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rainbow fern gully


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You haven't seen this variety of colors of ferns before, so you tread carefully and do your best not to touch them. One of your fellow cadets swears their roommate has a small blue one in a tank back home on Triastea, but you're rather dubious considering your lessons on poison blue dart frogs back in secondary school. Nevertheless, you all take diligent notes detailing the different flora surrounding you here, as requested.


task: post 13 reviews on chapters that have 0-2 reviews, before time is up!

reward: 20 points

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], chapter [#] (if multichapter)

additional information: each team has 2 hours to complete this task, and must post in the thread as they complete their reviews. please number your team's reviews as you go! If you begin but do not complete this task within the allotted time, a penalty shall be assessed.
The penalty for failing to complete your task within the safe time frame of 2 hours is to post an additional 3 reviews to assist an injured cadet back to the spaceport infirmary safely after a sudden attack by a stinger-equipped multicolored panther tore right through their suit before you can scare it away!

Edited by grand admiral lostinthelightss
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  • magemadi changed the title to 2 - rainbow fern gully
  • lostinthelightss changed the title to rainbow fern gully

checked to here ?

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