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[February] Story of the Month Voting!


February SOTM Voting!  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. February 2022 SOTM Voting!

    • The Pride of Burrough House by RonsGirlFriday
    • under the lightning sky author by snowing wicked

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  • Poll closed on 01/28/2022 at 11:59 PM

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February Story of the Month Voting

Voting will close on January 29th at 11:59 pm GMT!



Title: The Pride of Burrough House
Author: @RonsGirlFriday
Link to Storyvoila+
Warnings [if applicable]: Domestic Abuse, Sexual Content, Slurs
Reason for Nomination: This story just SPARKLES with life. It's a truly inspired Muggle AU. Melanie cleverly transports the HP characters to the Regency Era, transposing them seamlessly into this story. She absolutely NAILS the language, creating a blend of Heyer, Austen, and Thackery that will leave you in stitches. It's just divine.


title: under the lightning sky
author: @snowing wicked
link to story: +zap
warnings [if applicable]: sexual content, slurs, substance abuse, violence
reason for nomination: well, deni's original fiction idea is fucking brilliant (long-dead demons leaving lil demon!adjacents with powers that get immediately killed....except not all of them :PandaDevil-2: ) and the first chapter of under the lightning sky has me super fucking hooked on it and i wanna read more asap and like it's amazing okay. pluto is a super interesting character and i love the way deni manages to write her as super-numb (with reason....read it and you'll see ? ) but then at one point in the chapter she really fucking shines (again, with reason ? ) and idk i just love the writing and everything about this story ?️ ✨


Edited by ShazaLupin
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