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Your Unique Headcanons - Anything You Always Include That Others Don't?


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So basically I mean like, the sort of things you take for granted and usually write as part of your "canon" ideas. Not stuff within AUs, but particular ways you imagine characters that aren't necessarily introduced by Rowling or introduced in the films. Is there anything you do in your work that people often comment on in this regard?

For example:

  • I normally write Hermione as a black girl, which I've done for the past four or five years (people normally leave nasty reviews assuming it's based on The Cursed Child, but it isn't, haha. I just see her as black, like.)
  • I tend to write Pettigrew as having severe anxiety that manifests in a stutter at school, meaning that although he's just as powerful a wizard as the other three, but he's barely capable of producing even a simple charm in front of a crowd.
  • I tend to write Lucius as someone who gardens & cooks, and being very domestic within the private sphere, but not at all without.
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I love that interpretation of Peter Pettigrew. It explains the attitude towards him at school, his possible resentment towards Sirius and James for underestimating him and how the Death Eaters managed to frighten/manipulate him relatively easily.

I see Draco as having major issues after the war. I think in some ways he suffered more than pretty much anybody else, because his whole understanding of the world was turned upsidedown. The man he was taught to idolise essentially threatened to kill his family, the father he thought all-knowing had given his life to a cause that completely turned against him, the boy he hated saved his life. And on top of that he was actually living in the place where torture was happening. And he had to live with knowing he could have killed somebody. My headcanon is that he never really fully gets over it. I haven't actually directly included this but it hangs in the background of my next gen as it influences how Scorpius grows up.

I see Fudge as basically acting out of desperation. Deep down he knows he isn't up to the job and at first he relies on others like Dumbledore to steer him right but then he starts panicking as he knows he cannot deal with a war and does not want to be the one to give the bad news that Voldemort is still alive to the wizarding population so he convinces himself Dumbledore is plotting against him. Deep down, I think he is basically a good person, given his reaction to being fired. He is just in over his head and is weak enough to react by trying to protect himself rather than doing what is best for society.

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^^That's how I always see Fudge too. I add in a lot of faith in some Ministry official (usually Scrimgeour) can sort out the Voldemort problem before things spiral too far out of control and he could somehow take credit for the sting operation.

I write James II as a bit of a nerd instead of the jockish philanderer because I have no idea how that became his go to characterization. I find it hard to believe Harry's kid could get too big of a head because I think Ginny would knock him down a peg or two when needed.

I like to write Lily Evans as rebellious and a bit of a rule breaker rather than Hermione 2.0. I tend to write that she was the one itching to join OOTP rather than the marauders and that she somehow dragged them along with her (without too much prodding I'm sure).

I write Peter with an intensely overbearing mother that leaves him a bit insecure. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a few :)

I write Kendra Dumbledore as Native American - and this is my absolute go-to headcanon for her; and thus the Dumbledore siblings are half-Native. 

In everything I've written Regulus into, I've given him haemophilia, and I've worked it back through his family tree, so his mother carries it, his uncle Cygnus has it, and his grandmother Irma Crabbe-Black was the woman who 'brought it into' the family tree, so to speak. 

Gellert Grindelwald in all my stories is half-Hungarian, half-German (though with his British great-aunt Bathilda, obviously), and his whole backstory is the same from story to story (as it is with Albus' and the Dumbledores' too). 

I also have a lot of headcanon for Durmstrang which I've developed for two separate stories (which are technically in the same universe, but not in the same series): their year structure, school subjects, school structure, quirks, etc. etc. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have it as a headcanon that while Severus is behind perfecting the recipes in his Potions book, Lily was the one who suggested experimenting in the first place.

Viktor Krum is someone I believe to be the child of Bulgarian expats to Western Europe, most probably Germany, hence his atypical last name and accent. I'm using this as a base for writing his origin story.

I've written the relationship of James, and even more so, Sirius, to Peter as more or less patronizing - James liked to hand out well-intentioned but shallow advice like "you just need to be more confident", while Sirius sometimes outright slipped into mocking Peter. Peter, for his part, built up an enormous amount of resentment.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/12/2017 at 8:28 AM, Nhaz said:

I've written the relationship of James, and even more so, Sirius, to Peter as more or less patronizing - James liked to hand out well-intentioned but shallow advice like "you just need to be more confident", while Sirius sometimes outright slipped into mocking Peter. Peter, for his part, built up an enormous amount of resentment.

I do something similar as well!

On 10/17/2017 at 6:52 PM, PaulaTheProkaryote said:

I like to write Lily Evans as rebellious and a bit of a rule breaker rather than Hermione 2.0. I tend to write that she was the one itching to join OOTP rather than the marauders and that she somehow dragged them along with her (without too much prodding I'm sure).

I write Peter with an intensely overbearing mother that leaves him a bit insecure. 

I like to write Lily the same way too! I stay away from writing her as Hermione 2.0, and in fact take the perspective that Harry gets his curiosity from Lily rather than James. 

I absolutely LOVE that interpretation of Peter! 

One thing that I usually steer away from while writing James Potter I is that he wanted to become an auror/fight in the war from a young age. I tend to write James Potter as someone who is self absorbed and don't care-ish about the Wizarding War until much later. 

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I write Lee as a half-blood, with an American muggle born mum who was born in Georgia.

Susan Bones is always a redhead in my stories 

Lee's dad Curtis did commentary for the Falmouth Falcons

Miss Figg was married.


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These are fun to read about!

A few of mine - 

Anthony/Ernie as a couple - this is very recent, but I think it's going to stick

Fred and George being more different from each other than I usually see, with Fred more outgoing and George more reserved

(Rather obviously) Lily and Petunia having a more loving relationship, and both regretting their eventual fall out

The Evans family as blue collar/working class, and often struggling financially due to Mr. Evan's union strikes

A major school of magic in New Orleans

Hogwarts as a summer refuge for Muggleborns whose families thought they were devils or changelings during the Middle Ages

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My favorite headcanon that I haven't seen before is that Scorpius is in Hufflepuff.

I'd try to explain all of my headcanons about the wizarding public school system in America, but I'd be here for days :P 

Definitely James I being much more kind and caring than we see in the books, especially towards . Yeah, he can be a jerk and absolutely clueless, but he has a heart of gold underneath all of the bravado. 

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2 hours ago, clevernotbrilliant said:

My favorite headcanon that I haven't seen before is that Scorpius is in Hufflepuff.

Have you considered reading Welcome to Blunderland (M) by peppersweet? Although Scorpius isn't necessarily the most endearing character, he is sorted and portrayed as a Hufflepuff! 

I don't really have many headcanons (I do have a few) for canon characters mentioned in the series, but I do have a lot of solid Next Gen headcanons! 

I've always imagined that Charlie Weasley is aro-ace! He's just pretty chill just being by himself. :) 

And then there's this headcanon of mine that I've always wanted to be Audrey (Percy's wife) to be Chinese, and character wise, she's a bit of his opposite. Their children take after Audrey.

I also like thinking of James II and Fred II as generally placid (but you know, they're also charmingly charismatic, just a little) guys, that don't really make much of an effort to bring attention to themselves, and yes, I do in fact think of them this way simply out of Spite for the fact everyone portrays them as pranksters (I am a vindictive person, what can I say). 

Strangely enough, I think of Harry as half-Latino (and his father is a full blooded Latino), and I like to think he blunders his way into trying to learn Spanish but gives up half way through.

And lastly I love portraying my Al Potter as a quiet Hufflepuff that keeps to himself, and makes friends as people approach him. (Although, none of my stories reflect this, I'm hoping to do this in Miracle. Though, it can be said all of the Albus Potters I have written have one common thread; they all tend to keep to themselves--at least they try to.)

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Okay, I love some of this headcanon! I am fond of the Charlie being Aro/Ace

The anxiety-ridden Peter is brilliant!  Like seriously :hearteyes:

I also write Peter with an overbearing mother which is what causes Peter to lack confidence.

(Sorry had to remark on some of what I saw)

Anyway, on the subject of Peter - I haven't written it but I always imagined Peter having fallen in love during Hogwarts (not Lily) and that love is threatened or killed and that kind of helps to push him to the side of the Death Eaters.  (I used to have a set girl but I forgot who it was and would have to take time to research canon to make a decision once again.)

While not evident in my writing - Sirius' bike has always ALWAYS been called Marianne.  He built it himself the muggle way (before enchanting it to fly).  He also likes muggle mechanics and probably could have happily settled into a life working as one.  Sirius is also fond of muggle rock n roll.

Remus has a tattoo that most do not know about.  It was something he was pushed into by his friends - all the Marauders have one (save for maybe Peter - can't decide if he squeaked out of it or not).  Remus is also a prankster at heart - his art and craft is much more subtle and tends to work more as an unseen mastermind occasionally though he does try to toe the line at the same time.

Lily I actually liked Severus for a time as more than a friend though nothing came of it all things considered. (The flame died out).

Then Regulus (yes all my headcanon is Marauder era related) liked being the second born and was happy to play second fiddle, the last thing he wanted to be was THE Black heir.  Also,  my newest bit of headcanon which I've held for about a year is that Regulus is gay.


EDIT: I am also with ya'll about wizarding schools in America being different than what Potermore has given us. (I've got little thoughts here and there but no set headcanon.)

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Remus used the distract with facts method to keep Marauders out of trouble when they were caught. He'd start an innocent explanation with so many facts and details and statistics until the unsuspecting prof/prefect/head sent them away just to shut him up.

I like the idea of Hagrid with a bunch of like quintessential suburban mom stuff going on. Like I want him to have a book club that's actually just a bunch of people gathering to gossip and bonus points if you somehow include Dumbledore's knitting into that. I read a fic once where he was baking his rock cakes for a meeting and fretting over it and it was super cute and domestic.

I think it came from reading Kayla's fics (KrazyBoutHarryGinny/Poppunkpadfoot), but I want Sirius to be a crusader for making sure kids that need a safe place in the magical society have one. Although, I think Harry could do this too. I think on tumblr there was a post about Grimmauld becoming such a place and I love that. 

Indian Harry Potter has really stuck with me and it's probably my favorite. 


A major school of magic in New Orleans

YES! I want like regional schools. I recognize that maybe there might not be enough demand for a wizarding school in every state (but I'd like there to be) so even if they were just like southern US, New England, etc I'd be happy. I also like variation in that they aren't all boarding schools. Like surely some must be day schools. 

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 4:10 PM, PaulaTheProkaryote said:

I like the idea of Hagrid with a bunch of like quintessential suburban mom stuff going on. Like I want him to have a book club that's actually just a bunch of people gathering to gossip and bonus points if you somehow include Dumbledore's knitting into that. I read a fic once where he was baking his rock cakes for a meeting and fretting over it and it was super cute and domestic.

Omg this is amazing and I have a new headcanon now xD



Some of my headcanons-

-James Sirius Potter is a writer, and not a very successful one. He gets involved in his fair share of practical jokes and pranks but is also a huge nerd who reads a lot.

-Peter Pettigrew is gay, but in the closet throughout his Hogwarts years. He had a huge crush on one of the other Marauders at school but could never bring himself to say anything about it for fear of losing the tight friendship of the group, which explains why he made so many allowances for their behavior as well

-James I is half Indian.

-Cho Chang expresses all of her emotions very strongly. This includes joy, so when she's happy she's actually hilarious with a killer sense of humour. (After all, we only saw her during a really low point for her in the books when she was (obviously) feeling quite sad, and Harry never really sees the awesome side of her because he's a terrible boyfriend :P ) but I see her as the sort of person who when she's happy, she's REALLY happy.

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On 1/12/2018 at 9:54 PM, sunshine_locks said:
  • I tend to write Lucius as someone who gardens & cooks, and being very domestic within the private sphere, but not at all without.

I've played with this idea for Draco but haven't written about it. 

On 10/17/2017 at 5:52 PM, PaulaTheProkaryote said:

I write Peter with an intensely overbearing mother that leaves him a bit insecure. 

I have him as really close to his mom (a little more close than healthy but not in a Norman Bates way, just less independent than he should be). I didn't really make her overbearing though -- it's a good way to portray that though!


On 1/13/2018 at 7:12 AM, scooterbug8515 said:

Remus is also a prankster at heart - his art and craft is much more subtle and tends to work more as an unseen mastermind occasionally though he does try to toe the line at the same time.

Yesssssssssssssss. I have so much Remus headcanon. A few favorites: 

-Remus blames himself for being bitten

-Also Remus blames himself for everything. I've read how people either internalize or externalize blame/fault for events. An example: you trip over a backpack in the aisle as you're going to your desk. afterwards if you think "why am I such a clutz" then you might be an internalizer. if you think "why can't people pick up their stuff" you might externailze stuff. All of this is why I tend to write Remus as finding ways to correct his behavior to influence outcomes in his life rather than trying to change facts about his life outside his immediate control. 

-Wolfstar and Remadora coexist without overlap. 

I have a lot more. I could write a novel on my headcanon and really most of my headcanon is in my writing. 

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I write Peter as impoverished, with a flaky mom who flits from small job to job and barely keeps the family afloat despite Peter working summers to save money. He also has a little sister who's a little frail and sickly who he basically parents when he's not at Hogwarts. And he's on the wrong side of a local gang back home. This all creates a contrast between himself and the other Marauders and fuels his idolization of Sirius - someone both wealthy and strong enough to rebel against his parents. Though it isn't directed at his friends, his life outside Hogwarts builds up a lot of anger, fear, and resentment all of which (in conjunction with a spoiler event from Evolution) that gets preyed upon to turn him.

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15 hours ago, toomanycurls said:

-Wolfstar and Remadora coexist without overlap. 

Okay. But this. You can ship one. You can ship both. You might even be able to ship more than that. If Sirius and Tonks weren't cousins, they could have been poly. 

There are possibilities. 

Also. I have a headcanon that Lockhart is gay and roomed with Rita before they both made it big. They were best friends, feeding off each others egos and helping to further each others carriers. I read a fic about it once. It was the only one I found but I've stuck to it ever since and put a few of my own twists on it as well. They went to Hogwarts at the same time, and everyone used to think they were dating. They spread a few of the rumors themselves.

I also write Peter with anxiety, and I also headcanon that he's neurodivergent in some ways. We know he was smart since he pulled off being a animagus, but I like to think his learning difficulties stemmed more from not processing information like everyone else, leading to self confidence issues, and eventually to resentment at being around friends that seemed to get everything so easily, and not only that but being mad at how much they seemed to not even realize it.

I think Neville did too, and that they might have been a lot alike, but went different directions and had different influences. I think it's commonly agreed Peter would have had Slytherin as his secondary house, while Neville had Hufflepuff. But I think they were in Gryffindor for the same reason. They both admired bravery. They wanted to be brave. But Peter was lured away from his potential, and a lot of his traits were taken advantage of. The other marauders were his friends, but let's face it. From what we know James and Sirius were more than a bit immature, and Remus had a lot to worry about with himself. Neville had more support than I think Peter would have had.

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On 1/13/2018 at 2:59 AM, clevernotbrilliant said:

I'd try to explain all of my headcanons about the wizarding public school system in America, but I'd be here for days :P 

I'd love to hear it. Actually, I might start a thread about other wizarding countries.

53 minutes ago, Shadowkat678 said:

Also. I have a headcanon that Lockhart is gay and roomed with Rita before they both made it big. They were best friends, feeding off each others egos and helping to further each others carriers. I read a fic about it once. It was the only one I found but I've stuck to it ever since and put a few of my own twists on it as well. They went to Hogwarts at the same time, and everyone used to think they were dating. They spread a few of the rumors themselves.

I also write Peter with anxiety, and I also headcanon that he's neurodivergent in some ways. We know he was smart since he pulled off being a animagus, but I like to think his learning difficulties stemmed more from not processing information like everyone else, leading to self confidence issues, and eventually to resentment at being around friends that seemed to get everything so easily, and not only that but being mad at how much they seemed to not even realize it.

I think Neville did too, and that they might have been a lot alike, but went different directions and had different influences. I think it's commonly agreed Peter would have had Slytherin as his secondary house, while Neville had Hufflepuff. But I think they were in Gryffindor for the same reason. They both admired bravery. They wanted to be brave. But Peter was lured away from his potential, and a lot of his traits were taken advantage of. The other marauders were his friends, but let's face it. From what we know James and Sirius were more than a bit immature, and Remus had a lot to worry about with himself. Neville had more support than I think Peter would have had.

I really like both the idea of Rita and Lockhart being friends (even collaborating) and the suggestion that Peter had anxiety. The idea of his being neurodivergent and having learning difficulties also makes a lot of sense given the era we are talking about. There are so many things that are recognised now that quite likely wouldn't have been in the 1970s.

Leonore and I have created a whole Irish Ministry of Magic, with their Ministry in Tara, the ancient capital of Celtic Ireland.

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James I is half Indian.

This one totally makes sense. I've always imagined that Harry has some East Asian descent (yes, I'm aware that India isn't East Asian) because in the books it's emphasized multiple times that Harry has "jet black" hair. Now, I don't know many native Western Europeans with extremely dark hair, so I thought Harry probably had some Chinese or Japanese ancestry or something. But that's about one of the only strange headcanons I've had. I don't have too many.

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  • 1 month later...

Helga Hufflepuff is originally from Norway. She was a kinswoman and friend of Raud the Strong and a foe of Olaf Tryggvason.

Rowena Ravenclaw sometimes advised her muggle nephew, King Macbeth of Scotland. He in turn granted her the land grant where Hogwarts is built.

Fred and George are closer to being Ravenclaws than Hermione. To get at what I mean, look at Hermione's the DA coins. They are built on established magical theory; advanced for her age but established. Meanwhile, Fred and George's work is more outside the box. They are motivated by passion which makes them Gryffindor, but ultimately that creative thinking is closer to Ravenclaw than Hermione.

Susan Bones is a redhead.

Both Patil sisters survived the war. Lavender Brown did not.

Pansy's daughter, while a Slytherin, married a non Slytherin with ties to the muggle world and disowned. This is directly influenced by Inverarity's Hogwart's Houses Divided.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Never Happened and is not cannon.This obvious because Cedric would never be a death eater.

Audrey Davies Weasley is a muggleborn witch. She had/has two brothers, Roger and Jake (or Jacob). Roger (the cannon Roger Davies), also a muggleborn wizard, was killed by Death Eaters while unsuccessfully hiding with Jake. Jake killed the Death Eater who killed his brother with the help of his future wife, Cho Chang.

Rose and Hugo Weasley are the two of the three Weasley/Potter kids not sorted into Gryffindor.  Rose is sorted into either Ravenclaw or Slytherin (the latter is not okay despite Ron and Hermione's best effort to be okay with it) and Hugo is sorted into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. They are not in the same house but are close none the less.

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  • 6 months later...

I love this thread! But, my headcanons tend to be excessively detailed things that make me cry, just so you're warned:

Cedric Diggory had been planning to take Harry Potter under his wing after the Triwizard Tournament ended, and make a proper friend out of the younger Gryffindor. He'd seemed like a good kid to Cedric, if fantastically unlucky, and rather lonely outside Ron and Hermione.

Peter Pettigrew was convinced that by joining Voldemort and becoming Secret Keeper he was saving everyone—particularly Sirius and Harry. It was only later that he realized what he had done, and just what he agreed to pledge his loyalty to. The other three Marauders, for their part, were convinced there was a traitor in the Order out to get Peter, and that by making him Secret Keeper, they would have an excuse to protect him—something Peter had been sensitive about since they had all met years ago.

Voldemort dreamed about the death of his mother, the only person who truly loved him, all the time when he was younger, and it made him a bit (more) insane. It also eventually drove him to hunt down and kill his Muggle grandparents, convinced that this would end the dreams/nightmares (After all, if she had loved him, if any of his family had loved him, he wouldn't have been left at Wool's, according to his logic).

Scorpius and Rose become the ultimate platonic power couple in Hogwarts, and more or less take over the Ministry once they graduate to remake it as their parents' generation begins to retire; the media, along with Draco, Harry, and Ron, is eternally convinced they're in a love affair to outdo Rose's parents. In reality, Rose is aromantic and often tries to play a too-logical matchmaker for her family, while Scorpius and Albus have been obliviously pining after each other since Fourth Year, much to her outrage.

James I was a will-walk-through-fire-for-people-person, always believed the world of his friends, no matter what, and just wanted them happy. This is part of the reason why he hated Snape so much: he knew that Lily I would get hurt by her friendship with him, short of something drastic happening.

Frank Longbottom took up gardening as a stress-reliever during the war, and found he had a green thumb, much to the delight of Alice, who had grown up with a trowel practically in her hand since birth. He never told his mother, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have several headcanons- some detailed as they are key parts of my planned shared universe of HP AU stories and some not so.

I've always seen Lily and Petunia's father as a head gardener at a stately home near Cokeworth, hence his daughter's names. I've come to call him Montague Evans or 'Monty' to his mates and wife, but he's still very much working class in character. And he always doted on his daughters.


Cokeworth is a former textile mill town in Lancashire. Snape's father Tobias had low-paid jobs in construction all his working life, in contrast to his successful younger brother Arnold. However Tobias was the one who cared for their ailing parents while Arnold cared more for money but the Snapes idolised their absent son while dismissing Tobias, hence the abuse he levelled on Eileen and Severus.


Mundungus Fletcher is the illegimate half-blood son of Arthur Weasley's eldest brother Septimus Weasley Jr, born as a result of a fling at Hogwarts. Mundungus was in the year below the Marauders at school and in a rare moment of heroism saved Mary MacDonald from her attackers- earning him many enemies in the Death Eaters ranks (He was nearly murdered on Hogwarts grounds by Mulciber Jr and Avery Jr at one point.)


James Potter I wasn't as arrogant and spoiled as the books paint him. He was a talented student and quidditch player but that's because he worked damn hard to earn it. His father  taught him the value of hard work and punished him when he went too far. While his mother taught him the value of friendship and how to practically care for others, turning him into something of a mother hen at Hogwarts. He was affectionately known as 'Nanny Potter' as a result. He was also not as obsessive over Lily as some fanfics or the books imply, he was more focused on protecting Remus, preparing for the likeihood of life without his parents as they both were older than Dumbledore. Fleamont was the older of the two. James and Lily were actually reasonably good friends for most of their years at Hogwarts, with the occasional fiery spat over Snape.


Caradoc Dearborn was the nephew of Augusta Longbottom. He also was a Slytherin. Benjy Fewick was in Ravenclaw and known as 'Mad Benjy'.

Fabian and Gideon Prewett were not their generations Fred and George they were serious tactical men who constructed their own last stand as a plan to save their Auror squadron- that included Caradoc, Benjy and Frank Longbottom. Fabian earned infamy for killing Fenrir Greyback's second in command (in werewolf form) with a soup ladel.

I do have more but I'll end this post here.

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On 9/20/2018 at 12:40 AM, northbound24 said:

I have several headcanons- some detailed as they are key parts of my planned shared universe of HP AU stories and some not so.

I've always seen Lily and Petunia's father as a head gardener at a stately home near Cokeworth, hence his daughter's names. I've come to call him Montague Evans or 'Monty' to his mates and wife, but he's still very much working class in character. And he always doted on his daughters.


Cokeworth is a former textile mill town in Lancashire. Snape's father Tobias had low-paid jobs in construction all his working life, in contrast to his successful younger brother Arnold. However Tobias was the one who cared for their ailing parents while Arnold cared more for money but the Snapes idolised their absent son while dismissing Tobias, hence the abuse he levelled on Eileen and Severus.


Mundungus Fletcher is the illegimate half-blood son of Arthur Weasley's eldest brother Septimus Weasley Jr, born as a result of a fling at Hogwarts. Mundungus was in the year below the Marauders at school and in a rare moment of heroism saved Mary MacDonald from her attackers- earning him many enemies in the Death Eaters ranks (He was nearly murdered on Hogwarts grounds by Mulciber Jr and Avery Jr at one point.)


James Potter I wasn't as arrogant and spoiled as the books paint him. He was a talented student and quidditch player but that's because he worked damn hard to earn it. His father  taught him the value of hard work and punished him when he went too far. While his mother taught him the value of friendship and how to practically care for others, turning him into something of a mother hen at Hogwarts. He was affectionately known as 'Nanny Potter' as a result. He was also not as obsessive over Lily as some fanfics or the books imply, he was more focused on protecting Remus, preparing for the likeihood of life without his parents as they both were older than Dumbledore. Fleamont was the older of the two. James and Lily were actually reasonably good friends for most of their years at Hogwarts, with the occasional fiery spat over Snape.


Caradoc Dearborn was the nephew of Augusta Longbottom. He also was a Slytherin. Benjy Fewick was in Ravenclaw and known as 'Mad Benjy'.

Fabian and Gideon Prewett were not their generations Fred and George they were serious tactical men who constructed their own last stand as a plan to save their Auror squadron- that included Caradoc, Benjy and Frank Longbottom. Fabian earned infamy for killing Fenrir Greyback's second in command (in werewolf form) with a soup ladel.

I do have more but I'll end this post here.

Continuing this headcanon.

Godric's Hollow is situated in Gloucestershire, not far from the Potter family's ancestral home of Stinchcombe. James Potter I and his parents lived in Stinchcombe in a modest home as JKR says the family weren't promient purebloods, and I can't see Fleamont being flamboyant with money. 

Abraxas Malfoy is a comtemporary of Albus Dumbledore and Horace Slughorn, and though he was anti-Muggle in his youth by the time of Voldemort's first rising he was an ardent supporter of Muggle rights. In sharp contrast to his son.

Marvolo Gaunt was married to his first cousin- also named Merope- who died soon after Merope Jr was born. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this thread! 

-Peter had some sort of learning disability in addition to some sort of physical disability that he managed to mostly overcome and/or compensate for by adulthood. His mother told him when he got to Hogwarts to find someone stronger than him to be his friend and protect him. He found the Marauders. Then, still heeding his mother's advice, found the Death Eaters when he felt they were stronger.

-Rita and Lockhart would've made an awesome (yet hilarious) couple.

-Dumbledore fixed Hagrid's wand with the Elder wand before concealing it in the pink umbrella.

-Remus was an anxious child and went along with what his friends did even if he didn't believe it right because he felt he couldn't afford to lose friends. 

-Pretty much everyone had PTSD after the second war, resulting in St. Mungo's opening a new ward for psychiatric care (more than just the Closed Ward- therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc). Rose Weasley eventually becomes a psychiatrist and works there.

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On 9/23/2018 at 7:48 PM, northbound24 said:

Abraxas Malfoy is a comtemporary of Albus Dumbledore and Horace Slughorn, and though he was anti-Muggle in his youth by the time of Voldemort's first rising he was an ardent supporter of Muggle rights. In sharp contrast to his son.

i love this headcanon purely because it is nothing like mine! :P i always picture abraxas as being around tom's age and being a supporter of his rhetoric and ambitions while at hogwarts (as part of the knights of walpurgis). then i picture that when he's older and voldemort's slowly getting more and more power, he falls behind the scenes more so as to not be caught in any shady situations. he never becomes an official death eater, but is willing to covertly fund them. it's not until lucius that there is an outright supporter in their family.

On 1/20/2018 at 2:55 AM, Phoenix Potioneer said:

This one totally makes sense. I've always imagined that Harry has some East Asian descent (yes, I'm aware that India isn't East Asian) because in the books it's emphasized multiple times that Harry has "jet black" hair. Now, I don't know many native Western Europeans with extremely dark hair, so I thought Harry probably had some Chinese or Japanese ancestry or something. But that's about one of the only strange headcanons I've had. I don't have too many.

this!! one of my personal headcanons is that they're korean and that's purely because i have never found faceclaims more fitting for my personal mental images of albus potter and james potter i. and yes potter isn't a korean surname, but i know someone who is of pakistani descent whose name is lucy smith [note: not her real name but very western all the same] and that... is not a name i hear very often in pakistani families. yes, korean and pakistani people are very different, but you get my gist all the same. i'm not gonna let the westerness of a name stop me from assigning POC faceclaims.

also semi-related, i've decided to make teddy lupin korean as well and this is purely because kpop stars dye their hair very frequently so it just makes it easier on myself :P like just look at oh sehun

some of my headcanons:

  • peter does have some form of anxiety (a common headcanon, it seems), even if it isn't always formally diagnosed
  • james did not pine after lily to the point of asking her out 24/7. he had a crush on her around about fourth/fifth year and acted like a prat on occasion to get her attention, thinking it would impress her. in other words, he was a dumb teenage boy who hadn't yet grown up
  • james is 100% ready to throw hands for his friends. i have realised that in two of my fics i have him do just that for sirius. otherwise, he's very easygoing
  • i tend to write modern muggle aus a lot and whenever i include emmeline vance (usually as a throwaway background character), i always call her emma vance?? i kind of think of it as her being like ugh can you believe that ridiculous name my parents gave me, just call me emma :P
  • lily is very cheeky and not a hermione 2.0!! i imagine her to be quite charming and a people person
  • she is also very much working class as are remus and severus. cokesworth is your typical industrial town, probably in the midlands or the north of england. i headcanon that this is partly why petunia was so attracted to vernon: because he was her escape from the lack-lustre streets of cokeworth.
  • i imagine that al is the kid that deals with the pressure of being harry's child the worst, especially because he looks like his father the most. he tends to be more withdrawn and he is 100% a slytherin. every other next gen character's sorting is up for debate (except teddy. boy's a hufflepuff if i ever saw one)
  • i think that hermione and ron have a very healthy marriage and that their combative natures calm down after the war as they seek comfort in each other. honestly, i do think they continue to bicker because i think both hermione and ron enjoy having someone challenge them that way, but they're still very happy together. and i absolutely believe that ron is a very good, present and hands-on father (driven in part by hermione's demanding work life) as well as a favourite uncle among the next gen
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Okay.  Arabella Figg is not a batty old lady; that was just a persona she assumed during the years when she was keeping an eye on Harry, so that no one would expect that she had any importance.  She was really very smart.  After the Second Wizarding War she was free to resume her natural personality.  She was married in 1935, at age 20, to Cyril Figg, an engineer at Morris Engines in Coventry.  At the outset of World War II he joined the RAF and was killed in a bombing raid over Nuremberg in 1944.  Back in England, Mrs. Figg lived through the bombing of Coventry in 1941 and subsequently lived as a widow, raising her two daughters.  Her story is given in Chapter 9, "The Bombing of Coventry" in my story The Baby in the Closet.

Many authors have shown Albus Potter as sickly, depressed, weak, etc., based, I suppose, on his line in the Epilogue where he says, "...but what if I'm in Slytherin?"  But my Albus is cheerful, easy-going, the opposite of scared or depressed; he starts a cross-country running team at Hogwarts to provide an alternate sport for students who are not on Quidditch teams, laughs off the inevitable jibes from his fellow students, recruits his cousin Dudley to help him figure out how to get this sport going, and eventually takes his team to the Hood-to-Coast Relay (with a little hacking from Dudley's computer-savvy friend to make sure that Albus' team, the Hogsmeade Harriers, gets selected in the supposedly impartial lottery among all the teams that want to enter.  I even asked my computer-engineer daughter how that could be accomplished.  Don't remember exactly what she said, so I will have to ask her again if I ever actually get around to writing it.


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