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golden quest storage


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this is golden quest storage.

ah, it seems this space is where many holiday decorations and older room decor has come to rest. many suitcases and boxes of odds and ends for crafting decor sit on shelves in here, and definitely multiple boxes lined in velvet with their precious cargo gone and being displayed somewhere else in the mansion. four boxes appear to be newer than the rest, the dust on the velvet not more than a year or two old compared to the layers of dust sitting on the other crates.

this room is connected to the following rooms: 


to pass through the storage room:
1 participant must leave 5 reviews on stories with the "Dark" and/or "Horror" tag

points: 5 points per participant

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], ch. [#] (if multichapter)

Edited by magemadi
  • sparkles 1
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