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Ways to ruin a wedding


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I have a new story idea where Albus has convinced a friend of a friend (Hayley) to be his date to Rose's wedding to Scorpius. He's hiding his feelings for Scorpius, and wants to get his family off his back about not having someone in his life, so he's asked this girl to help him. She's also going to be helping him ruin the wedding (he totally wants Scorpius, Scorpius hasn't admitted to his own feelings yet, and Hayley wants to help him get Scorpius... and Rose has fat shamed Hayley and she wants revenge.)


That is where all of you lovely bunch come in! I need ideas on how this wedding weekend can be ruined! What I have so far is :-


- She sleeps with James (who is the only one in the family who knows that Albus is gay and that he's not dating this girl)

- It turns out Harry has arrested her a few weeks earlier for public indecency

- Albus is accidentally outed, resulting in attention being taken from Rose, who isn't happy.

- Ron arguing with Draco


Any ideas would be awesome!

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After I read this, I got an insane idea that I had to think twice about whether or not I wanted to post it but what the hell! :P


If Albus doesn't mind being outed, what they could do is when the officiant asks 'If there is anyone who feels these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace', Albus and Hayley could both object, walk up to both Scorpius AND Rose and kiss them in front of everyone (Albus and Scorpius could have their moment and then Hayley can have hers by possibly scandalizing Rose).


Side note here (and I hope it doesn't sound TOO cliched) but another idea that cropped up is what if Rose and Hayley ended up dating as a result of it?


(I hope this made sense - I knew what I was trying to say :) )

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You can have a lot of simple, non-internal drama stuff going on, besides Albus trying to destroy the wedding :P Like, if the caterer gets one of the dishes wrong, the florist goes to the wrong place, the cake maker is late or a word is spelt wrong, the best man loses the ring(s), a bridesmaid dress gets lost/torn/damaged... some of them could be adapted to be caused by other people - e.g. James 'accidentally' ripping a bridesmaid's dress, Lily Luna stealing the rings out of the best man's pocket or something - but they could also just sort of happen naturally, too, you know?


Hope some of that helped! :)

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Tammi, this is, no doubt, already one of my favourite stories.  ;D


  • maybe the cake could go missing without any sort of explanation?
  • slightly bigoted aunt/uncle—wedding staple
  • perhaps an acknowledgement of the usual consequences of fake-dating?
  • forced group activities during the weekend that almost nobody enjoys?
  • maybe everyone ignored the gift registry?
  • maybe the wedding vows contain unintentional innuendos?

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Someone spills something (probably red wine) on Rose's dress.

Rose trips while walking down the aisle.

Scorpius gets cold feet at the last minute and the wedding coordinator has to shove him onto the aisle.

Cake falls over during transport and is destroyed.

Rose isn't fitting into her dress and the  seam in it rips when they try to put it on.


Even though there are magical spells to fix all of these things, little minor annoyances like this really set brides off. Since they're already stressed out about the wedding, they get really panicky, so I could see her flipping out about this sort of stuff.

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How about:

If smoking is prohibited inside the building where the party is, Hayley could frequently animate a lot of the wedding guests to go outside to smoke. Because smokers tend to flock and a half-empty wedding is incredibly annoying. This could turn into a running gag with Rose getting more and more annoyed. Time to cut the cake – oh, wait, where is everyone? The first dance? Best man's toast? The possibilities are endless…


Another thing—I don't know if that's a thing in GB, but where I live there are also embarassing customs (stealing the bride, having to cut a log of wood, quizzing the couple about personal details…) and if Rose decidedly doesn't want to do them, wouldn't it just be a shame if Hayley accidentally gave the best man/ other person in charge the idea this was actually what she wants?

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Thank you all so much! I am loving these a lot!


I think that I'm definitely going to have small things happening as well as big things that Hayley will do. James is going to help her too, I think the boy may be smitten. :P


Sadly there will be no Rose/Hayley relationship. Hayley and Rose are going to hate each other after this :P


I love the idea of embarrassing customs! I think that I'm going to have to research the ones we have. And I've decided that the best man is Albus, so that will add a lot to everything :P He'll be an inside man! So he could help with the traditions that Rose doesn't want to do. :P


There's going to be a moment at the hen and stag parties, where Hayley will be forced to 'bond' with Rose, but will probably destroy everything and go join the stag party.


The cake and dress being ruined are my favourites ones right now! Even if Hayley wasn't involved I think that Rose would blame her anyway.


I love the ideas of having other people ruining the wedding, even if it's by accident. I think I'm going to definitely have James accidentally do stuff like ripping a dress etc :P


Thank you all!! If you have any more ideas just send them my way! :D I've loved all of these so far!



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Go Sleeping Beauty on Rose, Hayley changes the color of her wedding dress to black or a neon yellow or something not very wedding like. Send Rose on a 'day spa trip' (which I mean you can actually do and then mess with her there like dying her hair blue, giving her the worlds worst tan, cutting her hair all off, scalding her with hot stones so her back has slight burns for her open back dress or totally just send her to the middle of nowhere/a no apperating area) and then convince everyone that she's run away and left Scor at the alter.

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What about having rose go Bridezilla so all her bridesmaids leave and her glamor charms go wrong and completly destroy ber face and hair?

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I just read this summary and was like "UH-OH I JUST SAW SOMETHING V SIMILAR ON TWITTER" but it was you! Haha. So, don't worry, I got your back for plot thieves... Even if the thief was you in this case?


I feel like there's something there with Rose fat-shaming your MC and the cake.  Like the MC is so upset by the time the wedding is over that she's like "WELP GUESS I'M SO FAT I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF" and starts aggressively eating the whole cake--maybe right before they do the bit where the bride and groom share the cake.  (Is that a thing in the UK?)  There's potential for a full-on cake fight at that point, but it could be cliche (the Mass Pandemonium scene that disrupts the rom-com; cue the punk-pop song as all hell breaks loose but in a fun way).


Pointlessproclamations, the bigoted aunt/uncle is a great idea! Especially if they start on a homophobia rant and Scorpius/Albus are just, like, seething and James is trying to keep them calm (you know, just so they don't blow the whole thing up, here and now).


I can't wait to read this!


PS - "Ways to Ruin a Wedding" is kind of a cute title...

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Well I know there are a lot of things that can ruin a wedding day -



Missing rings

Flower order / Cake order messed up

Too many people who did not RSVP showing up

Wardrobe / Makeup / Hair malfunctions

Drunk relatives / Fighting friends

Photographer issues

Flower girl / Ring bearer issues


I know Albus could find a way to make all of these "common, totally coincidental" things to happen ;)  And Rose could try to happily work through all of the problems until the final one and she just flips!


I cannot wait to read this!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am intensely late for this but here goes nothing in case you're still in need of more ideas!


-Rose and Scorpius are cutting their cake when Scorpius accidentally slashes Rose's hand and blood gets all over her white dress.


-Albus wants to know what it feels like to kiss Scorpius at least once before he's married, so he seeks him out and Rose catches Scorpius fulfilling Albus's "favour".


-Crookshanks dies in the middle of the aisle, after vomiting on it.


That's all I've got, hope some of this helps!

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You could have Filch sing The Rains of Castamere...


... Or Mrs. Norris knocking down the wedding cake.

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