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I'm brainstorming for a fic where the main characters are Aurors working together as partners, and I just realized how little information there is about Aurors! 

Do you have any headcanons/canonical info about the following: 

- details about the qualifying test from the Ministry (and a name? Like NEWTs or OWLs?) 

- subdivisions (sort of like in the CIA/FBI: logistics, clandestine services, etc.) 

Thanks! :) 

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Hi there!

So, I'm writing a novel where the next gen kids are in Auror Training (and some of them are in Healer training at St. Mungo's as well).  As such, I've had to construct a program for the Aurors.  Here is what I've come up with:

  • It's a three year training process, consisting of both classwork, spellwork, strategies, curse-throwing, defense and offence studies.
  • There's a mentor program, where third-year trainees are assigned to work with first-years, to show them the ropes.
  • At the end of three years, the trainees must pass their "Standard Normal Auror Knowledge Exams" (S.N.A.K.E.s), which consists of a written test and a practical exam
  • Once they've passed their SNAKEs, they are promoted to Junior Auror, and are permitted to work in the field.  They are assigned a senior level Auror as their partner for a period of one year.

As far as subdivisions, I haven't put too much thought into that.  In my story, Harry is the head of the department, and he pretty much assigned cases to all of the other Aurors.  Ron is in charge of all the trainees, so he determines their coursework and does most of the evaluations.

Cool topic - thanks for posting!:duel:

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Thanks for sharing this :) I've been trying to no avail to come up with a name for the final evals; SNAKEs are pretty awesome! (Would you mind if I borrowed, with due credit?)

I like the system you've set up for training! How much practical experience do trainees get? Do they go 'in the field' or is everything just simulations until they pass their final evals & become junior Aurors?

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Hey there!

*faints with excitement that someone wants to hear about my Auror Training head canon* :hearteyes:


Thanks for sharing this :) I've been trying to no avail to come up with a name for the final evals; SNAKEs are pretty awesome! (Would you mind if I borrowed, with due credit?)

No, I wouldn't mind at all!  I'd love to read how you incorporate it into your story, so please share the link with me!



How much practical experience do trainees get? Do they go 'in the field' or is everything just simulations until they pass their final evals & become junior Aurors?

So, in *theory* they don't go into a potentially dangerous situation until they've passed their SNAKEs.  They can participate with a junior or senior Auror in interviewing a suspect or victim, help reconstruct a crime scene, they are also permitted to help out in an investigation during their training.  At the end of their second year, their wands are connected to the "network."  This acts like an alert and is activated by the spell Aurelius Adveho.  It sends out a call to all Aurors whose wands are connected, and red sparks fly out of all their wands.  Third years are not supposed to respond until the "all clear" is given, which is signaled by blue sparks.  

Gah, thanks so much for letting me drone on and on about this! :loveshower:

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Did you say Aurors?


Here are some recommendations, hints for writing Auror stories.

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11662486/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Eversion-of-Magic (T)

Toward the Heights (M) by Slide

The Department (M) by  poppunkpadfoot

To Steal Our Breath Away (M) by Beeezie

Shades of Anger (M) by cambangst

Harry Potter and the Conspiracy of Blood (M) cambangst


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