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Who Do You Write Like?


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There are many famous author's out there who are worth our admiration, but many of us have one special author who's writing style we really look up to. Perhaps you like writer's who write in second person or use lots of descriptive prose. Maybe you like a more direct, third person style of writing.

Or perhaps you have no idea who it is you may write like! But fear not! As your NaNo story develops, merely pop sections of it into this here (12+) generator, and it will analyze your submission before letting you know which famous author's writing style you seem to share!

Tell us all about who you write like below. Do you agree? Disagree?


I put in a bunch of huge excerpts from both Irrational and my upcoming Eileen Snape fic and kept getting Agatha Christie as a result -- won't complain about it! Kept getting the same result when I put in random other fics, including "Ridicule Us" and a Next Gen humor one I'm working on.

I got Anne Rice when I put in a smut excerpt. :P

And for giggles I put in my old humor/ noir satire fic "Hardboiled," and got Stephen King, which seems to make sense. I actually read a book of his last year, Joyland, which had a sort of pulpy, noir feeling to it.


Okay so yesterday I did the exact same thing and every long except will default to Agatha Christie. I put in a bunch of fics (including @RonsGirlFriday's and @Noelle Zingarellaa's) and they all defaulted to Agatha, which I felt was weird.

And then the madness started and I started testing known authors.

Dostoevsky's first chapter of Crime and Punishment will default to Agatha Christie, regardless of length which means Crime and Punishment isn't in the database. Robert Louis Stevenson in Treasure Island will work, but Rober Louis Stevenson on Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will default to Agatha on extracts larger than ~2000 words, and to Robert Louis Stevenson in anything under that, which means the website kind of works, but only under a certain number of words. Agatha Christie herself in shorter extracts of works that aren't her most well known will actually read as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. P.G. Wodehouse will default to Agatha in works that aren't about Jeeves and Bertie and fics with the word Hermione will default to JKR, so it's also about certain keywords.

Tldr, shorter extracts are more reliable and if you're getting consistently getting Agatha Christie, you're probably pasting in too many words (the cutoff is ~2225 words). Try trimming it down!


@tatapb That's excellent info! Having followed that advice:

Evolution was Arthur Clarke
Schrodinger's Cat was David Foster Wallace
in brightest shades of ochre was J.K. Rowling (?)

-and new, new stuff-

Pixie Dust was Stephen King
Ding Dong Witch (a/k/a sexy time) was Anne Rice

I haven't read anything by Arthur Clarke to know if that's a good fit, but I feel pretty strongly that in brightest shades of ochre isn't JKR. It's so good not to always get Agatha Christie by default now!


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