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Site maintenance update (2 Sept 2024) ×

Betas Offered Rules


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Hello and welcome to our new and (hopefully) improved Betas Offered subforum! ^.^


After a handful of great recommendations from our wonderful members, we have finally decided to restructure our Request a Beta section into something more like our Reviews Offered subforum. What this means is that each person who creates a topic is offering themselves up as a willing beta to a writer in need. That said, just as with requesting reviews, the topic creator has control over what they will and will not beta.


All that said, onto the rules:


Offering to Beta:

  • The thread title should include your username.
  • Be sure to list rules for your individual topics, including, but not limited to: what you will read, what you won't read, what your strengths as a beta are, what your weaknesses as a beta are, your preferred method(s) of document sharing, length cutoffs, how many stories/chapters you are willing to beta at one time, and anything else you can think of that may prove significant.
  • If at any time you wish your thread to be closed or edited, please post in this topic here.

Requesting a Beta:

  • You may only post in a 'Betas Offered' thread to request a beta. Do not create a 'Beta Wanted' topic.
  • Please respect the rules of the individual threads you are posting in. If you want a beta for a Doctor Who story, please don't post a request in the thread of someone who says they will only beta Harry Potter fanfics.
  • You may only post a request for one beta at a time per story. If you have multiple stories you want beta'd, you may post up to three requests at a time. If you wish to have a story beta'd again after receiving it back from a different beta, you may do so, but please do not ask two separate betas to look at the same story at the same time.
  • You must acknowledge your beta reader(s) by name/username in the notes of the story they helped you with, regardless of where you post. If somebody helped to make your story better, you need to credit them.
  • Please use the following form when placing a request:

[b]Story Name:[/b] (including link if it's already posted)
[b](Predicted) Length:[/b]
[b]Warnings and Advisory:[/b]
[b]General Summary:[/b]
[b]Areas of Concern:[/b]

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