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OF Published Masterlist

Guest Rumpelstiltskin

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Guest Rumpelstiltskin

Want to post about your published work?  Fill out the code and post below, and it will be added to the masterlist!  (Note: Strictly NC-17 material, with graphic depictions of violence and/or smut may not be included, in accordance with the site guidelines. ) Not a discussion area, please go +here for discussion.


[b]Penname Used:[/b]
[b]Rating (if Mature):[/b]
[b]+Link to location:[/b]




Title: The Gilded Rose

Penname Used: M. C. Crocker

Rating (if Mature): Teen

Genre(s): Young Adult, Detective, Murder Mystery


Explosions just don't happen in a high school chemistry lab, yet at Rhodes Academy, it does. While everyone thinks it to be a simple accident, it isn't. Winston Yates, a new transfer student, finds himself being dragged into an investigation of the explosion by none other than the overly brilliant and yet socially awkward Sharon Holmes, whose investigative and deductive style is much like that of the famous detective whose last name she shares. This investigation becomes more complex with attempted murder becoming part of it.

+Link to location: Amazon



Title: Brains!

Penname Used: dark_pookha

Rating (if Mature): teen and up

Genre(s): humor, zombie apocalypse

Summary: Carissa's parents don't approve of her new boyfriend.

+Link to location: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6534445



Title: Coming Back

Penname Used: Farah Ali

Rating (if Mature): teen and up

Genre(s): literary/general, flash fiction

Summary: A young woman is faced with choosing between her family and her boyfriend.

+Link to location: https://citronreview.com/2015/09/15/coming-back/


Title: Nora

Penname Used: Farah Ali

Rating (if Mature): teen and up

Genre(s): literary/general, flash fiction

Summary: Will contemplates the enigma surrounding a young woman's emotional path.

+Link to location: http://flashfictionmagazine.com/blog/2015/10/14/nora/#more-3937


Title: Meditation

Penname Used: Farah Ali

Rating (if Mature): teen and up

Genre(s): literary/general, short story

Summary: Mona attends a yoga class to relax, but finds herself deeply uncomfortable in the meditation portion.

+Link to location: http://www.cecileswriters.com/mag/story/meditation/



Title: No Regrets

Penname Used: Emily Wheeler

Rating (if Mature): maybe mature? It's violent but not explicit.

Genre(s): drabble

Summary: Flash fction inspired by the Foo Fighters' No One's Getting Out of Here Alive

Link to location: #98 in this anthology: 100 RPM - One Hundred Stories Inspired By Music

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