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Flash(light) Review Tag


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Grab your flashlights, campers! It's time for a little flash review tag ^_^

How it works:

  • Reviews can be on either ao3 or FFT (but the author should be a member of FFT) - as long as you can link it, you’re good
  • You do NOT need to have a cabin to participate - all FFT members (and staff) are welcome to join in!
  • Reviews must be at least 100 characters and should have a little more substance than “this was amazing!”
  • Reviews will count towards individual points (but NOT cabin points) and can be redeemed for rewards at the end of tag by any one of the counselors
  • Each review is worth 2 points. To see how you can trade in points for rewards, check out +The Mess Hall under 'rewards'
  • No claiming - only post after you’ve left your review

Please use the following form to log reviews:


1. dreamshadow - blue skies by Archer Rose, chapter 1
2. dreamshadow - blue skies, Archer Rose, chapter 2

Have fun!!

Edited by dreamshadow
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1. Darling etc - and all at once by dreamshadow



(I would appreciate if review could be left on my AO3 page instead of FFT!)

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