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pomegranate parlor


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this is the pomegranate parlor.

staff walk around with trays of hors d'oeuvres and pomegranate cocktails/mocktails as guests mingle and chitchat about all sorts of things that the well-connected tend to do. you can't help but take in the heavy symbolism of the room here, though, as it feels distinctively not of Wren's hand.

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to pass through this parlor:
3 participants must leave 3 reviews each on stories with either the "Fate/Prophecy" or "Origin Story" tags.

points: 9 points per participant

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], ch. [#] (if multichapter)

Edited by magemadi
  • sparkles 1
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checked :yoda:

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