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Two Heads? Better Than One!


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Has a solid new plot come to you, but - for whatever reason - you're just not feeling writing it yourself? Want to see it potentially brought to life by another author? If so, share your idea here!


Been in a bit of a rut coming up with new story ideas? Looking for that extra bit of inspiration or a push in a new direction? If so, take a stroll through the suggestions from your fellow members and see if something strikes your fancy!


After all, two heads are better than one! ^.^




- If you see a plot that you would like to write for, make sure you post that you'll be claiming it below.

- Anyone submitting plots here is agreeing to allow other authors to expand on their ideas.

- Anyone who uses another person's plot idea needs to credit them for inspiring the story. Please respect the people who post in here by making sure anyone who reads the fic knows you had help and where it came from.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had two ideas for stories that I don't have the time and/or competence to write recently:


1. This summary came to me almost fully written, but I don't have time to write this story:

Learning about magic for the first time is always a shock, but for Emilia Granger it goes beyond that. She doesn't just learn that she's a witch, but also that her father's weird cousin is the Minister for Magic and a war hero, and that everybody are waiting for Emilia to follow in her footsteps. With higher expectations placed on her than on any other Muggleborn, how will Emilia handle her first year at Hogwarts?


I imagine the story as set in late Next Gen era, with Lorcan and Lysander Scamander at Hogwarts at the same time.


2. Renee revealed Harry/Cedric as one of the pairings she has listed for her Happy & Gay challenge, and it gave me an idea for a Muggle Sports AU where Harry starts playing for some sort of sportsball team and Cedric is the more experienced star player, who takes Harry under his wing and eventually they fall in love. (Maybe with Cho as a side character?) But I know nothing about any sportsball, so I can't write this. : /

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  • 1 year later...

Few some could use--

"Why does your Mum have a scar that looks like it says 'Sneak'?" Hugo Weasley to his fiance.

Pansy Parkinson Dursley

Marijuana, it doesn't stop dementors but the fact that you find everything hilarious while stoned does slow them down.

Charlie Weasley, Vampire.





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  • 9 months later...

I had an idea for a HP/How to Train Your Dragon crossover as a plot idea. Unfortunately I couldnt think of a theme, but maybe someone else can.

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  • 10 months later...

Somebody pleeeeease write this story that I have neither the time nor the skill to pull off:

My husband actually came up with this idea as I was telling him about a discussion I had on reddit. Someone had commented that they would have killed off both Fred and Percy in DH, and I jokingly replied killing more than one Weasley child would have caused readers to riot in the streets (yours truly included).

The idea is a fic based on Saving Private Ryan (and/or the real story of the Niland brothers on which it was based), where all but one or two Weasley kids are killed in the Second Wizarding War, and someone decides the surviving one(s) need(s) to be rescued and sent home. I suppose this could work best with Ron as he spends a good chunk of time wandering the country in DH, but it could be made to work with any of them.

It also occurred to me it would be interesting to do this with the Prewett family during the First Wizarding War, as we know Molly’s brothers Gideon and Fabian were both killed. A third brother could be concocted, or it could be about Molly herself.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest pookha

"What about her communications?"


Hermione Granger, senior Undersecretary, is in a tight race for Minister for Magic. Her opponent, a member of the Wizards First Party, is smearing her with allegations of storing her memories of classified communications in an unregistered Pensieve. Head of the DMLE, Harry Potter, starts an investigation, but amidst cries that he is biased, he appoints Special Investigator Draco Malfoy. Draco is leaned on by Wizards First. Will he ultimately rule fairly, or fall prey to old prejudices?

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