Reviews For The Pride of Burrough House

Name: Aphoride (Signed) · Date: 10 Mar 2024 02:59 PM · For: In which the water is clear but nothing else is

hiii melanie, back for the project tempus linea event :) 


i'm trying to work out whether penny clearwater is ace or a repressed lesbian (or some combination of both) and it's honestly pretty difficult. but i love the interactions between her and vivian - they're just such different people and they view everything so differently, especially the whole idea of marriage. i feel really pretty sorry for them both in this - vivian is trying to be helpful, has tried to be helpful (and put up with a fair bit in the name of being helpful) but it's just not the kind of help penny needs or wants :/ but they can't see all of that - which is both so true to life but also makes it so sad, in its way 


(also i'm kind of curious to see how audrey actually fits in with them, because she's described as kind of different again to both of them, but with vivian and penny being kind of extremes of each other, it's hard for me to see how audrey would fit into the trio) 


daphne is so lovely!! she was such a minor character in hp so i love seeing her in things, the different ways people take her - and i love the way you write her in this. it's odd because she's sort of more clearly vivian's friend (or at least, automatically closer to vivian because of vivian's marriage) but then in their conversation, it's sort of suggested that actually she and penny have more in common than you'd think at first. so i'm really curious to see where you go with her - and if this newly-starting friendship (perhaps??) with penny goes anywhere 


also, i loved that daphne asks her 'who are you' and penny is sort of struck because no one's ever asked her that before. it's not something anyone ever usually asks, but i think also, when you've spent your life kind of being aware of all of the things you're not, especially in comparison to your siblings, it's probably an even more acute and painful and hard question to be asked :/ but it was a great, great moment :) 


vivian and charlie are hilarious together. i love though how he's v clear he doesn't like relationships - and his sense of restlessness and wanderlust came through so much :P 


laura xx

Name: Aphoride (Signed) · Date: 10 Mar 2024 02:38 PM · For: In which there is a relocation and a dislocation

me again for the project tempus linea event :) 


ahhhh i really, really love your bill and fleur yk?? they're not a couple you've written a lot about before with your usual focuses on arthur, ron and percy, but they're so so good. i especially love the way you write fleur: a little high-maintanence at first appearance, lonely in the weasleys big family, feeling very much like an outsider, making her way in via the people who don't have preconceptions of her. and how she has all these qualities - her kindness, her loyalty, her real devotion for bill, her bravery - which get so overshadowed at the beginning when she's at her loneliest and her outsider-iest. her relationship with sir bilius is so so good and so sweet - and it's all just so obvious to her what she has to do and how to look after him - and there's a real softness to that last scene with her falling asleep in his room :) 


also her and ginny!! making headway!! i love it and i'm so happy - and ah i'm a little disappointed fleur won't be going to london because i would love to see what they would make of fleur, beautiful and elegant and all (i imagine several jaws would hit the floor and bill would be a man much envied!!) but i love that fleur isn't going because she wants to be with bill. it's so simple for her and i love that about how you write them :) 


the way fleur talks about gabrielle is always so sweet and so lonely and so wistful and i lovelovelove it even as it's genuinely super sad in its own way :/ 


luna leaving!! okay i loved this scene: i loved the way luna is so set on leaving, the way ginny knows that but wants to be selfish (and kind of knows it wouldn't make a difference if she was, so she has to be brave because that's easier in its way), how ginny lies to her mother to cover over luna leaving on her own. it was very bittersweet, the way for luna it's the start of a new adventure but for ginny is a real loss. 


(aunt muriel made me laugh, she's so much funnier in this than in the books - in the books she's just mean but here, there's a lot more humour in her and i love it :P) 


laura xx

Name: Pixileanin (Signed) · Date: 10 Mar 2024 12:18 PM · For: In which there is a relocation and a dislocation

Melanie, I don’t know how you do this, chapter after chapter, but all of your intros are so sucking… they suck me right into the story and they don’t let go. Teach me this way of yours! 

The sleepy Lovegood home is described so well, so quiet, so abandoned. I feel this for Ginny. She’s about to lose a friend. A friend who is about to embark on a very interesting adventure! And poor Ginny, SHE wants this kind of adventure, but she’s tied down to obligations, and it’s all so sad for her. And to have this discovery at the end… well, discoveries do belong at the end of things, but this too, is also so sad! Her thoughts are so melancholy, and I fear that Ginny isn’t going to be reaching for anything related to the heart so soon after this experience. 

Aunt Muriel is simply a gas. “You aren’t old enough to have anything to feel low about” Tell her, Muriel. She knows not of what she speaks. Love, schmove. It’s a drop in the bucket. 

I love how you find a way to insert the French politics into the story without weighing it down with… err… politics, I guess. Lol. It’s everyone’s thoughts about it that light it up as a subject, not the subject itself, and how it interferes with their social lives. 

Ah, and Fleur has a sister to miss as well. I’m glad she’s attempting to make conversation. And the bonding scene is so sweet, as they finally find something to connect on! Yay!

Ah, and then Fleur has to make sense of Sir Bilius’s follies! She’s trying to put reasonable explanations in place, but it was just an old man being silly about his skills. This is a great way to show her true character! She is very loyal to those who are in her favor! 

“You don’t need laudanum for this; your composition is seventy percent brandy as it is.”


Lol! Yes, Billius. Use that excess for something good.

Name: Aphoride (Signed) · Date: 10 Mar 2024 12:17 PM · For: In which there are pocketwatches and forget-me-nots

hiiii me again for the project tempus linea event :) 


i lovelovelove the boys - young men really i suppose - at their own lil club: but yk it makes so much sense because who'd want to hang out with their mates and other people their own age, talking about all sorts of things, while your father and your uncles and their friends are just four metres to the left??? the way they tease each other is so funny - and omg neville. neville and the 'lady' who asked for him haha - poor, poor neville :P but i love that you kept in his canon clumsiness (though i wonder if that'll go when the war breaks out against napoleon again?? hmm) and forgetfulness, because i did love that dynamic between him and his grandmother :P 


ooohhhh harry and draco duelling. possibly. maybe. i'll have to wait and see i guess :eyes: 


poor, poor percy :/ tbf there are few things that i think would be less awkward than having to go with your boss to a brothel and try to talk business. it's really pretty grim even without percy's general stiff kind of nature tbh so i really can't blame him for it - and i like that the girls like him because he gives them kind of time to themselves, even if it's just half an hour. it's sort of awkwardly, unintentionally sweet, which is so percy :P 


and 'penelope' oops - i felt so sorry for penny because she just has no idea of anything and yet percy's being so awkward and kind of rude obviously impacts her. and to think she'd been looking forward to seeing him as well and now this!! ahh poor thing :/ 


ginny and luna are just so great - but so perfectly opposed to each other in the way that they don't do the kind of 'opposites balancing each other out' type thing that people think they do. like, they just want different things in life and have very different natures and that sense throughout it of ginny's reluctance to accept that - and maybe to accept that she'll actually be hurt by it as well - was so clear and so sad (more so than the idea of luna leaving, which for her is clearly a lot less sad and a lot more what she wants and needs to do). 


laura xx

Name: Aphoride (Signed) · Date: 10 Mar 2024 11:59 AM · For: In which there is an escape and capture

hiiiii melanie!! here for the project tempus linea event :) 


oooooohhhhhhh ron and hermione - that's mysterious haha!! well, i mean we've got hints from the previous chapters but still... i gotta say though, i do feel a bit for harry, getting caught in the middle of this, ah, tense reunion??? poor lad has no idea what's gone on, what he should say or not, what he should do - just the manners his parents have drilled into him that he should walk hermione home. ahhh i suppose it's good for him, at least?? navigating awkward social situations probably a skill v much required in the nobility i imagine. 


i lovelovelove the ron/hermione meeting for them too - the tension is so strong and so fierce, the real sense that they have things to say but they can't say them (because Propriety), the sense of antagonism throughout the whole thing... it was so so good!! and i can't wait to see them in the same place again - though i suspect if harry's around for that, he should probably have a drink in hand while it happens, since he'd need it :P 


cerberus is a Very Good Boy. he deserves many treats and an extra big stick. that is all :P 


i love the social commentary you put into this: the way harry's so conscious of ron feeling awkward at joining a society he's not used to, at a level he's not necessarily comfortable at (yet). the way ron remembers that lily isn't from the same 'rank' either, but is also aware that she's had time to get used to it, to learn what to do and who to talk to and everything. and the fashions!! (i always found it funny how sculpted the drawings made the men's legs look - it was always a v odd contrast to the jackets on top but i digress) poor ron, discovering pantaloons must have been a very trying moment for him - i can't imagine he'll be especially comfortable in them either :P 


aaaaaaaaand napoleon's escaped. ahhh i've been waiting for that yk, but still. i like how it's so unremarkable for james and them at the time - james is almost the only one who thinks of it much at all, let alone as a problem 


so so excited to see where this goes next (and i hope cerberus gets another cameo :P) 


laura xx

Name: Pixileanin (Signed) · Date: 10 Mar 2024 04:05 AM · For: In which there are pocketwatches and forget-me-nots

“Well, that’s a face we’re going to have to work on…”

LOLOLOL!!! Harry is hilarious. But he’s also not wrong. Ron is going to have to rein in his unusually dour attitude towards Hermione somehow, because POLITE SOCIETY demands it, no matter what their history happens to be. Though, I myself cannot wait for whatever it is to be revealed. I know you have something up your sleeve with these two. You always do.

Ah, it’s a reunion of sorts! How delightful! All the usual suspects are here, including Draco… oh gosh, it’s Draco Malfoy! LOL! Scowling as always. 

“The one area he truly excelled in was holding a grudge”

Yeah, it’s Draco alright. 

Oh noooo! Neville’s grandmother ruins all the fun! Such a dastardly woman, hounding him even in this century! I feel so bad for that boy. Poor thing! But also, very funny!

Come and Go Room.

HAHAHA!!! Also, Percy being a favorite patron is also hilarious! 

“In this economy, my lord?”

That’s right. There is no relaxing where Percy is concerned. He’s just as wound as ever. And oh dear, WHAT DID YOU DO TO POOR PERCY!????! Ahhhh!!!!

And poor Penelope  - the actual Penelope is having a time of her own. And Ahhh…. He’s still thinking about THAT TIME IN LONDON!!!  You’ve ruined him. I am so… argh!

And Ginny and Luna… Wow, there’s just so much going on here!!! What a chapter!



Name: Pixileanin (Signed) · Date: 17 Feb 2024 02:58 AM · For: In which there is an escape and capture

Hi Melanie! I’m back for chapter 18!

You really paint the picture of this place and time so well while keeping everything moving! It evokes a sense of a movie camera panning the set as all the households are waking up for the day. 

So funny that Harry just sort of disappears into the breakfast so he won’t have to participate in intellectual conversation with his father. I’m sure that was a common thing in those days: “please forget I’m here so I don’t have to use my brain right now”. Lol!

Also, laughing at how everyone is asking the same question about the guards! That’d be my question too. 

Oooohhh… I have been waiting for Hermione to enter the scene. I wonder how that’s going to play out. It seems that Harry already has opinions about her.

Sirius’s story about the dog was an awesome nod, as was all the talk of escapades at school!  Which was a fantastic segue to Hermione and Cerberus, and what could possibly go wrong with walking an extra large dog by yourself? (I can think of many…)

“...hellbent on pandemonium…”

Ah, now that’s more like it! And oh! Hermione and Ron have met before!?! This should be good!



Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 17 Feb 2024 02:32 AM · For: In which there is a battle -- but first, soup

Poor Hermione! No matter what book, she’s marching to a different drum and trying to get people involved in a cause for which they really don’t understand. (Although I find to have more compassion for her here than with SPEW.) I liked this line: “It seemed that in order to forge any sort of important connections, Hermione was going to have to devote a great deal of time to unimportant subjects.” I can see Hermione tapping her foot (and chewing her lip) as she ponders exactly what she must lower herself to do to get the connections she wants. No doubt she’ll do it. Even if it’s playing cards. 

The interactions with Harry and Ginny are beginning signs. It looks like Harry is going to be most interested in a non-traditional type of woman, something to surprise the ton with. (Much like his father with his mother.) I like how you showed two interactions, very different (conspiratorial as he trades wine glasses) and competitive at playing battle) but still helping them form a friendship.


The conversation between Ron and Harry really cements what great friends they are and how much he loved Hermione.  Ron never does two things: talks about his feelings or cries and we see such a tender moment of him with both here. Perhaps he does have the emotional range of more than a teaspoon--perhaps closer to a soup spoon.

Author's Response:

Haha, loved the soup spoon joke at the end there! XD


I've always thought that teaspoon line in the books was so ironic, because canon Ron is actually a boy with BIG feelings and a LOT of them. He just, as you point out, doesn't share them candidly, doesn't put a name to them, tries to bury the unpleasant ones, and usually puts on a jokester persona. Not terribly uncommon among men in general -- especially nowadays. The funny thing about 200 years ago, as far as I can tell, is that there seems to have been slightly less stigma about men expressing feelings than nowadays. At least, they certainly did in letters to loved ones. And that time period gave us the romantic poets, who were almost all men!


It's funny how once Harry and Ginny both make it clear that they're not interested in one another, they find that they can actually enjoy one another's company!


Thank you so much for reading this and sharing your thoughts with me!! <3

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 17 Feb 2024 02:17 AM · For: In which the water is clear but nothing else is

The conversations between Daphne and Vivian are so amusing. They are so honest, perhaps to a fault with both their intentions (as with younger men) and their opinions of others actions (like how she would run said younger man if she finished her intentions) 

In some ways, I feel sorry for Penelope as she attempts the marriage mart, but then another part of me wants to shake the girl (just like her sister does.) Does this girl have no idea how to even interact with a man? (Maybe she should buy one of the multitude of self-help books about “how to catch a man?”)


The conversation between Vivian and Charlie was intriguing. There is no doubt they are clear on expectations. I just wonder if there will be follow through or if Charlie will head back to his first love.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 17 Feb 2024 02:05 AM · For: In which there is a relocation and a dislocation

It looks like little Ginny is finally growing up and in more ways than one in this chapter. I particularly like the line “And no matter how much Ginny tried to thwart it, the world kept removing choice after choice from her.”  Perhaps choices are being taken away from her (like the lack of offers this season) but I think these experiences will also open up more choices, perhaps ones she hadn’t even considered. The possibility with Luna for example. Of course, it will never happen but their exploration has opened her eyes a bit to how narrow minded she’s been within her short life. 


Even when dealing with Fleur she seems to have grown up citing how she doesn’t dislike Fleur, but it’s just so exhausting trying to befriend someone who tries so not to be befriended. However perhaps her patience has worn off (or perhaps Napoleon's reemergence has changed Fleur’s perspective a bit) because it looks like these two are heading toward a more solid acquaintance. I doubt Fleur will ever become the “new Luna” but at least there is a new friendship developing.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 11 Feb 2024 01:27 AM · For: In which there be dragons, and ginger cats

The scandalous story of the Clearwaters was intriguing and I noticed there was a Penelope in there. Is this two different women (and you are just trying to confuse this poor reader) or is this  a case of changed identity. (Certainly a scandal could do that.) or perhaps Audrey took her sister’s first name and ran away because it wasn’t a love match (which we already know Ms. Dawlish insists upon.) Plus we know how much you love Percy and Audrey pairing. . . .or maybe, I need to stop these meandering thoughts and finish the chapter.

Draco is exactly how I would expect him, all set to drag anyone down with a scandal, even his good friends, the Greengrasses. I love Daphne’s retort about the suitors stepping over a dead suitor to make an offer to her sister. I can completely see her rolling her eyes as she does this, putting Draco in her place.

I like how you introduced Hermione without her name until the very end, although you dropped several hints along the way, the biggest being a certain ginger cat.

Author's Response:

Oh yes, two different women called Penelope! Why would you do such a weird thing, Melanie? Well, I may or may not have a plan or a point eventually. Whether it's a good one remains to be seen...

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 11 Feb 2024 01:12 AM · For: In which one season comes to an end

I liked the line about Harry feeling like Buckston felt too big and too small. Such a difficult time in life, still grasping on the wiles of childhood while the responsibilities of adulthood loom closer and closer.

The brief scene with his parents was touching. I’m guessing he hopes to find a love match like that someday too.

The conversation between Penelope and Percy is so cute. I love how he lies that he also need to go to town at 11:00 and then backtracks trying to remember if he actually does need to be somewhere. However, it was also very illuminating. Penelope has given almost nothing of her background, yet this conversation suggested quite a bit. I particularly like the part when she said she didn’t gamble. I think that about sums up the marriage market.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 11 Feb 2024 01:12 AM · For: In which one season comes to an end

I liked the line about Harry feeling like Buckston felt too big and too small. Such a difficult time in life, still grasping on the wiles of childhood while the responsibilities of adulthood loom closer and closer.

The brief scene with his parents was touching. I’m guessing he hopes to find a love match like that someday too.

The conversation between Penelope and Percy is so cute. I love how he lies that he also need to go to town at 11:00 and then backtracks trying to remember if he actually does need to be somewhere. However, it was also very illuminating. Penelope has given almost nothing of her background, yet this conversation suggested quite a bit. I particularly like the part when she said she didn’t gamble. I think that about sums up the marriage market.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 11 Feb 2024 12:57 AM · For: In which there is a new neighbour

I LOVE AUNT MURIEL! I love how she makes Uncle Billius quake in his boots while standing in his own parlor. (Giggled at the zingers they throw at each other. I particularly liked the line about French spies or murders being welcome instead and about how she could die on Wednesday.) She is a refreshing breath of candor in a world that is supported by inuendo and nuance. I love how she kicked Molly out and sat Ginny down with the truth: grow up because you are already grown old. I love how she made Ginny squirm in her seat and rethink the priorities of her life. (The girl needed it-showing up to a boxing match.)

Author's Response:

I'm so glad you love Muriel, she is just a delight to write. I've had questions about why she and Bilius don't get along, but I decided to leave that as a mystery. They just don't mesh. And they're both strong personalities, which can exacerbate whatever the original problem was.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2024 11:38 AM · For: In which there is tea and brandy

I loved the conversation about Prince Regent’s buttons. I’m curious if you pulled this idea from fact, well known literature or if it’s of your own imagination.

The conversations between Angie and George are so comfortable. I like the banter but also the half sentences because they can read each other’s thoughts so easily. He’s very optimistic. I mean things will change if she marries George but he’s handling it very well or perhaps he’s just hoping that won’t change as much as he fears.

That was a, interesting conversation between Miss Dawlish and Mr. Weasley. I’m thinking there’s a bit of foreshadowing in there. She seems to have an intimate knowledge of being thrust into the marriage market.

Author's Response:

The part about the Prince's buttons is actually a real piece of trivia I stumbled across! And then I just had to put it in the story because I love random things like that.


Penelope Dawlish does seem to have a lot on her mind that she isn't sharing, doesn't she...?

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2024 11:22 AM · For: In which there are farewells and introductions

Poor Terry. Hopefully, he knows he’s being manipulated, but Ginny is an expert at twisting words. I just hope he doesn’t get into trouble. She’s devious an obviously planning to sneak off somewhere. I’m betting that that somewhere is the mill. She was just too excited about it in the earlier chapters. Ronald is going to have a heart attack.

I do feel for Ron, worried about his mother planning his own funeral after that, but honestly, what would she expect him to do: throw her over his shoulder and carry her back home? I wonder what Mr. Weasley would say about this. And she really should have thought this through. This might change the opinion of all those local admirers she has. Not that she plans on marrying them but she does like the attention.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2024 11:20 AM · For: In which there is a banshee, a harpy, and a proposal

Poor Angelina. She certainly is confused. I think I know what the problem is, but shall stay mum about it for now. You did a nice job clearly explaining her conundrum without over doing it so she was “talking in circles.”

And then we have the conversation with Ginny and Harry where they really are talking in circles. Perhaps it’s because neither one of them really understand their own thoughts to apply properly to their words.

I thought that perhaps George had feelings for Angelina, but he seems to be 100% supportive of his brother. Fred was very cute when he was pacing so nervously and the proposal was very sweet. I think they’ll make a grand couple, although I fear something else is on the horizon.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2024 02:24 AM · For: In which there is a rescue, a confession, and fireworks

The first time I heard of Bernard I felt sorry for him. Here’s a man who is obviously in love with Ginny and she has no time for him because he isn’t witty enough her. However, now that you’ve given us some insight into his thoughts, I think Ginny was of sound mind. His attraction to her because other men find her attractive. . . This guy is an idiot (and obviously isn’t very witty because he didn’t get her ends in Y joke.) He needs to read your other story. Perhaps he would understand then.

I think Ginny might have finally met her match with Viscount Potter. Although she needs to learn to relax a bit and not assume everything is about trying to trap her into marriage. Potter seems to know just how to pull her strings, so perhaps she’ll be the one following instead of leading on the leash.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2024 02:11 AM · For: In which Percy pays a compliment

This scene with Constance shows was a ridiculous amount of pressure young girls were placed under to reach “perfection” in order to get that “perfect husband.” I completely sympathize with her about trying to shove your anger to paper. It really does fly well, unless you ball it up first. Constance also raises a good point. How does piano playing and art make a good wife? It doesn’t help you run a household. They aren’t even skills they will use much as a married woman. What is the point? Who makes up these silly “ideals” anyways? However, it also reminds us is that she is a teenage girl and there is no doubt that they are most influenced by other teenager girls (although teenage boys equally as much.)

The conversation between Percy and Penelope was sweet with just the tiniest hint of maybe this is a romance, but still very much in propriety. Afterall, this is regency England.


Author's Response:

"How does piano playing and art make a good wife? It doesn’t help you run a household. They aren’t even skills they will use much as a married woman. What is the point?"


Indeed! The only purpose all of that serves is to make women into ornaments, and demonstrate the wealth and comfort they come from, thus making them even more desirable as a wife. None of those people who have to WORK, ew.


Percy and Penelope are fun for me because they really are the characters the most limited by social conventions (because they both follow the rules). The fun of many of the other characters is how they break those rules, but Percy and Penelope give me a chance to lean into the rules and try to build a relationship based on all the things they can't say but wish they could!

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 09 Feb 2024 10:01 PM · For: In which there are interlopers and, possibly, Catholics

Should one have sympathy for Lady Avery or not really. She did dig her own grave but only because she had no idea it was a grave when she stepped on it.

I think I’m really going to like Miss Dawlish. She’s obviously very intelligent and quietly manipulative to get what she wants, not only with Constance but also to circumnavigate Lady Avery. I cracked up at the line that about her feeling terribly irrelevant.

And then William’s presentation of his wife. Really! If I was his mother I would have given him such a tongue lashing for not sending a letter. I wonder if he was looking for shock value or if was afraid of the parental response.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 09 Feb 2024 10:00 PM · For: In which there are negotiations, and Ron wins at whist again

I loved your description of Uncle Billius. I have great vision of him, not only his clothing and surrounding, but his mannerism, particularly the line “repository for all of the Prince Regent’s castoffs and idle fancies” (who was quite a fashionista himself) and “proud shows of a wealth he no longer possessed,”  It’s very obvious that this estate is in trouble and perhaps Bill can come to the rescue. Of course, he has his own troubles with that new wife of his.

I liked how Mrs. Weasley complained they were talking about business, but then when she tries to make Ginny look presentable for Harry, George throws the line right back at her.  

Author's Response:

Thank you, I have such fun writing Bilius. I enjoy allowing some characters to just be over the top and ridiculous. And he is a good man, just... silly. :P

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 09 Feb 2024 09:59 PM · For: In which there is dancing, and Percy has opinions

One must love Luna. She’s singularly eccentric, with no concept of social expectations not matter that genre you place her in. I can understand why she is a refreshing difference for the Viscount, especially after dealing with Mrs. Weasley’s pandering for several days.

The conversation between Harry and Ginny at the Honiton assembly was classic of Darcy attempting to converse with Elizabeth with little success.

I loved their conversation about horses. With his assumptions of gender and how an  “inscrutable sort of smile twisted Ginny’s mouth,” I can see Ginny leading him up to the “obvious” answer of the best horseman.

Author's Response:

Gosh, Luna was such a challenge to write in this AU! Partly because, um, if I'd made her really as eccentric and conspiracy-prone as she is in canon, she'd be a prime candidate in this era to be committed to an asylum, particularly as a woman. And obviously we don't want that. So I went with a little odd, kind but lacking in social graces, and sort of thoughtful and oblivious at the same time.

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 09 Feb 2024 09:58 PM · For: In which there is (b)romance

I sympathize with Harry. It sounds like his dad is putting a lot of pressure on him, but at the same time, maybe he does need to grow up a bit. Either way, he needs to get his britches stitched before he sets foot in Parliament.

I’m interested in this relationship between George and Angela—obviously great friends, but it doesn’t sound like he’s really invested in more than that and Angie. . . well, she’s is of the same belief—perhaps they will be perfect for each other.

I like the conversation about the velocipede and turning it into a carriage. You’ve nailed the banter between the twins—just like in the books.  

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 09 Feb 2024 02:09 AM · For: In which there is breakfast, a proposal, and some trees

The family tree description cracked me up. I love the tone you use describing it, as if these things should never be mentioned so, of course, you’ll write them down. I particularly like the trees are circle reference. You’re right. No one should mentioned it, but everyone would gossip about it.

And poor Dr. Weasley. The unfortunate combination of birth order and having ethics—what a horrible combination for “polite society.”

As I read the breakfast scene, it reminded me Pride and Prejudice with Mrs. Bennet’s not to subtle attempts to marry off her daughters. At least Mrs. Weasley only has one to deal with instead of five but that one will certainly give her gray hairs. I look forward to seeing how Ginny and Harry interact when he arrives.

Author's Response:

"as if these things should never be mentioned so, of course, you'll write them down" -- oh man, this is so funny to put it this way, but yeah basically exactly what I was going for. I enjoy the irony present in the attitudes of this time period.


The social and financial situation of the Bennet family was very much in the forefront of my mind when creating the Weasleys' position within this society, the same kind of genteel poverty. And we know Mrs Weasley always wanted the best possible future for her children (what she thought was the best anyway), and the unfortunate reality of this time period was that the objectively best possible future for someone like Ginny would be marrying into as much money and comfort as possible. So it made sense for her to be very focused on getting Ginny married. She'll definitely still harp on her boys, too! Just with slightly different objectives, like having distinguished professions (not so different to canon Molly after all!) :D


Thank you so much for your comments!



Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 09 Feb 2024 01:51 AM · For: Prologue: Three Carriages

I love a good Regency and you’ve nailed the style perfectly while still keeping the characterizations of the HP Universe. It is the little things that make us smile like their titles (Duke of Padford and that ugly vase that makes some many appearances in AU and Potter and Black were marauding around Europe.)

I like how you opened with two different women, coming from different situations but both traveling to a new place, full of in trepidation of the newness of it all. We can also see their distinct characterization emerging. The new Mrs. Weasley has beautiful but haughty and the Miss Dawlish as polite and demure.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for checking this out! It's truly such a fun project and I love getting to wink at canon things.



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