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Campfire Tales: Completed Drabbles


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Get cozy around the campfire and grab a drink of choice! Log your completed drabbles here.
Remember to follow the rules & claim your prompts in +this thread ?

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Here is my drabble on the Beach. (If I need to post in on AO3, let me know.)

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On 8/5/2024 at 7:28 PM, Predictable Chaos said:

Here is my drabble on the Beach. (If I need to post in on AO3, let me know.)

With the new news of our Archive Validator position, I think we need it to be posted on Ao3! Thank you for your understanding ❤️ 

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Wildfire: Heat Drabble?


She is wildfire. 

Her fingers lay claim to everything in their path while tracing my skin. Her kiss consumes every thought that isn’t her. That isn’t want. That isn’t this goddamn ache.

Sweat. Heat. Fever. 

She’ll take what she needs and render what’s left of me to ashes and soot. 

And I’ll let her - hell, I’ll stoke her flames brighter.

Fire survives through its destruction.

So fuck it, let me burn.


Edited by GotNoJamsss
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Team Firestorm: Beach Drabble

Edited by Predictable Chaos
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Let Me Be A Spectacle: Fireworks Drabble+


The most I can promise is fireworks.

I won’t pretend like the rest of them. All these noble, overachievers trying to leave their mark on the world. Keeping their noses clean and deeds pious enough to burn bright enough and long enough to earn their place in the starry night.

Their graves can litter the sky - I can't pledge to eternity.

Let me be a spectacle. Just give me one good boom of thunder overhead. Let me rattle your bones with a burst of shimmering colors. I don’t need to linger, I don’t want to hang up there so long you use me to guide your next step - we both know that’d lead nowhere good.

But just for a moment I want to blind you. If it's just for a moment, I can show you a bit of light.


Edited by GotNoJamsss
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team firestorm: parade


do you ever feel life is a parade that's just passing you by?

the balloons, feathers and banners are all multi-coloured but the only colours that you see are black and grey.

people are dancing but it doesn't make sense to you. the sun is shining on a perfect dazzling day but you can only see those invisible clouds on the horizon.

it goes on and on but one day you've found yourself marching again. you realise that you want the drum back because the strength has returned. the parade isn't over. you just needed to catch your breath and that's okay.    


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team cocoa constellation: bonfire

By the middle of June, most of the repair work on the castle itself had been completed.  They turned their attention to the masses of downed wood - tree trunks, thick limbs, branches - that littered the ground around the campus, all victims of the relentless nighttime barrage during the final hours of the Second Wizarding War.  It was almost as bad as the aftermath of the Christmas Eve hurricane in 1968, which some of them remembered.  They hauled all this wood to the lakeshore, stacked it up, and lit a towering bonfire on the Eve of St. John's Day, June 23.

Author's Note:  This drabble derives from my earlier works RenewalThe Hogwarts Storm, (based on an actual event), and The Cycle of the Year, verse 'Summer', all on my FFT Author Page.

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The Not Yet: Hurricane+ ?


This is the eye of the storm.

The rest of it is looming. Its rain and horrors are barking in the distance, threatening to ruin everything, to rip apart whatever I try to claim - but it’s not here yet. 

When the winds start howling she'll let go. Once this tempest lashes against the fragile house we’ve built I’ll be washed out with the flood waters. 

But just for a little while longer we’re in the calm, cool breeze of not yet.


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Team Cocoa Constellation: lemonade.

A big lemon tree grew in the yard of my youngest brother's house in California near Monterey Bay.  Citrus fruits grew well there then, when nobody had heard of climate change and California along the coast was lush and green.  That tree grew huge lemons, weighing as much as large oranges or smallish grapefruits, and their color was not the classic "lemon yellow."  There was a reddish or orange-ish blush to them.  Heavy in your hands, full of juice.  You could pick them freely from the tree, and it took only a few to make lemonade for the entire family.

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Team Cocoa Constellation: lemonade.

A big lemon tree grew in the yard of my youngest brother's house in California near Monterey Bay.  Citrus fruits grew well there then, when nobody had heard of climate change and California along the coast was lush and green.  That tree grew huge lemons, weighing as much as large oranges or smallish grapefruits, and their color was not the classic "lemon yellow."  There was a reddish or orange-ish blush to them.  Heavy in your hands, full of juice.  You could pick them freely from the tree, and it took only a few to make lemonade for the entire family.

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Team Cocoa Constellation: waves

Cannon Beach, a sunny June day.  Low tide.  The water is so far out that you can walk to the sea stacks that are usually surrounded by seawater.

The annual sand castle contest begins.  Volunteers, judges, and spectators are scattered over the beach as the sculptors, each in their allotted patch of sand, rapidly and expertly create unique structures, castles and so much more, tall, elaborate, detailed, engineered of nothing more than damp sand.  

Work fast, admire fast, judge fast, photograph fast.  Within a few hours the tide will come back in.  The encroaching waves will wash these ephemeral masterpieces away.

Edited by Oregonian
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Heliotropism: Sunflowers+?


“There’s a word for it.” She continues down the field of sunflowers with her hand brushing each plant. 

“Word for what?” I ask, using my hand to block out the sun so I can see her better.

She cuts over to the next row and I side-step to keep her in my view. The smile on her face isn’t something I want to miss. It’s captivating. The way she’s spinning childishly in the flock of yellow petals, forgetting the burdens she usually carries on her shoulders, if only for our short detour.

“For when plants do that thing where they move with the sun. I think there’s a word for it.”




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team firestorm: drabble - fireflies


he told me they were magic.

we lay together in the meadow watching them.

they were magic. the little lights were like thousands of stars made just for us.

you and me.

one day, we went to where the long grass grew.

they were gone.

i was not afraid because i knew the real magic was you and me.


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