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Race 4


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racers to the start line! on your marks...

get set...



task: review more fics than anyone else!

reward: 1 point per review, plus the following for individual winners:

  1. first place - 25 points
  2. second place - 15 points
  3. third place - 10 points

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], chapter [#] (if multichapter)

additional information: this race ends at 10:00pm GMT on February 26th. help us keep track of what number you're on by numbering your reviews (i.e., by continuing the count from your previous post). the thread will lock at 10:05pm GMT to allow for last minute entries, but please make sure that all submissions must have been posted BY the race end time. reviews posted in the grace period will not count.

a friendly reminder that participating in this race means you cannot participate in the following race+. and please be sure that your ship has arrived in Sannoria before you begin the race - otherwise you will be disqualified!

Edited by grand admiral lostinthelightss
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  • lostinthelightss changed the title to Race 4

thank you racers!!! and the winners are...

  1. @crimson comet with 9 reviews!
  2. @Cosmic Kneazles with 8 reviews! 
  3. @CosmicAngel and @Starpuff with 3 reviews each!

your team will be rewarded for your placements! ?

(checked to here)

  • elmo fire 1
  • sparkles 2
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