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secret room four


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Amazon.com: 2" Indigo Gabbro Sphere Sparkling Natural Blizzard Crystal Ball  Mystic Merlinite Mineral Polished Stone - Madagascar   Stand : Home &  Kitchen

you lift a pearl-encrusted knickknack from a shelf and hear the click as some hidden doorway unlatches. going through, you find some components of possibly canning? or maybe potion making? or perhaps a ritual of some kind? scattered about and organized on shelving. the center of the room boasts a large sphere made of rippling back and white stone. you've heard of stones like this, but it's rare to find one of this size so well intact and polished.

this is secret room four. this room is connected to the following rooms:


to pass through this chamber:
5 participants must leave 4 reviews each on stories of their choosing

points: 20 points per participant

if your last post in this room was more than 10 hours ago, you are more than welcome to post again.

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], ch. [#] (if multichapter)

Edited by magemadi
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