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Best Graphics Style nominations


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Best Graphics Style

This artist’s graphics have a consistent vibe that you can’t get enough of. Or maybe they excel at a certain technical skill. You know you’ll love a new graphic of theirs before you even see it.

link to member’s profile:

All members are limited to one nomination. No seconding is necessary for a nominee to move on to voting. There’s no benefit to seconding an existing nomination, so we suggest you nominate a different member instead.

previous winners (ineligible):
grumpy cat

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member: @something wicked

link: click

reason: deni has such an amazing eye for aesthetics and graphics. her style is so clear and she's able to get across lots about her stories through picspam and similar. I love how she has a clear style yet she's made graphics for me but made such an effort to tailor them to my individual style and voice (very different to hers) as well as leaving her own deni twist on everything she does.

  • sparkles 1
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member: @quill2parchment
link to member’s profile: link+
reason: It's great to see some newer members creating graphics around here, and I really love the simplistic yet striking nature of all of Quilly's story banners. They really capture the mood of her stories. There's a dark edge and a mysterious air about them that makes me want to know more about her characters and read on!

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