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The Write Way

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New Year's Writer Resolutions



New Year's Writer Resolutions
*originally published in the January 2019 edition of Hear Ye, Hufflepuff*

Welcome to 2021, writers! A new year is a great time to focus on new writing goals (just like any other goals you might have in other areas of your life), so here are a few ideas you might embrace to improve or expand your writing in the new year:

  1. Write something you've never written before.
    Be it a new character, genre, theme, etc.!
  2. Enter a challenge.
    There are so many fun ones you might try! See here+.
  3. Start a thread in the Writing Exercises forum.
    See here+.
  4. Challenge yourself to write something every day.
    Even if it's just one paragraph. Or one sentence. Or even something for school or work.
  5. Work on (maybe finish??) those WIPs.
    Embrace your in-progress stories and get some chapters written!
  6. Start, or be active in, your writer's journal.
    Talking about your writing with others is a great motivation. See here+.
  7. Participate in a rat race.
    See here+. And for tips on how to get the most out of rat races, see here+ (entry to come). 
  8. Ask for help. Or help someone else.
    You'd be surprised how much inspiration you can get from others. See here+.
  9. Make a writer's group with your friends.
    Having a PM or group text where you encourage each other and bounce ideas around can be so useful to keeping yourself going!
  10. Have fun!
    Whatever you resolve to do with your writing this year, enjoy it!
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