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The Plunny Playhouse


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Welcome to the Plunny Playhouse!


This is a thread for discussing those plunnies that you’ve carried around for ages but never seem to get around to actually writing but still adore (or new ones that you’re super excited about!), and for squeeing (and asking questions) about other members’ great ideas! Just be careful not to reveal more details than you’re comfortable with (especially when discussing Original Fiction).


I’ll go first (omg, I have so many of these!) with the plunny that prompted me to make this thread, after discussing it on Twitter, which is a Pride and Prejudice fanfic about Caroline Bingley finding love and marrying, but not in the way she’d imagined. In the story she would be an unwitting lesbian (who, without even realising it herself, had a bit of a crush on Georgiana Darcy) who meets Charlotte Collins née Lucas at Pemberley, and finds herself intrigued by the older woman…


Another of these, which warrants a spoiler tag for Cursed Child is


the idea I had immediately after finishing the script for an AU where Delphini was discovered by the Ministry as a child and brought to grow up with Andromeda Tonks and Teddy Lupin. I don’t really have any ideas for the plot, but I think she and Teddy could have a really interesting character dynamic, and it’d be interesting to see her deal with the truth about her parentage after having grown up in very different circumstances. (Delphini is really, together with the Albus/Severus dynamic, the only thing I really liked from that play – and I suppose I’m pretty alone in that judgement. I think she has a lot of unfulfilled potential as a character, I guess.)


For original fiction, I’ve always wanted to write a short story about a dystopian society where people view love as a mental illness (sort of like that movie Equals, I guess, though I haven’t seen it and I’ve had the idea for ages), and it would center on a therapist and their client (and maybe they fall in love with each other and it’s complicated and unhealthy but still exhilarating and generally a mess).


Now it’s your turn! Tell me about your beloved baby ideas!


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who, without even realising it herself, had a bit of a crush on Georgiana Darcy
Honestly I feel like this makes her character make so much more sense. I already told her that I love her paired with Charlotte, but I really think Charlotte would really ground her character and make her much more likable.


One story I have sitting in a half planned google doc is called Grimsby Grove. Scorpius and Albus run the local radio station there in the all magical community. There are these awkward commercials. The playfully corrupt local Magistrate, Nigel Brimble, keeps buying ads in which he's definitely trying to hit on Fitz-Lloyd Hancock of Hancock Potions (ie basically owns the town, is the media darling, and the town loves him for the good wages+fair business practices). Hancock is uncomfortable with all of the ad flirting and tries to buy up all the ad spaces, but they won't break the contracts with current advertisers so he has to wait six months. He's unwilling to wait that long so he tries to shut down the radio station/buy them out. At this point Albus and Scorpius are upset and so they accidentally start this never ending escalation of fighting with the guy who basically owns the town and unwittingly sided with the town creep all because magical law gave them a headache.

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