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This You Gotta See

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Stories I've discovered that stand out from the ordinary.  Fresh, unusual in some way, not the same old same old.

Entries in this blog

Team of Rivals: the Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin

I have not finished this prize-winning book yet, (749 pages of text), but I cannot put it down.  So I veer from my usual custom of recommending good stories found here in these archives to tell you about one of the most significant and readable books that I have read in a very long time. The New York Times said of this book, "An elegant, incisive study of Lincoln and leading members of his cabinet that will appeal to experts as well as to those whose knowledge of Lincoln is an amalgam of hi


Oregonian in fanfic recommendation

Tess Covenshire and the Highcross Scandal by KJ Cartmell

This is the second book in KJ Cartmell's Liam Wren series.  One can learn a lot by reading the books of this remarkable series. KJ Cartmell's stories are noteworthy for how well he handles a long list of characters, as one would reasonably expect to encounter in a story set in a boarding school.  And these characters are not just names, no, not at all.  Each one is a fully developed personality with his/her own unique style of speaking, acting and pursuing his/her own goals, stemming from b


Oregonian in fanfic recommendation

Suffer For My Sins by inmyownlittlecorner

Suffer For My Sins is a refreshingly original story in which bits and pieces of an entirely different fictional work keep showing up in new guises, with new functions, in an alternate universe.  Something new is being created out of the pieces of something old. I am reminded of renaissance builders in England dismantling abandoned monasteries for the carved stone blocks to build their new houses, or classic columns from a 4th-century Romano-British villa now seen to flank the entryway of a


Oregonian in fanfic recommendation

The New Skin by Mottsnave

The New Skin by Mottsnave   The New Skin is a chills-and-thrills vision of the life of survivor Severus Snape, who did not die at the end of Deathly Hallows but was saved by Aberforth Dumbledore and plunged into a desperate struggle to escape from, outwit, and defeat an undead nemesis sent by an unknown adversary bent on Snape's death in a horrible fashion. The story spans two continents, North and South America, as Snape endeavors to save his own neck and build a new life for him


Oregonian in fanfic recommendation

Liam Wren and the Dragon Wand by KJCartmell

Liam Wren and the Dragon Wand by KJCartmell   If you're looking for something as captivating as the original series, check out KJ Cartmell's series about Liam Wren, set in the interlude between the Second Wizarding War and the arrival of the Next Generation at Hogwarts. You will fall in love with Muggleborn Liam -- young, naive about the magical world (and about girls), but nobody's fool.  Liam Wren and the Dragon Wand, the first book in the series, follows Liam during his first y


Oregonian in fanfic recommendation

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