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pearl quarters


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this is the pearl quarters.

delicate and gauzy fabrics delineate this room from some of the harsher elements of styling in this mansion, offering a reprieve and an entrance to the whimsical here, if one wished to take a rest. abalone shells decorate the dresser tops and mock pearls are embedded into the woodwork in a way to, fortunately, give an essence of the sea without seeming too over-the-top, and as such doesn't quite feel like the place you're probably looking for to solve this mystery.

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to pass through this bedroom:
3 participants must leave 5 reviews each on stories that are part of a series

points: 15 points per participant

format: [review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], ch. [#] (if multichapter)

Edited by magemadi
  • sparkles 1
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