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Challenge Section Rules


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Welcome to FFT's Story Challenges Section!

Please read through this topic before starting or entering any challenges.

Members are encouraged to use this section to post writing challenges for each other. Challenges can be as broad or as specific as the challenge creator would like. Challenge creators are welcome to either leave a challenge very open-ended (e.g., "Write a one-shot about the Battle of Hogwarts") or assign people random choices (e.g., "Choose a number between 1 and 30, and I'll give you a character who was involved in the Battle of Hogwarts").

Most challenge creators review all entries, and many will offer additional prizes (including reviews and graphic prizes - if you're interested in the latter but don't make graphics yourself, we recommend our +Artist Requests or +TDA). As a guideline, prize graphics should ideally be 300x300 pixels maximum.

Starting a Challenge

  • The challenge name and deadline must be included in the title (deadline should be listed using the following format: DD Month Year). Any challenges posted without a deadline will be locked, and you will be PM'd by a moderator. If you respond to the PM within a week, your deadline will be added and the challenge unlocked. Otherwise, your challenge will be archived.
  • As a guideline, most challenges run between 1 and 3 months.
  • Deadlines cannot be officially extended. You may informally extend your deadline and allow members to PM entries to you, but your challenge thread will be locked on its deadline.
  • Describe your challenge in your initial post using something similar to the form below:
[b]Challenge Name:[/b]
[b]Challenge Deadline:[/b]
[b]Accepted Fandom(s):[/b]
[b]Accepted Ratings:[/b]
[b]Challenge Details:[/b]
  • Here is a guided example, for your reference:
Challenge Name: The First Wizarding War Challenge
Challenge Deadline: 31 May 2020
Accepted Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Accepted Ratings: A-T. Nothing explicit, please.
Challenge Details: Pick a number between 1 and 30. Based on the number you pick, I will assign you a character we know was involved in the First Wizarding War. (This includes people on both sides.) You'll write a one-shot (500-3000 words) about how that person experienced the war. You can change once, and feel free to specify whether you'd like a villain or a hero. No pre-writtens, but you can enter more than once!
Rewards: I'll review each entry, as well as give three additional reviews and a graphic award to each of the top three.
  • You may only post one challenge at a time. After you have announced your winners in our +Hall of Fame, you may post your next challenge. If more than a year has passed and you haven't judged your previous challenge, you may post a new one.
  • Please monitor your challenge until the deadline and answer participant questions as soon as you are able to.
  • You must announce your winners in our +Hall of Fame. You are welcome to post an announcement elsewhere with further details and/or to recommend stories in appropriate threads.
    • When posting the results please also include a list of participants and their entries (you do not need to provide links).
  • if your challenge didn't receive any entries, please post in the +delete/edit/move my topic/post thread so it can be moved to the challenge archive area. after that, you're free to start a new challenge

Entering a challenge

  • Failure to follow the challenge rules could result in your disqualification from the challenge.
Edited by grumpy cat
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challenge rules are updated - please spare a moment to read them over. hopefully, they're more streamlined and easier to understand but please let us know if you have any questions!

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