Review Event Feedback
Review Event Feedback
20 members have voted
1. What days would you be most available to participate? (if no preference, check off all of them.)
2. Would you prefer that all rounds be on the same days (e.g., Thursday -> Sunday) or a bit more varied?
On the same days3
Varied, but always including a weekend13
Varied, and not necessarily including a weekend4
3. How do you feel about breaks of at least a few days between rounds?
Prefer breaks17
No preference3
Prefer not to have breaks0
4. How long would you like to see rounds last?
3 days6
4 days13
5 days10
5. How many rounds would you find most manageable?
Three (two before FROGS nominations, one after)11
Four (three before FROGS nominations, one after)9
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