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Mount your brooms, racers! On your mark, get set... REVIEW!

A wizarding universiade wouldn't be complete without a little broom racing to round out the event. But of course, wizarding relays aren'y quite like those silly Muggle ones. No silly finish lines here - wizarding relays run until you fall off your broom. :elmofire:


rules and points

  • each member is racing their own individual relay, but there is no limit to the number of house members who can start their own relay. (read: you are only connecting to your own reviews. you do not need to connect with your other house members' reviews.)
  • to start a relay, post a review in your house's submission thread. each review will count as one "leg" of the relay.
  • in order to tag on to the next "leg," the next story you review must connect in at least two of the following ways to the previous one you reviewed: same pairing, same genre, same inclusivity tag, or same theme. (note: 'none' is not considered an acceptable connection.)
    • example: person A reviews one chapter of physical fatality by grumpy cat, then reviews one chapter of what landon and peter missed by sinnersandsapphics (same genre: angst, same theme: love/hate relationships), then reviews one chapter of and it was like slow motion by down-in-flames (same genre: angst, same inclusivity tag: LGBTQA). the third fic does not need to have any connection to the first.
  • you cannot review the same story two times in a row, but you can review the same story multiple times throughout the event, provided the tagging off standards are met.
  • reviews must be a minimum of 500 characters that should be largely related to the fic.
  • if the next review "leg" fails to properly tag off the previous one (aka the stories are not connected in two ways), that review won't count towards your total, as a penalty for improper technique. however, if this happens, you are still able to continue with the last review you left - you don't need to go back and re-do the missed tag (and it won't reset your total).
    • example: if your review on shenanigans by beeezie fails to connect in two ways to your previous review on and it was like slow motion by down-in-flames, your review on shenanigans will not count for a point, but you should continue your relay by connecting to shenanigans in two ways.
  • each review will count for 1 point. in addition, there will be certain bonuses for individual relayers:
    • reviewing 10+ different authors - 15 points (note: each relayer can only receive this bonus once)
      • to claim this bonus, post your 10 qualifying reviews in the bonus claim thread in your common room.
    • reviewing 10+ chapters of the same story - 25 points (note: each relayer can only receive this bonus once)
      • to claim this bonus, post your 10 qualifying reviews in the bonus claim thread in your common room.
    • longest single relay (1st/2nd/3rd/4th) - 50/40/30/20 points (note: the same house cannot place more than twice in this. so if slytherin comes in 1st, 3rd, and 4th, they will only receive points for 1st and 3rd, and 4th place will go to the next longest relay from another house.)
  • the broom relay event will end on 14 july at 11:59 pm gmt.

Do the two different connecting requirements need to be separate categories? For instance, can both the connectors be genre?


hufflepuffs are awesome and they kindly made this spreadsheet template available to anyone who might want/need it: broom racing spreadsheet

7 hours ago, just.a.willow.tree said:

Do the two different connecting requirements need to be separate categories? For instance, can both the connectors be genre?

Curious about this as well! ^_^ 

10 hours ago, just.a.willow.tree said:

Do the two different connecting requirements need to be separate categories? For instance, can both the connectors be genre?


2 hours ago, RonsGirlFriday said:

Curious about this as well! ^_^ 

we're talking about this and will let you know by posting in this thread. sorry for not responding earlier!


@just.a.willow.tree @RonsGirlFriday

the two connection points should be two different categories, rather than two of the same ^_^


so... the points for each review = 1 HC point, right?


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