Reviews For At Least Once

Name: Guest (Anonymous) · Date: 05 Oct 2019 04:45 PM · For: I had to do it.

Wished there was more!

Name: Lacey Black (Signed) · Date: 07 Apr 2019 07:47 AM · For: I had to do it.

Oh my Dramione loving heart ❤️ 

hey mistress I thought I would start reading some of your work and review it for the EvS for TEAM SILVER


I especially love this one!  I feel like this could go so many different ways from where you ended it.  

You really did a great job staying true to the characters!  Draco being who he is with his emotional baggage and his inability to be who he wants to be due to his family and his circumstances.  Hermione being the slightly stuck up, honorable and loyal gryffindor, completely smitten after Ron and (in my opinion) torn over he desire to see he good in people (a gryffindor trait I assume) and Her determination to be angry and unforgiving to the boy who tormented her for her blood status. 

This was so well written I truly loved it and I hope you one day consider writing more there is a depressing lack of Dramione on these archives.

LB xoxo

Name: Renacera (Signed) · Date: 22 Jan 2019 05:50 PM · For: I had to do it.

Hello there! I've made it my goal during the Magical Menagerie event to read and review every Dramione story on the HPFT archives! So here I am! :)

Ahhh, you did such a great job with this story! I have to start by complimenting the plot. Although it seems like a simple premise—boy like forbidden girl, they share a "moment"—you take that and run with it. I love that you were able to keep most of Draco's and Hermione's canon traits in this story and use them to the plot's advantage. Hermione doesn't suffer fools, so it's no surprise she'd lose her patience with Draco and tell him he had ten minutes to bother her if that meant he'd go away afterwards. And I loved the slap. Of course, I ADORED the kiss! But the slap is great too. :D

Really good job with the characterization, as I said before. You were able to keep them recognizable but still work that through the story. And in some ways, this could even fit into Half Blood Prince seamlessly, since at the end Draco reminds himself that he has to go back to his real life and his mission. He can't live in a fantasy when things are so serious in reality.

I just love this version of Draco. I always think that if Draco were to be "reformed" after the war, it would be because of the influence of people like Hermione. Ahh, if only it were canon. ;)

Thank you for a great read!


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 14 Dec 2018 01:00 PM · For: I had to do it.

Hey, Meg, here for EvS review battle in the common room!

I'm a sucker for Draco and Hermione fics. I've always thought she could do better than Ron Weasley. (Nothing wrong with Ron, they're just not the right 'fit' to me. Neither is Harry and Ginny, but that's an entirely different story, there. I know people who are just blessed canon shippers, and refuse to see a different track - so glad to see you on the other side.)

Anyhow, I loved this! I could sit and type that over and over, but, that's just fangirling, right? I loved how you stuck to both their canon selves, but still worked in that KISS. Yup, it was perfect.

Just as her ending reaction was, the slap. Yup, I agree with Malfoy, it was definitely worth it. Even if they had to step back to their normal relationship - I could see an understanding between them.

Gives me a little hope for the insufferable git.

I'm glad I picked this fic to review, it was awesome. For a first Dramione, it deserves a high five.


<3 juls

Name: potionspartner (Signed) · Date: 06 Dec 2018 09:33 PM · For: I had to do it.

Why is it when a boy likes a girl, he does everything he can to annoy her. Punching in the stomach means "you're cute" and saying hurtful things is translated to "I'm interested."  It looks like the infamous Draco Malfoy is no different. He, even though he loathes to admit it, even to himself, likes Hermione Granger. Why?


Because everything is handed to him on a silver plate. He wants for nothing. He lacks nothing in his life except for two things: love and a challenge. (We'll discount the Dark Lord's orders since although it is a challenge, it isn't something he relishes.) Love and a challenge: Why not roll them into one?


From the first moment, she slapped him, she's been an icon, a symbol in his life: something exotic, so difference from his elegant yet mundane (again discounting Voldy) life. She presents a woman so different that all the simpering pure bloods that are groveling at his feet in hopes of a Malfoy marriage. 


She is the forbidden fruit which makes this kiss all the more sweeter. Why do people often crave and lust after that which they cannot have?


And her reaction? Not completely unexpected. Shocked. .  .then why the hell not. . . get back at Ron, even if he never knows the truth. . . the reality sets in of her actions. Begin with a slap, ending with a slap-excellent writing tool.


Nice job, Meg. As usual, great description showing the wide range of emotions of these two over a span of mere minutes. (Unlike some, they do not have the emotional range of a teaspoon.) You've really delved into each character's psyche and show a realistic possibility that opposities really can attract, even if it won't last. 



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