Reviews For Dungeons, Dragons & Dumbledore's Army

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 19 Feb 2022 12:41 AM · For: Chapter 1

Hello! Here for the Gala-Z Event :D 

THIS. IS. EVERYTHING. I didn't know that this was missing from my life and now that I've taken it in I can die happy (so long as I can watch my friends mourn and then bring my back like Luna suggested XD ). What a seriously hysterical story! Everything was so fitting. OF COURSE Ron is a barbarian and YES Ginny is a rogue and is just like - doesn't matter what's happening, let's fight XD 

Not only was the DnD excellent seriously :chef's kiss: but the way you weaved these characters and their lives into the game was so so well done. Hermione and Ron bickering, Harry being jealous - it was all so perfect! Hilarious and incredible story! Such a fun read! 

- Jacquelin

Name: mydearfoxy (Signed) · Date: 25 Feb 2021 03:35 PM · For: Chapter 1

oh my GOD, this is genius. *genius*


I was cackling the whole time because this was so on point. I am totally Neville with his dice stacking. Don't judge me, my metal dice are just so pretty. :P


Hermione being incredibly Extra TM about it all was also a very apt choice, and I love Dean as the DM because of his artistic skill. It just fits somehow. 


Also the whole convo about Lady Ellington vs fake Lady Ellington..... I have basically had that convo lol. Omg also, Harry telling himself not to be a drama queen about his scar because he's really just annoyed at Ron hahaha. (I might be my DnD group's Ron... uh oh)


And Luna "I hope I die next week" lol


I'm being incoherent, I'm so sorry. What I'm saying is this is brilliant and I think you hit the nail on the head for every character. 


xoxo Renee


for the snow foxes 

Name: Renacera (Signed) · Date: 24 Feb 2021 01:01 AM · For: Chapter 1

I am cackling. This story sounded absurd from the title, but it was so much more than just absurd. :D :D  I say that as a huge compliment. This was so fun and was awesome to read and I laughed out loud more than once (which isn't easy for a story to achieve).

I loved your characterization in this story. Everyone was perfectly recognizable as their canon selves but with even more fun traits thrown into the mix. I loved Hermione's increasing frustration at every stupid choice the boys were making. And poor Neville being dead. I send him all the hugs. (Though I loved Luna's response to that: "I think being dead sounds nice."  Lmfao, I feel you, Luna.)

Ron saying "dobblewobbler" had me just as exasperated as Hermione. And then "Seamus and Luna had to hatch an unlikely plan to haul Ron out of yet another pit trap." xD  Yet another. Jfc, Ron. xD

This was just a fabulous story. And I loved that it fit into canon and that you worked Harry's feelings for Ginny into it too! They're one of my favorite canon ships, so I'm always happy to see them in stories.

Really well done!


*for the Fairyland review event*

Name: shadowycorner (Signed) · Date: 22 Feb 2021 01:34 PM · For: Chapter 1

Oh this was so so delightful. I don't really play Dungeons and Dragons but I get the concept, but that doesn't matter, this had me grinning like an idiot the whole way through. I almost want to consider this canon because why not. It seems like a fun little thing these kids could be doing, and gosh you got everyone so right! Especially Luna, Ron, Hermione and Harry. I love Ron's enthusiasm that doesn't always have a solid basis, and Luna's fresh bizarre outlook at the game and 'being dead' and then Hermione's approach had me howling with her notes and importing american magazines so that she could study for this, it was all very brilliantly done, and then of course there is Harry who is so tired of THEIR capacity to bicker about literally everything, and then on top of it he has to deal with his feelings for Ginny, too. I mean, I loved this slice of life so much, I would totally read more of their D&D adventures in the common room haha.


Eli for Team Snow Foxes

Name: Unwritten Curse (Signed) · Date: 20 Feb 2021 06:30 PM · For: Chapter 1

This is so clever!


So, honestly, I know very little about DnD. I know enough to be able to navigate this fic and generally understand what is happening, but I'm sure there were some references that went over my head. Having said that, I still really enjoyed this fic! It was nice to see these characters having some light-hearted (for the most part) fun. And I loved the characterizations! When Luna remarks that it would be interesting to die and everyone just looks at her like... WHAT?! I definitely laughed out loud. And Ron being so bumbling, calling things "dobblewobbers". XD LOL And the reference to Harry's scar hurting, then the fight between Ron and Hermione (because OF COURSE) and Harry just sneaks away to "return a book", then he thinks about Dean dating Ginny and makes up excuses as to why it bothers him... like, SURE, Harry... you definitely don't have any feelings at all. None whatsoever. :P 


This was really cute and I love all the planning that went into it! So many great moments. 


xx Gina

Author's Response:

Thanks so much!  This whole fic was really a characterisation exercise for me, so I'm glad that the characters are what stuck out to you.  Poor Harry. Maybe one day he'll gain the emotional intelligence to be properly introspective, but it sure isn't today.

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 20 Feb 2021 05:36 PM · For: Chapter 1

Hi there!


Okay, so I have to be honest and admit I've never actually played dungeons and dragons but I've always thought it looked cool, I've just never known a group to play with!


However, this was still such an interesting fic, and I loved the characterisation of them all as well. I think you got that spot on, and the way you told it through the game and their actions such as Hermione correcting them and Ron just jumping into the fight was so realistic. Poor Harry, Ron and Hermione's arguing must get so tiresome at times. I also love Harry trying to reason with his jealousy at the end there, yeah it's totally just because he's not treating you fairly that he's annoyed you, nothing to do with who he's dating lol. 


This was a really great fic! 



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.


Author's Response:


My big priority with this fic was making it intelligible to people who haven't played D&D, so I'm really glad it made sense to you and you were still able to get a lot out of it!  There was actually originally going to be a lot more gameplay, but the characters ended up taking center stage and once i'd done everything I wanted to with them, it didn't make sense to just drag the fic out further.

Thanks so much for the review! :)


Name: RonsGirlFriday (Signed) · Date: 02 Feb 2021 04:33 AM · For: Chapter 1

Hi Tiny, here for fairyland reviewing!

Argh, I love this so much. I love little fluffy, funny, slice of life one-shots, and wizards and witches interacting with Muggle pop culture stuff. I don’t personally know how to play DnD but obviously understand the basic concept and from people who do play it I understand the collaborative/community aspect, and in the end this is a great one-shot about character interactions while playing a strategic game that’s fun but also that people take very seriously. Everyone is in character and delightfully so, from Ron and Hermione sniping at each other about game play (except it’s not really about game play at all) to Luna casually stating that being dead sounds nice (like… you really nailed Luna here, I love it). Hermione correcting everyone’s use of terminology and having special ordered a magazine from the States to learn additional spells. Them using rando wizarding things like chessmen and chocolate frog cards is a wonderful touch. It just feels cozy and fun and could be a missing moment lifted from the books.


<3 Melanie

Author's Response:

Hi Melanie!

Thannks so much!  I'm a huge D&D fan so when I was writing this I did a lot of work on 'is this understandable to someone who doesn't know anything about D&D' - I'm glad that it paid off.  This fic makes me want to write more Luna for sure.

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the lovely review :)

Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 31 Jan 2021 10:46 AM · For: Chapter 1

i spilled my second coffee when i read neville's grumbling about being dead and his corpse being carried in hermione's magic bag how are you so witty and funny and i love the way this dungeons and dragons game starts out so seriously, everyone on the edge of their seats, and of course there's harry, dead-serious saying how he's going to draw his sword because *they can't just let them...* this is fucking brilliant! lol of course hermione is being a bit of a nerd even with d&d, correcting everyone all the time with the proper terms and such. og ginny barging in and not knowing what the hell is happening, and annoying hermione because of it was just spot on, especially when ginny just decides she doesn't particularly care what's going on or who they're fighting, just as long as she can use her enchanted daggers and that's a fucking mood. of course, ron testing out whether it was in fact lady ellington with the use of his great axe is a great strategy, love that for ron. but omg harry is a master of convincing himself that he's thinking one totally absurd thing about dean and ginny all the while denying any possible feelings. but i think that PEAK HILARIOUS MOMENT was in your author's notes about hermione's character build and i just...i'm laughing so hard right now omg

(for foxy glory!)

Author's Response:

I'm not gonna lie, the fact that it's your second coffee might come through in this review :P

I'm so glad you enjoy it!  It ended up being such a fun characterisation exercise and a way to look at how different characters would interact.  And, of course, since Harry hasn't had his Fateful Magical Chest Monster, he's chronically incapable of realising he might have a bit of a crush.  Boy is unobservant.

Thanks! :)

Name: magemadi (Signed) · Date: 31 Jan 2021 12:15 AM · For: Chapter 1

Hey :)

I love DnD SO MUCH and this is an excellent capturing of what probably would happen if these guys all got together for a DnD session, lol :joy: Your choice of class for everyone is spot on, but that now begs the question of what race do they all play with these classes? Because I feel like you’d make good decisions for that too -- maybe in a second chapter or a sequel? ;) Anywho, Dean being Dungeon Master and having to deal with the exasperation of many of his players as Ron, once again, charges headfirst into a fight without really consulting his group mates is peak DM mood and Neville just sitting there stacking his dice because he’s dead is so valid of him. Ron and Hermione’s real life conflict spilling over into the DnD game is a big oof, but I’m glad the actual fighting happens outside of the session. Loved this one-shot so much!! :D

Fairy foxy review event (over the bridge)

Author's Response:


Your question about player races is a really good one!  I honestly didn't go into it because I have no idea how race worked in the specific edition of D&D they would have been playing, and I got very weird about accuracy to that when I was writing this.  That said, by instinct - Harry is a human, Neville is a halfling (rip), Luna is a half elf, and Hermione is something specific to her class build that makes no in game sense but is very optimised.  Ron might be a dwarf?

A second chapter or sequel is tempting...

Thanks so much for a lovely review :)

Name: Hawksquill (Signed) · Date: 30 Jan 2021 11:59 PM · For: Chapter 1

Okay so first of all, you KNOW I love D&D so you know the idea of putting the HP kiddos in a room playing D&D is going to be right up my alley.

I love this because although it's just a fun one shot it's SO steeped in such a deep understanding of the characters.  Everything about their play styles is exactly in character, from Hermione being so obsessive about minmaxing to Dean being the DM and drawing really elaborate maps.  

There's so much great humor here, some of my favorite bits have to be Luna being...Luna and Ron just storming in without a thought and messing up the whole session.  But there's also so much heart and a lot of bonding going on between the DA, plus the hint of tension that Harry feels about seeing Ginny and Dean together, so there's a lot going on beneath the surface.  All in all I think it's exactly what you do best as a writer, which is a lighthearted premise with beautiful hints of poignancy peeking through.

**Review left for the winter in fairyland event**

Author's Response:

Thank you!  I went in wanting to write a D&D piece, but I feel like I ended up mostly writing about a very specific point in these characters lives (and complicated interweaving teenage love lives) instead.

I would love to see more of how Luna, in particular, handles a D&D session.  Just maybe not as her DM.

Thanks for the lovely review :)

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