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secret room three


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Bloodstone Ring In Mixed Metal - Geoffrey Scott - Gemstones

another small chamber appears to you as you hit the corner of a bookshelf with your toe (ouch!). this one appears to have some family heirloom pieces tucked away, though the placement of one by itself strikes you as odd. for a moment you think "this has blood on it!" until you take a closer look and realize it's just the type of gem that has rich red pigment mixed with darker colors.

this is secret room three. this room is connected to the following rooms:


to pass through this chamber:
3 participants must leave 3 reviews each on stories of their choosing

points: 9 points per participant

if your last post in this room was more than 6 hours ago, you are more than welcome to post again.

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], ch. [#] (if multichapter)

Edited by magemadi
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