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October SotM Nominations


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October SotM Nominations


How it will work:

At the beginning of each month a prefect will post a nomination thread in which you may nominate your favorite stories. If a story that you love has already been nominated, you may second or third that nomination.


Mid month, a prefect will post a voting poll with the stories that received the most votes. Don't worry about having to rush. You'll have about 10 days to read the stories and vote on your favorite!


We will announce the winner on the first of every month! The winner will receive a cool prize or two!



So...for this month, please go ahead and post your nominations in this thread using the following format.




Link(s) to story With Rating:

Warnings (if applicable):

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?:



Rules for nomination:

1. All stories that have been nominated must have been updated sometime since January 2016.

2. Stories can be any genre, character type, fandom, or length.

3. No NC-17 rated stories.

4. Any story nominated must follow site guidelines.

5. Stories can be posted on AO3, FF.net, or HPFF.

6. You may only nominate one story. If you second or third another nomination, that counts as your nomination.

7. Stories do not have to be complete to be nominated. WIPs are acceptable.

8. While there are lots of lovely authors out there, we'd like to focus specifically on the ones who belong to HPFT, so try to double check that the person you nominate has an account here.


Nominations will close on October 15th, 2016 at Midnght GMT


Previous Months' Winners:

September - The Harder They Fall by victoria_anne


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Title: How Hogwarts Scarred Me For Life (by Enid McElderry)

Author: beyond the rain

Link(s) to story With Rating: Clicky! 15+

Warnings (if applicable): Contains profanity, Scenes of a sexual nature, Spoilers

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?: Bex has written such a unique take on Snamione. In this AU, it's not the typical, angsty, "Will they? Won't they?" with Hermione and Severus. This fic shows their developing relationship through the eyes of an observant student, who seems to be the only one noticing. There are some cringe worthy embarrassing moments and really funny humor in this story. Enid's voice is a pleasure to read and I feel like even people who are not a fan of the Snamione pairing will end up smiling and enjoying this story.

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Title: Searching

Author: scooterbug8515

Link(s) to Story with Rating:Ao3(Teen and Up Audiences)

Warnings (if applicable): Nor Archive Warnings Apply

Why do you think this story deserves to be nominated?: I had no idea about what Drapple was like till I read Marshal's work.  I like the idea that Draco thought all the world around him would be fixed by his favorite fruit during the worst time. The  descriptions about apples, which are very vivid and reflected all his emotions. I'm sure you can have a good read and time with an apple in your hand.  :)

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