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Hogwarts Alumni Event


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hello, fellower hpfters!


i am in the middle of writing a next gen fic in which the current head has brought a bunch of reforms to hogwarts in the past couple of years, one of them being this hogwarts alumni event. it's basically a semi-formal evening where former students visit hogwarts for a meal and talk to newt students about careers and all that ish so that the students can form some links/get some advice. some places, like departments in the ministry of magic, are always sure to send someone to represent their career path.


so basically in my fic, the events committee that my main character is part of has been approached by neville to organise the event. so of course, they decide they want to spice it up a bit, make it both memorable and fun for the former pupils - after all, it is only semi-formal, right? ? which is where i turn to you beautiful people for help:


what ways would you spice up an alumni event like this?


all suggestions are very much appreciated.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Plums!


I was wondering if you still needed help with this or you figured it out anyway. I'm going to give  my suggestions in case you need it [:-P]


Some things I thought about are:

1. Lucky draw/raffle

2. Maybe have a caricature artist sitting in a corner?

3. Have a popular band playing while the mix?

4. Maybe get WWW to sponsor the event and hand out some surprise gifts [:-P]

5. How about something like speed-dating, we have speed-mentoring. Where the alumni remain seated and each student gets some time to talk to the alumni before switching, so they get a chance to listen to all career options before making a choice?


I can't think of anything else that would fit a semi-formal event. If you've already written this I would love to know what you came up with! This sounds like a great idea!

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I haven't even touched the chapter yet (or the couple before it) so these suggestions are MUCH appreciated ? Like, all of them hit the feel right on the nose, particularly that speed-dating idea. Honestly amazing! If When I start uploading it, I'll be sure to credit you for the idea! ♡


My ideas have been centred around a bit of healthy house pride but without creating too much of a divide. My first thought was something Quidditch-related but I don't think it'll work well with the "professional" atmosphere :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

This Alumni Event is such a lovely idea!


As I imagine it, it would be similar to other events at Hogwarts (like when they had guests for the Triwizard tournament), so that Alumni would sit at the house tables and talk freely to whoever they want to. Maybe have some music and dance. It could probably be both, like alimni arrieve in the morning, and the dancing is in the evening - but they spend the whole day with the students (this could be on a weekend)


The only spice that comes to my mind is that maybe you could get the alumni sorted (again) by the Sorting Hat, and they sit to house tables based on this new sorting - there might be a few surprises of former students being sorted to a new house ;)

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