Reviews For The Best Day of My Life

Name: Lacey Black (Signed) · Date: 22 May 2019 01:02 AM · For: Chapter 1

Hey mistress I am here to leave you love for such a wonderful story that made my mood go from 0 to 10 in twenty minutes!

i adore the build up here, the trepidation about what it is that albus has done, what his parents reactions are going to be. I love how Harry is so supportive and Ginny joins the support train quickly after.  I love how Lily was so excited for him too.

i feel like the ending was so perfect, the awkward stumbles proposal was indeed so perfect because it’s not some grand gesture. There is always something so icky about grand gestures to me and this was so imperfectly perfect. And then Scorpius pulls out a ring and I’m swooning because this is the best thing ever. They both love each other so so much. So much that they both wanted to propose and live their lives together forever. Oh my heart ❤️😭

this is a fantastic story and just what I needed!



Name: ShadowRose (Signed) · Date: 27 Dec 2018 09:37 AM · For: Chapter 1

Hi Meg! I’m here to spread a little holiday cheer :) 


I have to say, I was expecting this to go a totally different direction than it did (I feel like that was intentional maybe? idk) - the whole build-up to the big reveal definitely felt like Albus was trying to work up the nerve to come out to his parents instead of to admit he’s leaving his job and opening up an animal hospital. So that was such a funny plot twist when we got to that point, and Ginny’s just casually calling Scorpius his boyfriend and you realise that their relationship is actually old news, lol.


I loved both Al and Scorpius’ characterisation in this - Al definitely felt like that nervous boy we see in the epilogue of the series, but grown up a few years as well. And Scorpius is great as well in the glimpses we get of him. He’s clearly a supportive and loving boyfriend, but also isn’t afraid to give Al a little shove when he needs it (in this case, literally) - which is probably exactly what Al needs.


I also loved the family dynamics - you really got the slightly chaotic environment of making a major announcement at a family dinner down, and the dialogue felt super realistic and flowed nicely. And, as I’ve already mentioned, I like that this went a totally different direction than expected - and the idea of Albus and Scorpius opening up an animal hospital together is adorable. And it doesn’t surprise me at all that Harry would slip him some money for it - he’s got a bit of a habit of funding family business ventures, haha.


And then the ending was so fluffy! I absolutely adored Al just being like, ‘this isn’t romantic and not how I planned it at all, but it just feels right’ as justification for proposing right then and there - it’s such a lovely contrast from how hesitant he was breaking the news about the hospital to his parents, because here he’s just so excited and we see just how comfortable he is around Scorpius that he just doesn’t think about it and just does it. And then the fact that Scorpius was planning to propose too was equally adorable. 


Honestly, this was such a lovely, fluffy piece, and I’m so happy I got to read it. I’ll definitely be swinging by your AP more in the future! :)



Name: abhorsen (Signed) · Date: 16 Dec 2016 01:50 AM · For: Chapter 1

Happy holidays!


Omfg I adored this. Of course I assumed that he was coming out to his parents, and I loved that it was something entirely different. As a pet person who has spent a lot of time nursing my sick dogs recently in particular, the animal hospital idea is just +1000. I adored how in tune they are with each other, and the fact that Scorpius was planning to propose to Albus that evening adds another dimension to literally pushing him to get talking to his parents over with.


Ahhh why isn't there more of this. <3 <3 

Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 19 Nov 2016 07:00 AM · For: Chapter 1

***Transferred from HPFF***

Dearest Meg!
It's me, Katie's Purple Pygmy Puff, hopping around to leave thank you reviews to all OotP members for the Pass It Along Challenge!
And since we're on it, a good friend of mine (one who loves you dearly) asked me to send you her greetings and let you know how happy she is that things are brightening up for you and your family!

But enough with the pleasantries... Let's talk about the wonderful story you have here!
This was so adorable! Albus was so adorable... I loved his nervousness. The apocalyptic scenarios he came up with in his mind made me chuckle and roll my eyes at the same time. Funny thing, I thought it was all about telling them about his relationship with Scorp, even if I knew it didn't make sense, since they'd been a couple for so long. I didn't expect the point was starting a business, and I really liked it!

The closing scene, with Albus proposing to Scorpius, was just so sweet! And I loved that Scorp had planned on doing exactly the same, too sweet!!!

Last thing I wish to add, you always write the best closing lines, and this story is no exception! :)

Such a cute little story, and us Pygmy Puffs simply adore cuteness! Thank you so much for making me smile!

Tons of love, hugs, cuddles and kisses!
Chiara aka Katie's Purple Pygmy Puff

Name: Stella Blue (Signed) · Date: 17 Nov 2016 05:21 PM · For: Chapter 1

*Transferred from HPFF*

ASDFLKJawlkfnakjdshkalf *can't stop grinning from ear to ear* I loved this so much!

The first half of this had me convinced that it was going to be a coming out story, and I loved the way you did that plot twist by just building up the suspense through Albus' nervousness and kind of exaggerated worry. I like the nod to his eleven-year-old self as well, because although Albus has grown up since then, the elements of his character that stood out in the epilogue are still evident even as an older character.

Scorpius is adorable, btw. I love that he's so kind and supportive... but still tricks Albus into going to talk to his parents :p

When he had that kind of panic moment about how his whole family would spiral into chaos and doom because of him, omg hahaha is it bad that I found it all hilarious, even though Albus is really worried? I'm a bad person :p Either way, I'm glad Ginny got him out of this worst-possible-scenario in his head and that he admitted his plans.

I love that they're planning to start an animal hospital! And how Harry and Ginny's main worries aren't about Scorpius, but about how their business will do and if it will work out when Albus and Scorpius both quit their original jobs. As parents Harry and Ginny do have their priorities sorted though, being concerned about the plan but still supportive. But Al and Scorpius' plan is really well thought out and they have all this stuff sorted already, which must have been nice to calm Al's parents down. I'm glad they were so supportive and just want Al to be happy in his career. You've got to do what you feel passionate about. I really liked that whole discussion. :)

It went so well, and Al and Scorpius are so happy! And THEN as if the end wasn't perfect enough, they get engaged!!! :D And Scorpius had been planning to ask the same question. Gah! I just can't handle how lovely it is! Wonderful job writing this!

Thanks for the swap! :D

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