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[May] Story of the Month Nominations


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  May Story of the Month Nominations

How it works: 

This thread is for you to nominate your favorite stories to be recognized as the FFT Story of the Month. Seconding isn't necessary, as all stories will move on to the voting round. 

Mid-month [approximately 10 days after the nominations thread is posted], a Community Coordinator will post a voting poll for all of the stories that have been nominated. Don't worry about having to rush - you will have about 10 days to read the stories and vote for your favorite!

Winners will be announced in the News Bulletin on the first of each month. 

Please post your nominations in this thread using the following format: 


Link to Story:
Warnings [if applicable]:
Reason for Nomination:

Rules for Nomination: 

1. To be eligible for nomination, a story must have been updated sometime within the past 12 months. 

2. Stories can be any genre, character type, fandom, or length.

3. Any story nominated must follow site guidelines.

4. All nominated stories must be posted on the FFT Archives.

5. You may only nominate ONE story.

6. Stories do not have to be complete to be nominated. WIP's are acceptable.

Nominations will close on April 12 at 11:59pm GMT!


Previous Months' Winners:

+Click for Complete Masterlist

April '22 - not held due to Inkys

March '22 - Fish for Pearls by Aphoride

February '22 - The Pride of Burrough House by RonsGirlFriday

January ’22 - One Foot on the Platform (and the Other on the Train) by inmyownlittlecorner

December '21 - By Blood by blackballet

November '21 - A Short History of Magic by Mottsnave

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Title: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Author: @teh tarik

Link to Story: here

Warnings [if applicable]: Violence

Reason for Nomination: Sometimes there are stories that just blow your mind and leave you speechless. This is one of them. The way this story is constructed is absolutely brilliant. The descriptions are full of so much emotion, and a lot of this is introspective, but even in the flashback’s there is so much clarity of what is transpiring between Sirius and Lily. There’s a haunting beauty to this piece. And the way that Sirius’ mind works, the way his motivations take shape…it’s seamlessly done. The relationship between the dementor that is also Sirius' keeper in Azkaban and how it is given human-like qualities or made to understand humans was brilliantly done in the most gradual way. This story is a true chef’s kiss and I couldn’t possibly do it justice in my “reason for nomming,” so just know that it totally deserves it.

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story: a bot wrote these by @dark admiral down-in-flames

reason: taylor apparently inadvertently writes in 17 syllables a bunch and the haikubot on fft keeps documenting it, and it's truly incredible

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  • 2 weeks later...

Title: The Prophecy

Author: @Starpuff

Link to story:  here

Warnings (if applicable): Violence

Reason for Nomination: You will be blown away by the breadth of Drew's imagination in his creation of an American school of magic, not a clone of Hogwarts or Ilvermorney, but stunningly fresh and new, featuring North American staff and students, settings, and cultures.  Sid Hooper, the tenacious kid from a hardscrabble rural background, will capture your heart, as will his classmates in the Pathfinder Team.  The plot is complex, unpredictable, always surprising (how does Drew think of these things?).  You will keep clicking "Next Chapter" until the very end.

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