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Have You Ever? - Character edition


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Pretty simple really! The first poster asks a question, and the next one answers as one of their characters then asks their own question.


Remember to keep things forum appropriate. :D


I'll start us off!


"Have you ever been arrested?"

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Can't say I have. Though I certainly have gotten into trouble. (Do we have to tell what character?)


Have you ever broken a bone?

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(Not sure if we do, but I'm just gonna go ahead and specify) :)




"Unfortunately. The first time that I dragged my bed to my new dormitory, I may or may not have dropped it on my foot... Anyways, er, since I want to travel to a lot of places after Hogwarts, I was wondering what's the one place you want to go to?"

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One place? Really, do I have to pick just one? Well, I'd like to go to Disneyland. Or anywhere in America really. Or maybe France. I'd love to see the Louvre. Oh, and I'd love to go somewhere in the Middle East. I don't know really. I want to see so many places.


What is or was your favourite school subject?

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(Oops, just noticed the title of the thread! :P )




Definitely Ancient Runes. It might be hard, but it's well worth the effort, no matter what everyone else says.


Have you ever broken the law?

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Michael Holt


"No... *notices a WANTED poster hanging on the wall behind you* ...nope... *leans forward and yanks poster off of wall* ...definitely not. *sets poster on fire*


Now, if you could point me in the direction of the fastest way out of town, that'd be much appreciated."


What is your most embarrassing moment?

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Piper Stone


"Well, at my fifteenth birthday party -which was all for the glory of my twin, mind you- my sister gave me a bra and panty set as a gift. She let me pull it out of the bag -I didn't know what it was- and half the neighborhood and Harry Potter were in attendance, staring... She said it was for lift, honestly..."


Have you ever cheated?

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Gellert: "I have never needed to cheat. Cheating is for people who cannot achieve such things normally - though it does speak of a certain creativity - and I achieve great things with ease."


What is your preferred hot drink? (i.e. tea, coffee, hot chocolate, etc.)

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"Oh I just love hot chocolate! Its so yummy and you can put little marshmallows in it. Daddy sometimes lets me use the big ones instead! *hehe*"


Would you switch places with a person for one day, who and on what day would you switch?

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"I would simply change places with the next model set to grace the cover of Witch Weekly. I could so be a model, I mean, look at this hair flip!" *flips hair*


Have you ever cried from a book/film/TV show?

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Yes, when a character was killed in my favourite series. Well, I've cried lots of times really, but that was the most upsetting. She wasn't even my favourite character or anything, but she was sort of the one who kept everybody safe and I just couldn't believe the writer would kill her. It was near the end of the book too and I just really hate sad endings.


Have you ever read fanfiction? Or written any?

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  • 2 weeks later...



"I don't really read anything but math textbooks, so I guess I'm not a fan of anything enough to go looking for this 'fanfiction.' By default, no. I haven't written any."


Have you ever given up on a goal/dream?

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Yes. As a teenager, I wanted to be a cursebreaker, but well, there were reasons it turned out not to be exactly feasible.


Have you ever experienced discrimination?

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Yes. Being part Morph with ignorant people breeds the perfect storm for that kind of stuff.


Have you ever been blackmailed?

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Gellert: It was attempted, once. No one ever tried again.


Have you ever won an award - if so, what was it for?

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Guest pookha



When I left Hogwarts, I won the Potions award. It was one of the few Hermione didn't win.


Do you believe in Crumple-Horned Snorkacks?

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Guest Tanda

Harry: Nop. You had better tell your dad to stop believing and purchasing the horn.



Can you read and pronounce Welsh?

I couldn't any when I visited Ginny in Wales.

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Fidelma: No, but I'd love to, because my favourite fantasy series is set there. Maybe I'll try and learn it someday, but it isn't easy, 'cause the words all look so different. You'd think they'd look like Irish, but they don't. And I'm not very good at Irish anyway. I can barely read that after studying it for 10 years, so I'm not sure I'd have much hope of learning Welsh.


Have you ever dressed up as a character from your favourite book or TV series?

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"I once dressed up as Atreyu, the boy who hunts the blue buffalo for Halloween, but no one understood my costume and thought I was a Native American Indian. I obviously do not live in America..."


Have you ever faced down your worst fear? (Boggarts not included!)

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"Yes. Social anxiety sucks, but it's manageable now. And the whole 'facing my destiny and death' to fight a guy who was resurrected from the dead with my dad's body is certainly at the top of that list."


Have you ever 'accidentally' set something on fire?

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In my defence, I was an innocent little twelve year old girl with little control over my magic so it wasn't my bloody fault. Besides, does the world really need Alayna Hurst? Even the damn sight of her is offensive to mankind.


Alright, have you ever hated someone on sight?


(Because if you have, I don't blame you. The world is full of bloody idiots - oh, apparently I'm not allowed to say stuff like that according to Alice. It's now illegal to speak the truth. Eh. Never stopped me before.)

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"Dudley 'the elephant' Dursley. Such a snot nosed, good for nothing, self important bully! Ugh, and he's always trying to talk to me with that little rat-fink, Polkiss! I knew the minute I saw him that I'd spend the rest of my life avoiding him, and yet my sister invites him to my birthday party!"


Have you ever been in debt?

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"Monetary debt: no. Life debt... Er... Maybe? I've only been in the wizarding world for about two-three years, so I'm not sure how all that works. Sure Hermione can explain that to me or something."


How many bad life decisions have you made? Feel free to go into detail, if you like.

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On the quidditch pitch, none, because I'm perfect. But real life is not a quidditch pitch, kiddos.




Have you ever messed up a recipe while cooking, but it still turned out amazing?

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"My godmother and I initiated an "Iron Chef" esque competition one cold winter's day while debating the best way to roast meat. The theme ended up being pork belly. I don't know if my guardian sabotaged my belly or not (but I can assume she did; she's a sore loser), but what I thought was ground cumin ended up being curry powder instead when I did the dry rub on top. Good thing was the fat rendered down; bad thing was half the meat was charred to hell. However, the char helped keep the belly still somewhat moist. The competition ended in a draw as the judges fell into a food comatose. I'd like to think I won."


If you had a chance to manipulate your magic in any shape or form, what would you choose to do?

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