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Team Vampire


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Werewolves vs Vampires: A rivalry as old as time!


Hello, my baby Newborns! The task before you is simple, as it is a reviewing competition. Your goal is to invade AO3, HPFF and FFN and infect the authors with your reviews. Since it is Halloween, try to go for spooooky stories, but that isn’t a requirement. Also, do not limit your bites to those of HPFT only, try to infect as many people as possible and hopefully bring them to HPFT!




- Reviews must be at least 5 lines long. Lines containing, “This was great!” “I really loved this!” “Wow!” or anything similar will not count. The reviews must contain substance and prove you have actually read the chapter/fic.


- The Deadline for reviews is Midnight GMT October 28th.


- Reviews must contain “HPFT Team Vampire Review” to count


- All rated links to reviews must be numbered and posted in this thread.


The winning team will be receiving special prizes from the Prefects, as will the top three reviewers from each team!


Good luck and have fun!!

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