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silver oak foyer


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this is the silver oak foyer.

the large entrance hall boasts many doors and two staircases, all elegantly decorated with beautiful wood embossed with silver oak leaves throughout. a delicate motif, with small spots of gemstone colors, travels all through this space.

this room is connected to the following rooms:


to pass through the foyer:
1 participant must leave 3 reviews on any stories

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], ch. [#] (if multichapter)

Edited by magemadi
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  • lostinthelightss changed the title to silver oak foyer

checked to here :yoda:

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1. Oregonian - The Curse of Mahglin, Part 2 by KJCartmell, Chapter 42

2. Oregonian - The Curse of Mahglin, Part 2 by KJCartmell, Chapter 43

3. Oregonian - The Curse of Mahglin, Part 2 by KJCartmell, Chapter 44

detective edit (lostinthelightss): duplicate of submission above, but has already submitted more reviews to keep moving through the mansion so we all gucci here

Edited by lostinthelightss
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19 hours ago, Oregonian said:


2 hours ago, Oregonian said:

hey vicki, i think this duplication was just a mistake, which is totally cool, just wanted to clear it up for you and for us that since these are duplicate reviews, they don't count, and that we've seen your next post in the silver oak foyer so you're good to keep going! we'll be editing your duplicate post just to make sure it's clear if we go by it later, thanks!!


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