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I've recently came across the problem of using quotes (from J.K. Rowling Harry Potter books of course ;)) - so I would like to hear everyone's opinion about using quotes in fanfiction, and also your experience with that.


On HPFF they told me that there is a strickt rule of maximum three sentences of quotes. I don't know about other sites.

I don't see why a fanfiction writer couldn't use quotes from the original book if properly credited (especially if the fan story takes place within the timeframe of a given book).

It's especially strange that they are not that strickt with other material (e.g. you may build a whole story on a fan theory that had been published elsewhere).


Let me know your thoughts :)

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I think you are meaning HPFF?  HPFT rules state that 90% of what you write has to be original rather than just a quote. 


HPFF's reasons are pretty much a matter of ensuring what you write is original rather than a retelling of the novel.  I know holding to that 3 line rule can be hard - I'm doing an AU story set during Prisoner of Azkaban and when you want to cover a scene from the books from a new perspective it is a challenge but can be done.  I had to paraphrase and gloss over a lot like:


Harry was talking with Ron and Hermione about the events of the summer which included blowing his aunt up. 


Then interject an important direct quote line to bring context to bring a character to action Like:


"I haven't poisoned the chocolate you know...."


This brings Harry to action brings the Lupin character back into the picture and then it can be glossed over how it was announced they would soon be arriving at Hogwarts and then boom next scene.


(Not saying this is exactly how my story goes but close to it.)


It stretches the writing muscles in some regards but if you don't want to do it then HPFF is not the place for the story.  Ao3 has no rules on quotes same with FF.net  HPFT is more lenient than HPFF though.


Hope this helps!

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Thank you for the reply! I mean HPFF (ah, sorry - stupid of me), the 90% rule on HPFT sounds more reasonable, I could agree with that most of the fanfic writing has to be original.


But I'm having the same problem as you. If I want to tell a story that takes place during (in parallel) to a scene that is described in the book, it takes way from it if you change the original conversation lines.


(We need to accept site rules where we post anyway, so I'm just curious how others deal with the issue :))

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Understandable, I never re-write the conversation I just gloss over it.  My fanfic Not My Own is where I do that. In the chapter The Trip, it takes place on the Hogwarts Express in Harry's 3rd year, that will let you better see what I mean by what I do to work around the 3 line rule but please note that in my story I did a plot twist of sorts (explained briefly below).



In the first chapter I have James and Remus switch bodies so the entirety of the events in book 3 happen from the eyes of James masquerading as Remus.



I am not certain of chapters but I know Alexis Black's story Child of the Hunt takes place during the events of Order of the Phoenix.  I know she has mentioned having to work with and around that 3 line rule as well.  I think she might do similar to me.


Also if it helps, what I do is I write the chapter include snips of dialogue that I feel are really important for emotional impact or to keep the reader up to speed.  And I mark them.  Then I go back and re-read what I wrote and count how many lines I have and then look to where I can trim more and rephrase things so that the readers know what is happening and they still get a desired emotional impact.

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Thank you for the suggestions! I managed to reduce the quotes and get my chapter validated :)


Anyway I would love to continue the discussion about quotes, and hear everyone's opinion, not just technical things, but also what you think the role of quotes is in fanfiction - after all we all strongly tie our stories to previously written material :)


One thing I learned is that they do not count "lines" as number of sentences is your text, but as number of sentences in the original text.

This confused me as I had the following text:

All was silent apart from the whisper of the dirty water wound between overgrown, rubbish-strewn banks.

and this was quoted from HBP Chapter two:

Many miles away the chilly mist that had pressed against the Prime Minister's windows drifted over a dirty river that wound between overgrown, rubbish-strewn banks. There was no sound apart from the whisper of the black water and no sign of life apart from a scrawny fox that had slunk down the bank to nose hopefully at some old fish-and-chips wrappings in the tall grass.

And I really wanted to keep this description, as it was key to the story (this scene takes place in Spinner's End, and the whole story is focused on Snape), but it took up two lines - at the end Jayde at HPFF told me the rule was four lines, so it was still fine :)

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