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public speaking practice


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As you enter the atmosphere of Zeuril, many of you are blown away at the literal oasis and technological marvel that this planet is. it really took many generations of geniuses to cultivate it to perfection, and you are so excited to learn the history of these important figures in greater detail.


task: post 5 reviews on stories that were nominated or were chosen for fic night during 2021

reward: 10 points

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], chapter [#] (if multichapter)

additional information: a list of eligible stories can be found below. by completing this mission, you pick up one half of the necessary gear (heat resistant suits) to safely traverse the surface of Medruter.


Edited by grand admiral lostinthelightss
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  • lostinthelightss changed the title to public speaking practice
This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

"posted five reviews in the "race across the galazy" review event"

blackballet was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (5 reviews)' and 1 points.

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checked to here ?

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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

Ineke was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (10 reviews)' and 1 points.

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checked to here! ? by completing this mission you've successfully picked up 1/2 of your necessary gear to travel to Medruter ?

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