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This You Gotta See

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Stories I've discovered that stand out from the ordinary.  Fresh, unusual in some way, not the same old same old.

Entries in this blog

Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West. By Stephen E. Ambrose.

History, non-fiction. How much do you really know about the Corps of Discovery, familiarly known as the Lewis & Clark Expedition?  Most of us Americans would probably say "not a lot," and our friends of other nationalities might say "nothing."  For most of us Americans, it has probably been years, even decades, since we last studied about this expedition, and even then, our textbooks did not devote 472 pages to it. In brief, it was an almost three-years expedition by Captains Meriw


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

Love and Arithmancy by KJ Cartmell

Love and Arithmancy continues the Liam Wren series by KJ Cartmell starring Liam Wren, from his first year at Hogwarts, in about 2004, up to (as of this writing) his sixth year.  Surrounding our eminently likable hero Liam is a wide cast of other characters, students (new to us readers, of course) and professors (some of whom are also new).  I am reminded of the vast 'army' of life-size terra cotta soldiers unearthed by archaeologists at the tomb of China's first emperor -- each soldier statue is


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

The Serpent's Tale, by Leo

This story of only 2,581 words is a stellar example of what can be achieved when for the first time we take the point of view of a character who we know exists but whose voice has never been heard.  It is said that every person is the hero of his own story, and in The Serpent's Tale the basilisk who was imprisoned by Salazar Slytherin gets her chance finally to speak for herself.  And she does have a tale to tell.  She's a completely sentient being, not a mindless monster.  And her point of view


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

A Short History of Magic by Mottsnave

If you have an urge to go beyond the always-available romantic fluff or angst and sink your teeth into how magic really works, you need to read this story, in which Professor Snape is confronted by Sarah Fawcett, a fifth-year Ravenclaw with some probing, basic questions about dark magic, light magic, and how it all fits together.  As you might have guessed, Professor Snape has all the answers, but he doles them out slowly, stingily, to this students who looks past his insults and scorn because o


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

The Prophecy by Ameripuff

The Prophecy is the sequel to Drew's previous novel The Seventh Gate. This jewel of a story is a shining example of his unparalleled creativity, imagination, and writing skill.  This year at Magus Academy, and American school of magic somewhere in Pennsylvania, we focus on Sid Hooper, the pragmatic son of the West Virginia backwoods, and a more engaging protagonist could hardly be found.  With his fellow students in the Pathfinder team--Willow, Lola, Lex, and Incheon--he searches for the meaning


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

The Seventh Gate by Ameripuff

The Seventh Gate  by Ameripuff   The Seventh Gate combines marvelous storytelling with a non-stop pace, full of wonderfully imaginative details.  It is set in an American school of magic (not the famous Ilvermorney) in Pennsylvania with its origins in the American colonial period (1720), and it bears little resemblance to the well-known school located in Scotland.  It is Drew's own elaborate and unique invention. We follow the experience of 13-year-old Willow Carter and four other


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

Green With Envy by Bardic Magic

Green With Envy by Bardic Magic I stumbled across this little gem in a dusty corner of the archives, unvisited for about three years, during the Race Across the Galazy review drive, when I was searching for old stories to review as well as the most recent releases. Green With Envy is a 6881-word one-shot, a sequel to a series of two novels by Bardic Magic, but it can be easily read as a stand-alone, whimsical action/adventure story of Ron and Harry as Junior Aurors, trying to track dow


Oregonian in This You Gotta See

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