sometimes a little scary with passion for certain topics but that’s also very very cool. 

Ravenclaws don’t have to be the smartest in the room at all times but you are always the ones who fit information together better than everyone else. There’s a great connection between Slytherin and Ravenclaw -- both cunning and determined and capable. 

My Ravenclaw friends are always the ones to help add a dose of reality to my best/worst plans. Going to plan a coup de etas? Gotta invite your supporters. Going to overthrow the patriarchy? Well, bring plenty of signs because Ravenclaws are coming to. 

I secretly love when you get all pedantic on me. I may grimace and grumble but inside I love it when you speak nerdy to me. 

While I used to be one of you, Ravenclaw will always be part of me. 

With love,


:ninjavanish: are you sick of me yet ?

is the word count tolerance for the drabble same as for the writing tasks (50 words...so 250 would be max)?

Guest Rumpelstiltskin
3 hours ago, grumpy cat said:

:ninjavanish: are you sick of me yet ?

is the word count tolerance for the drabble same as for the writing tasks (50 words...so 250 would be max)?


And yeah, then same 50-word allowance can be made for the drabble as well.



friendly, fierce gryffindors!

your competitive and spirited nature, your sportsmanship and the sheer enthusiasm with which you approach writing, reviewing and various games are the things that i admire the most about you. :bliss:

your wonderful stories are amongst my favourites on the archives and you are a house of truly fantastic writers. i love that, even though you are the house with the least number of members on the forums, you don't let that show and you are always trying to work as one great, awesome team. :gryffindorcrest:

i have always had a huge soft spot for gryffindor since it is my secondary house and when i see (read?) the gryffindors of HPFT, the huge soft spot becomes even huger (is that even a word? bigger? who knows.).

and honestly, who in their right mind, could not love the house whose symbol is one big kitty cat - when you take into account that i am a crazy cat lady, it's a wonder i haven't slithered into your common room. (get it? i'm bad at puns ? ).

i have always considered slytherins and gryffindors as quite similar in terms of their desires, their ambition, how proud they are to be in their respective houses, and even though they use different means to meet their goals, i have always found incredible kinship with most of the gryffindors i know, be they in real life or online. our houses are often considered to be enemies and it has always saddened me, both in the books, and in perception of people based on the books.

i love proving them wrong, though. and i know you do, too.




Dear Hufflepuffs, 

You are the house that I am the least like in terms of demeanor (I mean, who has even heard of a scheming, devious Hufflepuff??) but you’re the first house I think of when I need to go somewhere safe. You’re the most accepting and kindest house. 

What I love even more about our Hufflecrew is that you’re all hella competitive but not for the same reasons as other houses. You’re hard working and determined and like a fair game -- all of which makes you very fun to compete against (and work with as well). 

I also have to say that I’m not at all surprised that Hufflepuff has more reviews left than any other house. You all know how to show and spread love around. 

Hufflefriends are also so incredibly brave when it comes to standing up for what is fair. I don’t think I’ve seen Puffs go toe-to-toe over ego or vanity issues but jfc ya’ll go to bat for equality. But you also are the first to check in with people when they’ve been down. That’s probably why I have so many Puffy friends, you reach out and check in and make it so easy to trust and love you. 

In short, please never change. You all make this old Snake sheath her fangs. 

p.s. edit to add - okay, ya'll are just as scheming and devious as the rest of us but you're not spiteful and full of grudges :P :hug:


Does this apply to review responses as well? :couch: Thank you!

On 9/8/2019 at 5:11 AM, grumpy cat said:

i just wanted to double check - review tasks that don't have a specified character count still need to be a minimum of 750 characters of substantial content (not counting sign offs and such)?

On 9/8/2019 at 8:04 AM, Rumpelstiltskin said:

If something isn't specified, 750 characters is a good guideline. ?


16 minutes ago, MuggleMaybe said:

Does this apply to review responses as well? :couch: Thank you!


if it does i have failed most likely :ninjavanish: turns out i write ridiculously long review responses and they're all longer than 1k+ chars so carry on


I should have said before that the Gryffindor picspam is for the picspam task, and the Ravenclaw picspam is for the social media task (which is why it has a blurb and Gryffindor doesn't)

This one is for social media as well:

I honestly have such respect for Slytherins because they have this iron backbone that says "I will not tolerate your crap." And the truth is, all people deserve not to tolerate crap, and to receive respect, and to set boundaries, and to make decisions based on their own needs. When the Sorting Hat talks about these priorities, they are treated as ambitious or self-serving, but there isn't anything wrong with having your main loyalty be to yourself. In fact, that seems like a great policy. Slytherins are great role models of self-respect and I'm so grateful that some of my dearest friends have a home in that house.



Guest Rumpelstiltskin
1 hour ago, MuggleMaybe said:

Does this apply to review responses as well? :couch: Thank you!

We aren't setting a hard character limit on review responses, but we would just like to see around 3 lines of significant content if possible. ?


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