Reviews For Strong Enough

Name: Oregonian (Signed) · Date: 15 Feb 2024 07:42 AM · For: You're Not Broken, You're Just a Little Under-Rehearsed

Hi, Madi, A review for the final chapter of this unusual story.  


It was brave for Philip at age 15 years to be open and frank with his parents, not knowing for sure how they would react.  On a subject that's never been discussed before, there's always the possibility that the reaction will be quite different from what you expected.  You have to wonder if perhaps they had suspected, even before he spoke up to them, but this is Penelope's story, not theirs (beyond what the story already tells us).


Your description of the announcement scene in Ravenclaw House was well detailed.  Naturally the Ravenclaw students were intially shocked beause they had had no idea, but the students in Peneope's Fifth Year class gave the example and set the tone for how the other students, older and younger, would react.


"Lots of odd looks" were to be expected, and "jeers here and there" from other students will occur in even at what one would call a tolerant, receptive student body.  The crucial point is how swiftly and firmly the jeers are dealt with by the school staff and other students to make it plain that they will not be tolerated.


There's a hapoy ending, with Peneople's identity firmly established and everyone expecting to see great things from her.  


I was happy to see that you chose the familiar setting of Hogwarts and characters whom we had already met in the canon books.  That approach makes everything feel perfectly natural.  Good job.



Name: Oregonian (Signed) · Date: 15 Feb 2024 07:05 AM · For: It's Not Pain It's Applause

Hi, Madi.  Here to continue reviewing this little story, little in word-count but big in significance.


Yes, the Sorting Hat is notorious for "curious words" when sorting students.  Do you suppose that the Hat enjoys being enigmatic?


We skip quickly over Philip's first three years at Hogwarts, establishing that he is much happier here than he was at his old school and he settles in well to the routines of Hogwarts.


His letter to Roger and Gemma at the beginning of Fourth Year shows a lot of self-confidence and control over his/her life as he begins to try out a new identity tentatively. That's a big job for his two friends to make the switch in names and pronouns  after having automtically used 'Philip' and 'he/his/him' for three years, but they're Ravenclaws, so they manage.


This would have been in the fall of 1990, and I wonder how much common knowledge there was at that time about transgender people;I know there was some publicity as far back as 1945.


With the support of two good friends, Philip/Penelope can look forward to living as she wants to during this year.


That was an odd-sounding meeting with Professor Flitwick and Madam Pomfrey at the end of fourth Year, all euphemisms and vague references -- no wonder Phil/Pen was in the dark.  Sure, he caught on soon enough, but it's interesting that Phil/Pen was more able to be frank with Roger and Gemma than with the adults!


I like the steady progress that Phil/Pen makes over time, and I appreciate your showing that a transition doesn't have to be all Sturm und Drang if handled lovingly and sympathetically.





Name: Oregonian (Signed) · Date: 15 Feb 2024 06:28 AM · For: I Promise You There's More to Come

Hi, Madi.


I'm here to write reviews for the chapters of this story as part of the 2024 review drive for leaving reviews for the Research and Development team members.  I was aware of the Transwomen Are Women challenge a few years ago, but I never read any of the entireis, so now is a good time.  :)


These three chapters cover a wide time span, from when Philip was only eight months old, to when Penelope was beginning Sixth Year as Head Girl, in the same year as when Percy Weasley was Head Boy.  It was sweet of you to choose a canon character instead of an OC and show us what you could do with this character.


It is sad, but unfortunately realistic, that you included elementary school classmates who were tormentors and bullies to a student whom they perceived as different or an appropriate target for victimization.  That is such a big issue nowadays, as intolerance is commonplace in certain parts of our society.  Supportive family makes such a difference, especially when the tormentors are not only fellow students but some of the adults also.


Changing schools can be a night-and-day improvement for some LGBTQ students, to go from a toxic environment to a supportive one.  Still as your story shows, it's not easy, evenin the best of circumstances.


A nice story.  Thank you for writing.



Name: PinsandKneazles (Signed) · Date: 18 Mar 2022 08:31 PM · For: It's Not Pain It's Applause

Hi again! Back for another galazy review :)


Ah, I'm glad that Philip managed to find some friends on the train to school - and they all want to be in Ravenclaw. I wonder what the hat meant when it told Philip that it saw much confusion in his head? 


Oh. I was not expecting Philip to be Penelope, but it sounds as though she's been reflecting on the hat's words and also her own thoughts for the last three years and come to her decision. It must have taken some courage for Penny to ask her friends to start calling her Penny instead of Philip, but both Gemma and Roger seem really supportive of her choice <3 Also that the teachers are on board with helping her in whatever way she needs is really touching <3


Meera <3


Name: PinsandKneazles (Signed) · Date: 18 Mar 2022 08:06 PM · For: I Promise You There's More to Come

Hi Madi, here for a galazy review!


Little Philip sounds as precocious as they come, being able to walk and talk at such an early age! The sort of children whose parents are really proud of that fact, but they are also then kind of kids, sadly, who are very likely to get bullied at school for being an anomaly and it sounds exactly as though that is going on here :( He's smart enough to pretend to like his birthday presents, and this shows he cares about other people's feelings, which makes the bullying harder to bear in a way. Poor kid :(( Lucky for those bullies that Philip didn't unleash any magic on them. At least he'll have an escape in the form of Hogwarts soon. Clearwater - Penelope's brother maybe? 


Onto the next chapter!


Meera <3



Name: victoria_anne (Signed) · Date: 01 May 2021 12:51 AM · For: You're Not Broken, You're Just a Little Under-Rehearsed

Hi hi <3


After such a happy, sweet chapter last time, I was a tiny bit worried things might go wrong in this one, but so far I'm so happy it's still going well! I love that Philip's parents were so understanding!


Omg the courage to speak to all those students about it. My own stomach was swirling with nerves for her ahhhh. I love that they were able to talk about it further over ice cream, that was so cute haha. But like, having to make all those changes to clothing and posture while at boarding school must be so, so hard, and I really feel for Penepole and everyone else who has ever gone through that.


Ahhh my heart! And that ending paragraph, how amazing! I can't believe how you managed to create such amazing development and change in just three chapters. I seriously enjoyed this, Madi, thank you so much for writing it!

Name: victoria_anne (Signed) · Date: 22 Apr 2021 09:40 AM · For: It's Not Pain It's Applause

Hey Madi! I'm here to kick off your prize reviews! I was just scrolling your AP and remembered this story and I'm so excited to see there's more chapters!


Ooh the Sorting Hat's comment on Philip's confusion is very ominous. I also love that you skipped a few years here. I think it was done really well and made sense to do because these sorts of revelations take a long time, and even if we didn't see the internal thoughts, we're still seeing an important time and I appreciate that.


This chapter was actually so wholesome omg. I loved the meeting with Flitwick and Pomfrey and the support they showed Philip. That was so amazing. I just read that over and over and can't believe how kindly you wrote it. I really enjoyed it and I'm so happy that Philip has that support!

Name: Renacera (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2021 07:55 AM · For: You're Not Broken, You're Just a Little Under-Rehearsed

Hello, my dear! Sorry it took me so long to finish reading this story. The ending was wonderful, though, and I'm thrilled to be here to review for you.

I loved everything about this chapter. I was so happy for Penelope when it started with her getting chosen as prefect, because she was just so excited and that was totally contagious. But then I got a little nervous when I realized she'd be coming out to her parents. But then they accepted her!! BUT THEN WE GET TO HOGWARTS, AND SHE'S NERVOUS AGAIN. Jeez, you really pulled my emotions all over the place in this.

Once again, though, there was Professor Flitwick, being fantastic and supportive and wonderful. I kind of teared up when they were standing in Ravenclaw Tower and Penelope was getting ready to come out to the entire House, and he said, "any concerns you may have should be brought to me directly." Because holy shit. That is so significant that I don't know if I really have words for it. Because, like...jfc. An adult saying, "Do not bring your 'concerns' to a fifteen-year-old girl. I am the adult and I will handle that." The significance of an adult implying, "You are going to be safe, Penelope. I will deal with anyone who has problems. I will be your bulwark no matter how these other kids take your coming out." Just...jfc, Madi. I teared up.

And then you broke the tension perfectly with the most fantastic baby-eagle asking, "Can we all have some ice cream? I thought this was a birthday party for Penelope or something." Lmfao. Adorable. And then when "a few of [Penelope's] now-former roommates came up and asked what they could do to not make things weird or to help keep their buddies from other Houses in line." Ugh. Ugh. I just loved it so much. You truly wrecked me with how amazing and supportive Ravenclaw was to Penelope. The sheer joy I feel at knowing that there are non-angsty coming-out stories here...ugh. I just. I just want to cry; I love it all so much.

And finally, I have to shout out the truly fantastic nerd moment between Penelope and Percy as they engage in "a friendly debate on the subject of sexism in the Ministry of Magic." Lovely. Perfect. I laughed out loud.

This story was so wonderful, my dear! I'm really glad I had the chance to read it! You've done a fantastic job!!


*for the Fairyland review event*

Name: Renacera (Signed) · Date: 02 Feb 2021 09:43 PM · For: It's Not Pain It's Applause

Am I ridiculously emotional at this chapter? Yes. Yes I am.

Because omg, Madi. This is so precious. I just want to wrap baby Penelope in my arms and give her all the love and support she needs. Because she is a total gem and I adore her.

It's hard to pick a favorite part of this chapter. I felt so warm and fuzzy when Penelope came out to her friends and they were so supportive. I was worried at first that Roger and/or Gemma might not understand, but then they did and then they were totally all-in with helping Penelope along the way, and it kills me. Because supportive friends are so essential to queer kids. <3

Then the scene with Flitwick and Pomfrey basically broke me. At first I was wondering why Penelope's parents wouldn't be involved in any discussion with the school nurse, but then I realized that it's actually ridiculously good that they talked with Penelope alone first, in case her family isn't supportive of her. And they just explained that they would be there for her and behind her 100% of the way, and I basically lost my mind with how happy that made me. If supportive friends are essential, supportive adults are life-changing. I'm so happy for Penelope.

I can't wait to see how her journey concludes. Wonderful job, my dear. You're amazing.


*for the Fairyland review event*

Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 02 Feb 2021 03:45 PM · For: You're Not Broken, You're Just a Little Under-Rehearsed

Hi there!


This was such a great last chapter! I'm so glad that things worked out for her well, and that everyone was so accepting and supportive. I wish everyone had that experience. I know there were some odd looks and jeers but it doesn't seem to have lasted long or affected her which is good. 


It's interesting the way magic can play into this as well,  I think that was a nice touch. She's done so well for herself, top spot with Percy and then getting head girl as well. I think she's right, she's going to achieve everything she set her mind too. 


This was such a great story!  



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.


Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 02 Feb 2021 03:28 PM · For: It's Not Pain It's Applause

Hi there!


Aww, that was such a lovely chapter. I'm glad that they are managing to figure things out in their own time, and that they are able to start being more themselves, even if it's just with a few select people so far. Although if Fltiwick knows, maybe more people know? 


I think my favourite thing about this chapter is how supportive everyone has been, and how they're willing to just be so accepting. It's amazing. The sorting hat made me laugh though, they're always so criptive and mysterious but at least they figured it out eventually. 


Another great chapter! 



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.


Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 02 Feb 2021 03:18 PM · For: I Promise You There's More to Come

Hi there!


Aww, that was such a sad start to the story. I hope it gets better for Philip. I have the feeling they don't enjoy doing ‘boy' things, or that they don't feel quite comfortable in their body. I hope they manage to find a way to be happier. Everyone deserves to be happy, especially kids.


Kids can be cruel though, bullies are the worst and I'm glad the summary of the story suggests that things do get better. I'm glad they're getting out of there though and I hope they have a better time at Hogwarts, maybe the kids there will be better.


An interesting first chapter! 



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.


Name: Renacera (Signed) · Date: 23 Jan 2021 12:59 AM · For: I Promise You There's More to Come

Hello again, my dear!

I'm reading your more current stories in addition to your older ones, and I'm eager to check this one out! The challenge that you wrote this for has produced some fab fics, so I'm excited to read this one too.

I have to start by saying that I feel absolutely terrible for baby Penelope. Being "different" isn't easy for any kid, and not knowing yet how to express yourself makes it that much more difficult. I feel so bad for her when she's being bullied just for liking different things from the boys in her class.

I'm nervous about how her parents will respond when she comes out, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll be kind. I wonder how Hogwarts will affect her journey and whether she'll meet other LGBTQIA+ kids who will help her find her authentic self.

Great job with this intro chapter! I'll read on soon!


P.S. - One "error" I noticed is in this sentence right at the end of the chapter: "Philip ripped the books from her hands" where her should be his, talking about the boy who's bullying her.

Name: victoria_anne (Signed) · Date: 16 Sep 2020 01:01 AM · For: I Promise You There's More to Come

Hey Madi!


I thought this was going to be a one-shot so I was okay with you breaking my heart in the beginning because I thought it would get better but NOPE. I hope you update this soon because I really enjoyed this chapter! It was incredibly sad but also so moving. I really felt for Philip, he seems like the sweetest, most considerate kid ever, so he just graciously accepts his birthday gifts even though they don't sit right with him. I was kiiind of happy that his parents gave him some freedom to read what he wanted and style his hair how he wanted. I wonder how much they'll understand. I'm excited to see how that goes. BUT THE BULLIES. UGH. AWFUL. Kids are the worst. This was a great start to a story, Madi! I can't wait to see what happens next!


Good luck in the challenge!

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