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The Augurey: Your Trusted War Publication, by Ravenclaw


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As the Death Eater trials draw to a close, so does the need for The Augurey. Our team members are out of hiding and ready to resume their normal lives -- lives that do not involve editing a newspaper in a leaky forty-year-old bomb shelter and printing on a press even older than that. We thank all of our readers for supporting us over the last decade and hope that recent history will never repeat itself. This is the last edition of your trusted war correspondence, with highlights from our archives to showcase the work we've done and what we have all collectively lived through. 

With this, we bid you all farewell. Stay safe, stay hopeful, and don't let bad propaganda get you down.

The Augurey Editors

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The Phoenix

The Dark Mark has been appearing over crime scenes across the UK.

There have been reports in recent weeks of a group forming to combat the rise of You-Know-Who and interrupt the activities of his Death Eaters. With the rate of disappearances and the number of witches and wizards going into hiding increasing as we approach the eighth official year of this war, these rumours have been hard to verify. The purpose of the secret society, as reported, is to fight You-Know-Who and counteract his acts of terror. Over the past several months, You-Know-Who has consolidated his power and extended his reach to the groups of werewolves and giants sympathetic to his cause against muggleborns. Multiple witches and wizards have successfully gone into hiding with the help of this mysterious group and several Ministry Aurors. Attempts to discuss this mysterious group with the Ministry have been unsuccessful.

It has been reported that Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is behind the organization of this group, purportedly naming it the Order of the Phoenix. When asked to comment on these secret society rumours, Professor Dumbledore kept his address brief. “If I were creating a secret society to defeat Lord Voldemort, then I would do well to keep it a better secret, would I not? Furthermore, my dear phoenix Fawkes has no relevance to this matter.”

Nonetheless, his presence outside of Hogwarts has been carefully monitored here at The Augurey to determine his motives. Recently, he attended the wedding of Lily Evans and James Potter, son of Fleamont Potter, wealthy inventor of Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion. While there, the three had a lengthy conversation some distance away from the party, leading a source to believe they were discussing Dumbledore’s supposed secret society when the three parted ways with grim expressions at what should have been a celebratory event. Rumoured members Fabian and Gideon Prewett were also in attendance with their sister, Molly Weasley, and her husband. Noticeably absent from the wedding was any of Lily Evans’ family due to their status as muggles and likely targets of Death Eaters.

When interviewed about the Order of the Phoenix, James Potter said, “I’m not sure what you mean by secret society if people are talking about it all of the time. All of my family and friends know that I’m against Voldemort, both vocally and legally, by marrying Lily Evans and because he’s trying to do the same thing muggle Hitler did thirty years ago, except now it’s with all muggles and muggleborn witches and wizards.”

The Ministry is working tirelessly to disrupt the work of You-Know-Who and his followers. Aurors are working around the clock to aid those going into hiding and attempting to capture Death Eaters. On this front, the renowned Auror Alastor Moody has sent many of You-Know-Who’s followers to cells in Azkaban. It is suspected that Auror Moody and the Order of the Phoenix are coordinating some of these missions to provide some relief and support to the team of Aurors already stretched extremely thin. Other Aurors suspected of allying with the Order of the Phoenix include Frank and Alice Longbottom, who have faced You-Know-Who’s followers twice already and defeated them both times. It is of note that the Longbottoms recently went into hiding around the same time that the Potters did, indicating a heightened sense of danger from You-Know-Who for those who have openly defied him several times. Whether or not the Aurors are aligned with this mysterious group, they are doing the best work possible considering their limited resources and the cloud You-Know-Who has drawn over the country.

The Order of the Phoenix, if it truly does exist, may be the best hope we have of defeating You-Know-Who if the Ministry of Magic gets overrun and we continue to lose Aurors in the fight. Professor Dumbledore has also assured that all students in his care will remain protected as long as they are at Hogwarts. Remember, if you see something suspicious, report it immediately to the Auror Office and do not engage in a duel with the perpetrator.




The Grim

Black holding Harry Potter in 1980.

The death of You-Know-Who has amazed and relieved everyone, but coming on its heels is news that is even more shocking. Who betrayed the Potters? The man identified as their best friend: Sirius Orion Black, who, according to the Ministry, has been secretly working for the Dark for as long as a year.

It has been confirmed that James and Lily Potter and their son, Harry, were protected under the Fidelius Charm to hide from You-Know-Who, who had marked them for death. Albus Dumbledore confirmed they had chosen James’s best friend, Black, as their Secret Keeper although Dumbledore was not present to witness the casting. Three days later, the Potters lay dead in their home with only young Harry miraculously surviving.

The Augurey interviewed Rubeus Hagrid, the first person to arrive at the scene of the crime. Dumbledore, who trusts the man with his life, sent him to rescue the child from the horrific scene. Hagrid explained, “While there, Black showed up, wantin’ to take Harry, talkin’ about him being his godfather an’ all. Blimey, if I had let ‘im... ” At this point in the interview, Hagrid broke down in tears but maintained that while Black tried to persuade Hagrid that he was now Harry's guardian, he did give in without too much complaint and allowed the child to be taken to an undisclosed location.

Hagrid described Black as angry and horrified that night. “Yer might be sayin’ he was a little mad, pacin’ around, rantin’ about their deaths an’ had this gleam in his eye; twas a bit scary. At the time, I thought twas because his best friends been murdered but now I wonder if twas because his master died?” Not realizing that Black would be accused of those murders just hours later, Hagrid borrowed Black’s motorcycle, a muggle device similar to a small automobile, to take the boy away.

After that Sirius Black disappeared for three days. While the Aurors launched a massive manhunt, it was fellow Gryffindor, Peter Pettigrew, who found him first near Piccadilly Circus. Unfortunately, Pettigrew, brave as all lions, couldn’t match his former friend in skill. Based on muggle witnesses, the Auror Department claims that Pettigrew’s last words were,  “Lily and James! Sirius, how could you?” before Black killed him and twelve nearby Muggles with one curse. The only remains left at the scene was one of Pettigrew’s fingers. Aurors are not sure exactly what curse Black used that allowed him to kill thirteen people at one time but assume he learned it from You-Know-Who.

We may never know exactly what happened because Black is not talking. When law enforcement arrived only seconds later, Black was standing in the middle of the newly-formed crater laughing hysterically. It it said that no one has been able to get a clear word out of him since. He was immediately bound and sent to Azkaban where he will live the rest of his miserable existence.

The Wizarding World rejoices with bonfires and shooting stars. You-Know-Who is dead and Black has been arrested for being a traitor and murder... or is he? While the evidence certainly points to his guilt, the Ministry of Magic has a notoriously corrupt justice system that has only become worse as the war progressed.

We are not saying that Sirius Black is innocent, but the Wizengamot Charter of Rights clearly states that all accused persons be given a trial, not a one way ticket to Azkaban without a chance to mount a defence. At the very least, it has deprived the Potters’ loved ones the chance to present victim statements, which can serve as closure for horrific crimes such as this.

Consider the facts of his possible guilt and the facts for the other side and then make your decision: Does Sirius Black deserve a public trial for these crimes?

The noble and ancient House of Black is one of power and a Dark reputation. Anyone who knew Sirius Black knew he despised what his surname represented. One of his biggest grandstands was being sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. This led him to befriend three other lions and form the Marauders, a group of mischievous boys whose school-wide pranks have become legend.  Yet despite this reputation, fellow schoolmates report that he never dabbled in the Dark Arts. By the age of sixteen, he had abandoned his family and was informally adopted by his best friend’s parents: the Potters.

Schoolmates talk about extreme loyalty between the pair. As one Gryffindor explained, “Sirius’s patronus was a dog and it fit his personality perfectly. He was utterly devoted to James, Lily and their son. The idea of his betrayal is almost incomprehensible to those of us who knew them.” Indeed, there are several incidents of Black fighting next to Potter against Death Eaters. In one particular fight at Hogsmeade, Sirius actually jumped in and managed to pull James to safety just as You-Know-Who was attacking him.

If Black was working for the dark, then his mother, an avid supporter of such things, would have welcomed him home with open arms. Yet, even now, she spits his name with venom whenever it is mentioned. Also, why didn’t Black kill Hagrid, Dumbledore’s right-hand man, that fateful night? He had the opportunity and the means. Rubeus Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts and had his wand snapped in half by Ministry officials. He would have been no match for Black, an exceptional dueler. Yet Black let Hagrid leave with the child in his arms. Does this sound like the actions of You-Know-Who’s lieutenant?

Our Ministry has suffered infiltration and corruption for years and the damage is severe, but we must remember to hold fast to our ideals: among these the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The Augurey wants, as much as any citizens, to see those who have crippled our world punished, but we would also like to see Sirius Black stand trial. While there, perhaps we should check for a tattoo on his left forearm.




The Demiguise & The Werewolf

The Longbottoms at their wedding.

Four days after the Longbottoms came out of hiding, Frank and Alice Longbottom were reported missing by family member Augusta Longbottom. A few hours later, the Auror Department found them lying unconscious in the basement of a derelict house in Knockturn Alley after being subjected to the Cruciatus Curse for several hours. The signs point towards the involvement of the Lestranges, notorious Death Eaters whose whereabouts are currently unknown. While we wait for an update on the investigation, Demiguise, Senior Reporter at The Augurey, reports on the events that have taken place so far. 

Also Within: Statement by Senior Auror Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody
More on Alice and Frank Longbottom - War Heroes 


The first word that comes to mind to describe Augusta Longbottom is ‘severe’ — she has the singular talent of looking completely put together even while the sole caregiver of a sixteen-month-old, and it could very well be that she just doesn’t hold with the nonsense of ‘mess’ or ‘accidents’. When I ask about her son and daughter-in-law, however, the hand pouring my tea falters and her almost impeccable facade cracks. 

"They had done so much," she says. "They got through it all, they managed to survive… and then for it to happen like this, it's — it's inconceivable."

As she shakes her head and swallows, overcome by grief, Neville waddles up to the table on unsteady feet. He is paler than Augusta and his wide blue eyes seem slightly too big for his face, giving him a permanently startled expression. "Gan," he says, patting Augusta's leg until she looks at him. "Mum?"

I make the mistake of putting my teacup back down on its saucer and he turns towards the sound, sees me, and promptly bursts into tears.


Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottom were both born in 1953 at opposite ends of the country: Alice in Gweek and Frank in Huddersfield. They met when they were Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Prefects respectively during their fifth year at Hogwarts and began seeing each other a year later. After graduation, they entered the Auror programme together mere months after the Death Eaters first made themselves known. Both excelling at their training, they went on to capture multiple Death Eaters, including Halbert Bulstrode and Ogden Hogart, and even had encounters against You-Know-Who himself. 
The exact reason they went into hiding is unknown, but there was no doubt they were high profile targets. In 1979, they placed their home under a Fidelius Charm and vanished from the public eye around the same time as the Potter family. With the downfall of You-Know-Who, however, the war seemed to be over for good. A week after this fateful day, marking the deaths of Lily and James Potter (May Their Souls Travel Far), the Longbottoms resumed their usual lives, just like the rest of us. 

Four days after they came out of hiding, the Longbottoms were abducted and taken to the basement of a derelict house off Knockturn Alley. They were found by Aurors and immediately taken to St. Mungo’s. The Healers found them unresponsive and showing symptoms of prolonged exposure to the Cruciatus Curse. Signs point towards Frank Longbottom being taken first, followed by his wife soon after, both tortured for several hours. The identities of the attacker(s) are as yet unknown, but suspected to be the Lestranges, openly known Death Eaters, and on the Ministry’s Most Wanted list.

Augusta Longbottom was the one who reported them missing. “When they weren’t back by midnight I thought it was odd, since they hadn’t mentioned staying out overnight — but they had brought Neville over already in his pajamas, and I thought… I thought they deserved a night to themselves. If I’d reported it then—” She breaks off and stands up, muttering, “Excuse me,” as she leaves the room. When she returns her eyes are red but her tone is brisk. “What else do you need to know?”


It is unclear whether Augusta reporting them missing at midnight would have made any difference to their condition. Little has been done to study the effects of long-term Cruciatus, as there are obvious ethical impediments to conducting such a study. The lack of data is compounded by the fact that the vast majority of people are simply not capable of casting Cruciatus constantly for long periods of time: it requires a high level of concentration and a burning desire to see the victim in pain, as well as being physically exhausting for the caster. 

“There are very few people who would even be capable of doing this,” says Auror Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody when I ask him about this. “It’s why we think the Lestranges were involved. They’ve both been known to favour the Cruciatus Curse.” 

But why target the Longbottoms, who hadn’t been outside their own home since 1979? Why strike so specifically even though the war is over? 

“We know Death Eaters frequently used Cruciatus as a method of getting information out of people,” Moody says, delicately side-stepping the question of whether the Auror Department has used it for the same purpose since it was legalised for Auror use late last year. “We have not yet determined what information the Death Eaters may have wanted from the Longbottoms.”

Until the Lestranges are captured, this case is just the latest in a string of mysteries that characterise the longest war the Wizarding world has seen in the twentieth century. What exactly happened at the Potters’ on Halloween? How did You-Know-Who die? No body was recovered, although the simultaneous failure of Imperius Curses across the country points to You-Know-Who’s demise. And the most intriguing mystery of all — how did Harry Potter survive?

For now, we have no answers, only more questions. Alice and Frank Longbottom certainly can’t tell us anything.





The Demiguise & The Phoenix 

Lucius Malfoy at the European Cup Final in 1980.

Last week, the gallery of Courtroom Twelve held its collective breath as the Wizengamot handed down their judgement. The defendant sat in a large, uncomfortable-looking chair with golden chains attached to the arms, although they were not restraining him. Indeed, unlike most Death Eater trials that have occurred in the last few months, there were no Dementors in the room; no restraints on the defendant; and the atmosphere was not akin to a roomful of people baying for blood.

When the Wizengamot’s Chief Warlock announced a verdict of ‘not guilty’, no one was surprised. As the Wizengamot filed out, a few came over to the defendant to say hello and clap him on the back.

Somewhere in the gallery, someone began weeping.


Lucius Malfoy is a figure well-known to anyone who either works at the Ministry or has money. He is on the Hogwarts board of governors, hosts frequent lavish parties at his mansion in Kent with his wife, Narcissa, and has a two-year-old son, Draco. On the surface, he is a model citizen, donating frequently to public works, hosting Ministry galas, and having absolutely no recorded breakages of the Statute of Secrecy. Underneath, however, there’s a darker side.

The Augurey has seen Mr. Malfoy frequent Knockturn Alley, particularly Borgin and Burkes, a shop known for dealing in Dark Artefacts, although they all seem to mysteriously disappear minutes before an unannounced raid. The Malfoy family has a long history of making pureblood supremacist statements, so much so that Lucius's father, Abraxas Malfoy, was suspected of poisoning the first Muggleborn Minister, Nobby Leach, in 1968.

It seems a stretch, then, to think that Lucius Malfoy had to be put under the Imperius Curse to assist You-Know-Who in his violent acts against Muggles and Muggleborns, but that is exactly what he successfully argued before the Wizengamot. The question is whether he succeeded because he was telling the truth or because he greased some palms.

The case put forward by the prosecution was this: Lucius Malfoy had a history of espousing beliefs that align with You-Know-Who. He has had public close friendships with several known Death Eaters such as the Lestranges (to whom he is related by marriage) and went to school with several other known associates of You-Know-Who, including Severus Snape, who was defended by Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Most crucially, Lucius Malfoy has a Dark Mark tattoo on his left forearm, something shared by many important Death Eaters. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement has refused to give a statement on whether the tattoo is merely a decorative symbol to unite the group or serves some kind of magical purpose.

While Lucius Malfoy was not definitively placed at any major crime scenes, he was named by Death Eaters who volunteered information in exchange for lenient sentences as part of You-Know-Who's inner circle, including Igor Karkaroff and the Lestranges. If it had not been for the tattoo, perhaps he would have denied everything and claimed that Death Eaters were not reliable sources of information.

If not for the black skull with a snake coming out of its mouth, perhaps this trial would not have happened at all.


The Imperius defence is one rarely exercised, and even more rarely is it successful. When it is successful, it often relies on use of the wand that cast the curse as evidence. After the fall of You-Know-Who, several Death Eaters have tried it: the most notable failure was Aldous Selwyn, who, when asked to describe what the Imperius Curse felt like, described instead the effect of the Cruciatus Curse in gripping detail. Those who have been confirmed as subjected to the curse spoke of feeling alternately trapped within their own minds and simply feeling blank if they were not performing a task. It was also determined that over long periods time, the strength of the Imperius curse wore off, making it easier for the subject to break free from it unless it was replenished by being recast at regular intervals. Lucius Malfoy's case is the first successful Imperius plea by a Death Eater, which could have particularly large consequences for the case of Kelwin Avery, whose trial begins next month with an identical plea.

Before the war, there were no recorded cases of large-scale crimes being committed under Imperius or any pleas arguing as such. It was exclusively crimes that were specific and isolated in scope: a business deal where the crucial document was signed under Imperius, or even, as in 1854, a man being forced to murder his best friend by an enemy of them both.

The Imperius Curse is a well-known tactic used by Death Eaters; in the last few years of the war, Ministry officials had to pass through a dispelling barrier to ensure none of them were being controlled. It was also used in multiple mass-murder incidents carried out by Muggles and treated by Muggle authorities as mysterious, motiveless crimes that have since been filed away as “cold cases.” Randall Mulciber, who is currently serving a life sentence in Azkaban, was reportedly a "specialist" in the Imperius Curse according to Igor Karkaroff. It is certainly possible that Lucius Malfoy was placed under the Imperius Curse. Indeed, according to the Wizengamot, it is not merely possible but probable.

There are other factors at play. The Imperius Curse is the only one of the three Unforgivable Curses that can be defended against: it is possible to break out of the Imperius Curse with enough willpower and (potentially) magical strength -- the exact requirements have not yet been determined. If Lucius Malfoy was as strong a wizard as he frequently claims to be -- and his school marks seem to support these claims -- then why did he not attempt to break out of the curse? Why did he not succeed? He was under it for over five years, according to his defence. While no studies have been conducted of such a long time period, it seems entirely possible that someone could break out of it, especially if it were not maintained properly.

Mr. Malfoy argued that he had attempted to break out but failed because of the strength of the caster, You-Know-Who himself. There is no way to prove anything, and that may have been the ultimate failure of the case: the Aurors could not prove he hadn’t been under the curse, so they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty of being a Death Eater.


Another peculiar facet of this case was the non-testimony of Mr. Malfoy’s wife. There was minimal information revealed as to why she was not called as a witness, but it is suspected that the prosecutors had a private interview with her and deemed her testimony would not stand up well to the defence’s cross-examination. She was in attendance for a majority of the week-long trial, often bouncing their young son Draco on her knee and fetching his toys to keep him quiet during the proceedings.

Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) is a tall woman with a dancer’s figure but a disciplinarian’s facial features. Her parlour is spotless thanks to several house elves under her employ, one of whom serves me tea with delicate, perfectly-formed biscuits on a silver tray.

“I had no idea,” she says, shaking her head when I ask her whether she knew her husband had been under the Imperius Curse. “You-Know-Who would hardly want me to be suspicious though, would he? If he and his followers were to fail at replicating people’s patterns of behaviour and making it seem as if nothing were amiss, it would not have become such a major problem. He went off to work in the morning, came home at night, said all the right things -- it’s horrifying to think I was living with an impostor that whole time. He--” She breaks off, choking up and wiping delicately under her eye with a handkerchief. “If he were under since 1976, then it means he had never truly met his son until the curse was lifted.” Taking a sip of her tea, she steadies herself and continues, “I am appalled that the -- that You-Know-Who stole six years from Lucius and from us, his family. We are just one more family in the long list of families victimised by these Death Eaters, and we would like the respect and the privacy that those families were given by the press.”

She would tell me little else. Lucius Malfoy refused to meet with me, citing important business engagements.

A source in the Auror Division who did not wish to be named said, “Of course he’s guilty as sin. He’s too smart to keep all his Dark artefacts on display, though, and we can never seem to catch him in the act. That much money will get you anything, including total immunity for war crimes. It makes me sick but unless we caught them in the act, it’s often very difficult to make these Death Eater convictions stick. Some of them are so terrified they fold at the mere suggestion of Azkaban -- never saw a bigger coward than [Igor] Karkaroff, honestly -- but most of them are slimier than that. They know how to use their money and their connections to make things disappear."

Mr. Malfoy has complained multiple times prior to charges being laid that he was being "harassed" by the Auror Division and his right to privacy was being infringed upon by the multiple midnight raids on his property to look for Dark artefacts. It is unlikely, in this current climate and given his acquittal, that any further evidence will be found that could force the case against him.

Whether he is guilty or not does not really matter, in the end. What matters is that he walked out of that courtroom a free man. If you repeat something often enough, after all, it becomes the truth.







The Demiguise

Lyall Lupin is an expert on Non-Human Spirituous Apparitions working with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He talked to The Demiguise, one of our staff reporters, on his work and his recent achievement in Strathtully.

The Demiguise: What exactly are Non-Human Spirituous Apparitions, for those of us not up to date with the jargon of the field?

Lyall Lupin: They used to be called "non-beings", although we changed that term in the recent overhaul of terminology to bring it more in line with current thinking, as some of them -- such as poltergeists -- are very much beings. Anyone who has encountered Peeves, Hogwarts' infamous poltergeist, can attest to that. The most common non-human spirituous apparitions are boggarts, poltergeists and dementors, although there are a few others that are much rarer. 

TD: Have you seen an increase in these kinds of creatures since the war started?

LL: Yes -- that's why I was brought on as a specialist. Thankfully we haven't seen too many dementors straying far from Azkaban, but boggarts are getting much harder to get rid of and more plentiful. 

TD: The Screaming Bogey of Strathtully -- that was a boggart, yes? What was different in that situation from the nuisance that everyone's grandmother has in her attic?

LL: Your grandmother's boggart may have been living up there for years, depending on how often she ventures into her attic, but it doesn't feed on an appreciable increase in fear, probably because your grandmother knows it's there. We know that boggarts and wizards can live pretty comfortably together for years as long as the wizard is fine with annoying thumps occasionally and, of course, surrenders the use of whatever piece of furniture it's contained in. The problem usually arises if someone sees the boggart, or if they don't know what it is. We all learn in school that boggarts take the form of someone's greatest fear, and that's true for your garden variety boggart, but there comes a point where they've grown so swollen with fear that they become something bigger than any one person's fear. 

That's what happened in Strathtully. There aren't any wizards living there, so I'm not sure what exactly attracted the boggart -- we know they're much more common in wizarding houses, although you see the occasional one in a muggle house as well. The muggles, of course, had no idea what a boggart was and as the legend grew, so did the boggart. At first, the rumours appeared to be fairly muddied, as of course people saw different things, but as the general fear of the area grew -- it had taken up residence in an abandoned house, as they so often do -- the boggart grew stronger. It became able to make sound, which is the point we use when classifying boggarts that distinguishes common boggarts from extreme cases. 

Its presence slipped through the cracks because of the low wizarding presence in the area and by the time it landed on my desk, several people had gone to try to deal with it and failed. Thankfully, even with an extreme boggart like this one, failure isn't physically harmful -- it just means the boggart stays where it is, which is obviously not ideal. Not only do the muggles who live in the area suffer unnecessary stress, but like attracts like, and you can sometimes get huge boggart infestations that create entire "ghost towns", if you will. 

TD: What did you do to capture it? Did you kill it?

LL: No, boggarts can't be killed because they're never truly alive in the first place. When you cast Riddikulus on a boggart and it disappears, it's not dead, per se, it's more…Well, it's hard to explain, but its potential is still in the same place -- it just no longer has enough fear to take a form we can see and interact with us and the world around it. Which is not to say that "boggart potential" clusters in certain places -- we don't believe it does, although there's so much we don't know about this kind of metaphysics.  It's all around us, but it requires certain conditions to form into a boggart.

Riddikulus becomes ineffective after a certain point, however -- likely the same point when a boggart begins to make sounds. It would take too long to go into exactly what I did, but it involved several shield spells, two potions, and a comically babushka doll-esque set of progressively smaller boxes. In the end, I contained it in a matchbox, which is currently in the vault at the Ministry. We'll probably study it in future, but for now the most important part was getting it out of Strathtully, so I'm pleased to call it a success.

TD: It certainly sounds like a success. Thank you so much for your time. Before we finish, is there anything you would like to tell our readers about spirituous apparitions or other magical creatures

LL: I wouldn't be surprised if we began to see a rise in dementors -- I'm honestly not sure how  we haven't already. The Patronus charm is only taught at the NEWT level, so if you didn't take Defence Against the Dark Arts, I'd recommend looking it up and practising it. Even an incorporeal patronus can be the difference between life and…and whatever kind of non-life remains after a dementor has kissed you. And if you encounter a boggart you can't get rid of, please contact the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures -- we do house calls. 




The Grim

The Augurey was fortunate to interview Horace Slughorn, a name well known in the wizarding community. As a teacher at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry for over forty years, he has had the unique opportunity of watching most of Britain’s school children grow up and then choose their role in society. Professor Slughorn met with me at the Three Broomsticks on a quiet Saturday for lunch. While waiting for the menus, he offered me a candy that we, ex-students, can’t help but associate with him: crystallised pineapple.

The Grim: Hello, professor. This place is much quieter than I recall it as a student. I assume it is not a Hogsmeade weekend for the students.

Horace Slughorn: No, it’s not. Unfortunately, Dumbledore has canceled all Hogsmeade weekends for the rest of the year. Given certain recent events, it’s probably for the best. After all, we want the students to be safe, don’t we.

TG: Thank you for taking the opportunity to allow our readers the chance to see your perspectives on those current events.

HS: Not at all, always delighted to meet a member of the press who wishes to hear my views. I’m sorry, but when did you say you graduated? From what house?

TG: It was a few years ago and it wasn’t from yours, sir. Now for my first question,  I would like to ask for your opinion on Eugenia Jenkins. While she was praised for her role in the pure blood riots and Squib Rights March, how do you think she’s handling the role of Minister of Magic in the current atmosphere?

HS: Ah, Eugenia Jenkins. She was in one of my first classes, though unfortunately, not in my house. She was a Ravenclaw, you know. She did a fine job with those Squib Rights Marches and those that disagreed with them. She found a nice compromise and all parties were happy. Isn’t that what we all want in the end?

TG: Do you really think that they were all happy considering, now, a decade later there is another rise of pureblood superiority? How do you think Minister Jenkins is handling that situation?

HS: Oh, well, she’s been working hard, lots of late nights from what I hear. While I applaud her, perhaps it is time for some fresh blood, pardon the pun, to lead the Ministry.

TG: Yes, many people think that person should be Harold Minchum, currently head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. How do you think he would be as minister?

HS: Oh, I think he would be wonderful. He wasn’t in my house either. He’s a lion, but I never held it against him.  In fact, he regularly attended my supper club when he was at Hogwarts. I knew that boy would go far and if I was going to bet my galleons, I would put my coins on Harold being the next Minister. 

TG: What actions do you think Minchum would take that Jenkins has not?

HS: That’s difficult to say. Minchum was a phenomenal beater on the quidditch field. He always barreled right in and had the “take no prisoners” approach. I imagine he would do the same in the Ministry. 

TG: Professor, you have been the Head of Slytherin House for almost thirty years, so there’s a good chance that you watched many of these Death Eaters grow up. Do you have any ideas as to  who they could be?

HS: First, let’s make sure one thing is understood. The Slytherin House is not a den of evil. Explorers of dark magic can be found in any of the houses. In fact, just this week, Professor McGonagall gave two of her own lions detention for bullying one of my students and this isn’t the first time it has happened. Despite the rumors you hear, there are some very successful Slytherins. Just in the last century, we’ve have produced some excellent professional chasers and seekers, several master potioneers and charms inventors, and a headmaster of Hogwarts, Phineas Black. Currently two of his grandsons are some of the biggest contributors to a variety of worthy fundraisers. Slytherins work throughout all departments of the Ministry like Augustus Rookwood, a  wonderful man, very affable. He’s a top Unspeakable and a Slytherin.

TG: My apologies, Professor. Regardless of what house they came from, you taught all the witches and wizards that have been through Hogwarts for almost half a century. Could you think of any possibilities?

HS: Professor Slughorn shakes his head and motions for the next question. 

TG: You-Know-Who appeared almost out of nowhere in 1970 and claimed himself the new Dark Lord. No one knows his real name or where he comes from. There are some rumors that he attended Hogwarts. Based on his estimated age, if it’s true, then you taught him. Do you have any idea who he might be?

HS: I have no idea who that man is or where he came from. Even if I did have some theories, I certainly wouldn’t spread those ideas around. That’s asking for someone to visit me in the middle of the night. Let’s talk about other current events. What did you think about the Harpies last game? Those girls are amazing!

TG: I’m sorry, sir. I missed the game. Tell me about it.
HS: Professor Slughorn finishes his meal as he extols the virtues of the Holyhead Harpies and then moves on to the games at school as he wraps up his meal. We have some amazing young women playing at Hogwarts right now, particularly Gwendolyn Jones, a chaser for Hufflepuff. I heard she has a little sister, Gwenog, I think her name is, who will be at Hogwarts soon.  She’s supposed to be an even better flier than her sister. They’ll go on to success after success, I think. I can predict these things, you know.

Whether Horace Slughorn’s predictions are correct remain to be seen; nevertheless, he paints a grim picture of life at Hogwarts: with no Hogsmeade weekends and attacks on students, the war has certainly made itself known even in the far reaches of Scotland.




The Phoenix

In light of the increasing number of witches and wizards disappearing after vocalizing their distaste for You-Know-Who, staff reporter The Phoenix sat down for a brief interview with Senior Auror Alastor Moody for some inside information and tips on how to stay safe during this troubling time.

The Phoenix: Thank you for taking time out of your day to speak with us, Auror Moody, and welcome.

Alastor Moody: Well it was about time we got to talk about this war in an actual paper with hard, cold facts.

TP: Let’s get right into it then. How is the Auror department faring with all of these attacks and disappearances of witches and wizards, especially muggleborns, across Great Britain?

AM: To be frank with you, we’re strained to our limits. With the loss of four of our junior Aurors in the past three months, and not enough new recruits, we’re stretched too thin. We can’t solve any cases because we’re still actively searching for Voldemort and his Death Eaters at the same time.

TP: Have you found any possible suspects for who may be Death Eaters?

AM: We have begun seeing several distinctive patterns in the attacks and disappearances from the last few months. Based on personal and extended family history, we have a working list of suspects at the moment but no confirmation of their involvement at this time.

TP: As this war has impacted more and more of magical Britain, how has the Minister’s lifting the ban on Aurors using the Unforgivable curses changed your methods for capturing and interrogating potential suspects for these attacks and disappearances?

AM: The ban on Unforgivables was good, until it became clear to us that Voldemort and the Death Eaters would just as easily perform those as any other offensive spell. If at all possible, I prefer disarming and incapacitating the subject for incarceration to Azkaban for a trial rather than seriously harming or killing them. No comment otherwise.

TP: You mention your distaste for killing others, but in a recent battle with several Death Eaters, you killed Evan Rosier after he cursed off a large part of your nose. How do you feel about his death?

AM: I prefer not to answer that directly. His death was unavoidable due to circumstances.

TP: Do you have any suspicions as to who the man is behind the You-Know-Who mask?

AM: Personally, no. Professionally, all suspicions are confidential.

TP: You-Know-Who and his followers have harmed a great number of people, yourself included. Have your injuries caused you to change your outlook on your position as an Auror?

AM: Just because I’ve lost an eye and a leg so far in this war does not mean I can stop fighting it. Dark curses took those away from me but I will continue locking up those who use the Dark Arts for foul reasons.

TP: Your family has been known to produce great Aurors, do you think you would fall into that category due to your profound work during the war now?

AM: Considering that this war isn’t over yet, I’m doing my job, and doing it the best way I can. Whether or not that means I’m a ‘great’ Auror should be determined by whether or not I’m still alive when this is through.

TP: There have been rumours lately that some families have had to go into hiding because of targeted threats from You-Know-Who. Is there any credibility for some of these rumours?

AM: Those who are going into hiding probably wouldn’t be talking about being targets of Voldemort so openly, so perhaps those rumours are untrue, or at the least, highly inaccurate about who is going into hiding and for what reason.

TP: Furthermore, we know that the rise of pureblood supremacy is rearing its ugly head once more. How are the Aurors and the Ministry of Magic attempting to deal with this alongside fighting You-Know-Who and his sinister agenda? Do those who speak out in support of pureblood supremacy therefore support You-Know-Who?

AM: In this time, the pureblood supremacists are directly in line with Voldemort’s known agenda--wiping out muggleborns and those half-bloods and purebloods sympathetic to their cause. However, due to our official duties, we cannot simply arrest anyone voicing their opinion about pureblood supremacy or their interest in the Dark Arts. This makes things incredibly difficult but myself and the rest of the Auror department are determined to work through it the best we can.

TP: Lastly, what are some tips you would suggest those who are considering going into hiding or are fearful for their lives to follow?

AM: Constant vigilance.



The Niffler

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the historic Squib Rights marches, which took place in 1968, and coincides with the sixty-eighth anniversary of the publication of Angus Buchanan’s widely-renown biography, My Life As a Squib. As the sixtieth edition of My Life As a Squib hits bookstores all across Wizarding England, The Augurey sat down with former Minister Eugenia Jenkins to reflect on the necessity and implications of the Squib Rights marches in our modern, divided world. We met her in her decidedly quaint flat in Framlingham.

The Niffler: Minister Jenkins, it is a pleasure to meet you. You have always been a surprising proponent of Squib Rights; your perspective and response to the Pureblood riots that broke out during the marches were considered radical and before your time. Why do you feel it is so necessary to grant Squibs the same rights as wizards and witches?

Eugenia Jenkins: Well, I don’t think my support of Squib rights should be so surprising at all—I’d consider it fairly common sense. In my mind, the issue of Squib rights does not really concern the Squibs themselves, but more so, the concept of Squibs—that is to say, the concept of a citizen within the Wizarding World who is deemed, for whatever reason, to be ‘lesser’ and ‘second-class’. In this way, the issue of Squib rights is not limited to simply Squibs but to all marginalized groups—which makes it an issue that I, as a black woman, cannot help but feel personally obligated to support.

TN: Have your personal experiences with racism and/or sexism shaped these beliefs?

EJ: Of course. Why do you think I was ousted as Minister? The Prophet, which has a tendency to lie, claimed that it was because of my ‘incompetence in preventing the rise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’—though it was their incompetence in reporting that allowed his rise in the first place—but I worked in the Ministry for thirty years, starting as a mere Intern within the International Portkey Office, and I faced much racism and sexism in my time. The Wizarding World is, was, and always will be controlled by a privileged Pureblood patriarchy that destroys anything that threatens it—like me. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is simply a product of this patriarchy, a creature raised with a false sense of superiority.

TN: You don’t seem afraid of him, and you certainly didn’t seem afraid or panicked when the Pureblood riots broke out during the marches. In fact, you’ve been referred to by some sources as the ‘most level-headed Minister to ever take office.’ What keeps you calm within these troubling times?

EJ: What keeps me calm? The knowledge that these villainous groups, like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, are inherently corrupt and often cause their own downfall. The Pureblood riots are a perfect example of this. When they broke out during the marches, they were reacting with pure rage—uncontrolled, disorganized rage (as opposed to the Squibs, who were well-organized and unified by a hope and a determination to fight for a better future. They were very wholesome; some members made and distributed the most delicious sandwiches). This made them a threat to the protesters, yes, but it made them an opponent easily defeated, as they had no clear unified plan. When I started negotiations with them, they were already practically falling apart; I only had to threaten them with what they feared most: soiled reputations. They were fighting so hard to preserve the appearance of the Wizarding World and the appearance of purity; any suggestion that their own actions could create a blemish on this appearance was enough for them to agree to back down. It was called a ‘compromise’, but in fact, it was much less than that. All I did was knock their egos down.

TN: Truly inspiring, Minister Jenkins. Were you inspired at all by Angus Buchanan in your approach to the Pureblood riots, or in your views regarding Squibs?

EJ: I’ve read My Life as a Squib many, many times—studied it extensively as a student, too. I think what I learned most from his biography was not within the biography itself, but from the effects of its publication. I think often of Angus Buchanan’s ability to unite Muggles and Wizards together in support of a common entity—two groups that are supposedly unable to coexist, as is apparent with the ongoing war. As a Squib, Buchanan existed on the fringes of both groups, even straddled the line between them, you might say; it gave him a unique position that I find myself relating to as a powerful black woman. The idea of a ‘powerful black woman’ feels inherently oxymoronic in the same way a Squib is inherently oxymoronic; like Buchanan, I’ve been considered second class because of my race and my sex, and many have believed that in becoming Minister, I was intruding into a place I was not meant to be privy to. Many wizards said something similar of Buchanan’s very existence. But rather than allowing himself to be othered by both groups, Buchanan found a way to unite both groups. I hoped to do the same with the Pureblood riots by encouraging the Wizarding world to be united, rather than divided.

TN: Would you say that this is your advice for the Wizarding World in these troubling times? ‘Remain united’?

EJ: Yes. Black or white, man or woman, Pureblood or Squib—we can all find a way to connect and to unify against a force that threatens all of us. I advise all the readers to listen to one another and to find it within their hearts to love one another. Together we are more powerful.




Photography by The Werewolf


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Emily entered the world of Harry Potter in 2006 when she posted her first story on HPFF as DracoFerret11.  She moved to HPFT in 2016 and she decided to change her pen name to the more well known Renacerá which means “she is reborn” in Spanish, honoring both phoenixes and her bilingual abilities. In January 2018, she was promoted to Auror, a job she is thoroughly enjoying.

She earned her Master’s degree in publishing, found a job working with books, and loves reading, writing and learning about true crime. She has posted over twenty stories on various fanfiction sites and is well known for her starcrossed pairings such as Dramione and Scorbus as well as her LGBTQ+ pairings. She has won multiple awards for her writing including several HYH features, Hufflepuff of the Month, Top Reviewer of the Month and a nomination for a Golden Chalice award.

Two years ago, she entered Ollivanders to be claimed with an arc of rainbow-colored fireworks from a 11 ½ inch alder wood with a dragon heartstring core. Soon after, she was sorted in Hufflepuff. While she considers hardworking and loyalty her quintessential characteristics of Hufflepuff, her exuberance and kindness for others can be seen throughout the site whether it is in one of the 400 likes she has given others, offering congratulations to others who won a competition she entered or praising her fellow aurors for all their effort. 

When not immersed in Harry Potter, Renacerá enjoys a variety of other fandoms including the Tortall Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, and Star Wars. She recently became engaged to her boyfriend of five years whom she describes as “definitely my other half and understands me better than anyone I've ever met.” Still it’s debatable if he truly has the topmost place in her heart or if that is reserved for her cat, Gumbo. Emily, her fiancé and Gumbo the cat reside in the northeast United States. 

-- The Grim




Lotte joined HPFT just over two years ago, but has been a part of the Harry Potter fandom and writing fan fiction since she was in middle school. Her username LadyL8 comes from a love of medieval lords and ladies when she was younger, and the L8 comes from the Norwegian pronunciation of her name. Being from Norway, one would expect she has experience with quite a few of the winter and snow sports; however, she has never gone ice skating--although she would love to do it next winter! She is a proud member of the house of Hufflepuff, and is always willing to have a chat; she’s a generally nice and positive person to talk to anytime. In July of 2016 she was promoted to the staff position of Professor, of which she just celebrated her second year anniversary.

She is currently studying for her law degree, and enjoys spending her free time reading crime and mystery novels. Lotte also has a strong love of the annual European song contest Eurovision, her twitter feed filled with her thoughts about the event each year as it happens in real time. In line with that, Lotte watches and loves a large variety of TV shows, but in particular loves Game of Thrones. In this show, Daenerys Targaryen has three pet dragons, and Lotte used to work at a pet shop and loves her pets dearly, so she is essentially the Daenerys Targaryen in this world.

On HPFT, Lotte is an extremely active member and staffer. She has over 1,000 posts and nearly 550 reputation points. She is involved in the Hufflepuff common room and makes adorable badger badges for the Hufflepuff Newsletter, Hear Ye Hufflepuffs. Whether you see her around the Hufflepuff common room, in the HPFT forums, or on twitter, know that Lotte is a kind and generous soul always willing to help someone out.

-- The Phoenix



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PaulaTheProkaryote, otherwise known as Paula, has many accolades, the most prestigious being that she is the only alliterative staffer. A close second is that she is the most nature-obsessed staffer; she has a passion for greenhouses and has a decent-sized insect collection which she hopes to expand. Paula’s passion for nature and creatures also extends to her academic and work life: she is currently a graduate student studying biology, with a focus on stress endocrinology. She has a strong passion for science and has considered opening a science-themed bakery. However, as a true Ravenclaw (though she occasionally moonlights as a Slytherin), her interests range far and wide, though, from the evolutionary function of make-up to anthropology to the necessity of existential crises for a healthy mind.

Paula joined HPFT at its conception in 2016 and has given much to the community since then.. She has acted as a part-time Auror and currently serves as a Muggle Liaison, working tirelessly on the site and house social media accounts to spread the word about HPFT. Paula is involved in a multitude of fandoms, including The 100, Tolkien-verse, The Folk of Air, and Six of Crows—but her true loyalties lie with the Harry Potter fandom. She has written many fics for the Harry Potter fandom, generally fluffy in nature. Currently, though, she is writing an original novel titled Rose & Co. Apothecary about southern US witchcraft, government conspiracies, mental health, and romance among other things. 

When Paula isn’t writing or staffing, she can be found tending to her baby plants, expanding her insect collection, and generally being a ray of sunshine in the world.

-- The Niffler




Photography by The Werewolf and The Kelpie


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Hogwarts educates almost all magical children in Britain.

Dear Augurey,

Let me preface this critique with how I do admire Albus Dumbledore. Three generations of my family were given the best education possible under his tutelage at Hogwarts. I cannot overstate how much I appreciate everything he has done for us; however, I worry that some of his choices for the school will lead to the infiltration of the dark into Hogwarts.

Dumbledore has consistently claimed that Hogwarts is one of the safest places in the world. However, in last week’s interview with Barnabas Cuffe (“Teaching in a Time of Turmoil”, 13/4), when asked about the rumors of secret passages into the school and its impact on student safety, Dumbledore artfully deflected the question. Based on this exchange one could deduce one of three possibilities. First, Dumbledore is convinced there are no secret passages. If this is true, then he assumes that he knows every secret of the castle, a foolish assumption. Dumbledore can be labeled many things but a fool is not among them. Second, he already knows where these secret passages are and has them secured. This also assumes that he knows every secret of the castle which leads us back to conclusion number one. The third is that Dumbledore is aware such tunnels might exist but isn’t sure of their exact location. He is, therefore, knowingly leaving a gaping hole in his security.

My other concern isn’t of physical infiltration into our esteemed school but rather psychological. At my own graduation from Hogwarts, I recall a quote by the Headmaster. “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” It is a wonderful quote and he uses it often in such speeches, but I’d like to turn the words back at him, particularly in his choices in treatment of students and houses at the school.

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Albus Dumbledore is a Gryffindor, but when one becomes a teacher, such rivalries must be set aside. All students should be treated with equal respect and compassion. Otherwise, favoritism, indeed a form of nepotism, will occur. Despite all of his grand deeds for the Wizarding World, Dumbledore practices nepotisms on a regular basis and it’s tearing our school apart.

All four houses are represented within my extended family. During family reunions, reminiscing and stories of days gone by would inevitably occur. To my surprise, the Slytherins felt they faced persecution from the moment they stepped out of their common room. As one snake said, “It’s three against one with Gryffindor leading the charge.“ They talked of constant jinxes and hexes aimed at silver and green with jeering and taunts for being pureblood. Slytherins were always placed in detention for such actions where other houses earned more leniency. Naturally the Snakes banded together for protection and comfort. Even lately I’ve heard rumors of a deadly prank on a Slytherin involving two lions. I don’t know the particulars, but it was confirmed it could have easily been deadly and neither Gryffindor was punished with more than a detention. If it had been a snake, Dumbledore would have recommended expulsion.

Prejudicial views, no matter what type, start in the cradle. Many of these snakes have been immersed in a culture of pureblood supremacy and Muggle hatred for the first eleven years of their lives. It is no coincidence that the few Death Eaters that the Ministry has been able to publicly identify so far have all come from Slytherin. However, if Slytherins are treated poorly by students and teachers alike, it is inevitable that they will be easy prey for You-Know-Who's ideas which give them a sense of belonging and self-worth and respect. Hogwarts must create an atmosphere where ALL students feel accepted and loved or prejudice will continue to flourish in the dungeon of Hogwarts. Without a support structure to break away from these dark ideals, these students will simply follow the path of their forebears. If Albus Dumbledore truly wants to claim Hogwarts is safe for all students, he needs to look at the choices he has made. Then he needs to create a school where all students feel that way.

Wizard from Wiltshire




Minister Jenkins at a recent press conference.

Dear Augurey,

I remember when Eugenia Jenkins came into power after that nasty business with Leach — she was strong, capable and sure of herself. She dealt with the riots during the squib rights marches masterfully and everyone thought she’d be another Faris Spavin.  Yet here we are seven years later, and everything is in shambles! In fact, one could easily argue that the Ministry is in worse condition than when she started.

It’s clear that the Minister just isn’t fit for the job. While she is adept as working with squibs, she has done absolutely nothing to stop the rise of the anti-Muggle groups in our midst and it’s time for her to step down. Her leadership is ineffective and the result is that people are dying. Ten Muggles died in that attack last week! We can’t keep saying these are stadium collapses and the like — it’s going to start threatening the Statute of Secrecy, and then we’re going to have the International Confederation breathing down our necks. Soon they’ll be going after wizards, too — is that what it will take for Jenkins to pull her finger out?

I suspect she doesn’t want to pull her finger out. Sure, she cracked down on the pureblood riots seven years ago, but they were being ridiculous anyway — squibs come from magical families, it’s absurd to riot about them having a place in their own society. This business with You-Know-Who and his followers is completely different and presents a genuine threat to magical Britain, unlike the riots.

As a student I remember reading Jenkins’ frequent contributions to the Hogwarts newspaper, The Niffler. There are opinion pieces to her name about how Grindelwald “has a great vision but may be going about it the wrong way” and the “dilution of magic” by intermarriage. Academics have proved again and again that magic cannot be “diluted” and magical ability varies from person to person with no connection to their heritage. Do we really want someone in power who believes these outdated fictions?

Could it be that Jenkins is actively helping the Death Eaters by simply being too useless for the Ministry to effectively stop them? We’ve had so many reports recently like the one last week of tensions in the Ministry (“Crouch to Give Aurors New Powers”, 24/8) — it’s a powder keg just waiting to explode. Where is the money she is denying the Auror department going? Jenkins may have declared a state of war after the Winkleigh disaster, but the budget hasn’t been released since 1970. What is she hiding? She could be funnelling that money into the very hands of the people she’s meant to be fighting!

Eugenia Jenkins’ Ministry has been characterised by secrecy, inaction and impotent, empty statements instead of decisive action.If leadership doesn’t change and change quickly, the dark’s forces won’t have trouble taking over the ministry; Minister Jenkins will hand it to them on a silver platter. 

We can’t simply wait for Albus Dumbledore to fix everything like last time. If Jenkins doesn’t step down then we need to rise up.

Concerned in the Cotswolds








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1. Who convinced Chief Executive of Bloomsbury, Nigel Newton of Bloomsbury, to publish Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

2. Which student only said two words the entire series and it was the same word?

3. Which character's name means "white bumblebee"?

4. J. K. Rowling based many of her characters on real people in her life. One of these inspirations said of the author and the character inspired by him: "There are ways of pupils getting their revenge, but this is a much more sophisticated retaliation." Who was the character?

5. This potions ingredient really does exist and is made up of a collection of undigested fibers. (Hint: A real one in a gold filigree case can be found in the Science and Society Picture Library.)



can also be found at the link here+


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The Phoenix & The Demiguise

Fabian Prewett at Hogwarts.

Fabian Prewett, 34, official in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad at the Ministry of Magic, was killed alongside his brother Gideon, 36, in an attack by five Death Eaters last Tuesday night. The incident occured near Ottery St. Catchpole in the late evening, when the two brothers were said to have been leaving their younger sister’s home. One of the five suspects is Antonin Dolohov, a staunch supporter of You-Know-Who, who has since been captured by the Aurors and sent to Azkaban to await trial.

The Daily Prophet has claimed the attack was due to a disagreement between the brothers and an unnamed perpetrator on the basis of blood purity. The Prewett family was known to be against Grindelwald when he was in power, and is suspected of being against You-Know-Who, but his relatives have not spoken for him, nor has the Order of the Phoenix released a statement on his death.

Fabian Prewett was born on the fifth of April 1947 to Nathaniel and Margery Prewett. Nathaniel Prewett was known for his no-nonsense attitude when dealing with underage magic in the Ministry of Magic’s Magical Law Enforcement Underage Division as a court judge. Margery Prewett was known for her ingenious household hacks and stealthy ways of keeping magical creatures out of your home and gardens. Fabian attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1958 to 1965, where he was sorted into Gryffindor. He played Beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch team for four years starting in 1962 and was an exceptional student in Charms and Transfiguration.

He went on to quickly rise through the ranks at the Ministry with the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, receiving high honors from his superiors for superb work with a wrongly transfigured junior Quidditch team and several animated household objects. He was known for his gentle treatment of children who were often highly distressed that they had caused magical accidents as well as his swift resolution of his cases. Despite the upheaval of the last decade with the ongoing war, he continued to work diligently to protect the Wizarding community from untoward muggle attention due to accidental magic.

Fabian was known for being an avid follower of Quidditch, supporting the Montrose Magpies and telling anyone who would listen about how this year they were rebuilding and next year they would win the Cup. He repeated this for at least six years, despite his hopes never eventuating. When he was not serving his community with the Ministry or arguing over the statistics of his favourite players, he played the position of Beater on his local amateur Quidditch team, once scoring a team record of 150 points in a match that lasted just an hour and a half. The Bickington Billywigs have said they will miss him greatly, and if anyone knows how Fabian organised the team rosters to get in contact because no one can figure it out.

He is survived by his younger sister, Molly Weasley, 31, and her four children. Her youngest, twins Fred and George, 3, are said to exemplify Fabian and Gideon’s charm and joie de vivre. Fabian died fighting alongside his brother, hoping to make the world a better place for his nephews and others to live in. He was instrumental in restructuring the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, and he created and implemented new techniques and trainings for squad members.

Fabian’s loss will be felt by many throughout the wizarding community, and his memory will live on in his sister and his coworkers. His family asks for privacy at this time and for all condolences to be directed to his sister Molly Weasley. Funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date.



The Jarvey

Evan Rosier in 1980.

The evening of 18th November 1981, the grandfather clock struck nine times: each time loud and discordant, echoing around the house – once big and spilling over with noise; children shouting, the blare of music being played on record players and through the gramophone, footsteps pounding along the landing and down corridors, doors slamming shut with gusts of wind from the wide, open-mouthed patio.

I’m going out, Evan told me. With a friend – I will be late; don’t stay up for me.

He leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, a perfunctory gesture,  and grinned at me, quick and serious: you should stop worrying about me.

It’s my prerogative as your mother, I retorted – and worry turned my voice harsh, shrill and blunt. I closed my eyes briefly, breathing deep and slow, and when I opened them again, he was gone.

Regret was bitter, mixed with a nervous tension I could not place or name; but it is useless, always useless, once there is nothing which can be done about it and so, naturally, it is all the more powerful. It wound up my throat and into my mouth, tugging at something in my heart and the back of my mind – half-formed, faded thoughts; memories of Evan as a child, brown-eyed and short-haired, bounding about after his Crup puppy with squeals of delight and copying his father’s flicks and swishes with a wand, intent and so delighted.

All I could think about was how he had told me not to worry about him – how he had almost demanded it, how it had been offered, quiet and bright, in the moments before he left, blending in grey-black with the criss-cross of brick on the wall and slipping from sight far, far too soon.

In a heartbeat, I found myself crying. Curled up in the armchair, in front of the fire, waiting by the fireplace, by a half-open window, for my child to come home – at once every mother, every parent for every child.

Terror had me gasping, fear curdling my stomach, and I cried and cried and cried until I thought I could not cry any more: my eyes red and puffed, stung by the saltwater, my chest aching with a pain which went deeper and fuller than physical exhaustion.

I remembered his last birthday – only two weeks before.

We had sat at dinner, the family reunited, cousins and grandparents and siblings all, and we had raised our glasses to him, to Evan.

Santé, we had wished in unison. Health.

None of us though to wish for life; the war was over, lost and won and past. We did not think more was yet to come.

The Aurors arrived at 3:37 the next morning.

My son will never grow old, never use the oil paints scattered around his room, never finish the landscape of our gardens he was working on – always insisting it was in progress, in progress, and we could not see it. Now we can, because he is not there to protest it.

Our children are dead or lost, wounded and shaped by a long, wearing war, and we are still here: parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Evan will be an uncle in three weeks’ time, but the baby will never know their uncle: never hear the stories of how he filched lemon cake from the kitchens – his favourite – see him imitate the house-elves’ bow like he did when a child himself, will never learn how to duel from an expert; amateur but wonderfully talented.

We have lost a son and a friend. We will remember him.



The Niffler & The Demiguise

James Potter in his garden in 1979.

On October 31st, 1981, James Potter’s first life came to a tragic end—but he has many more lives to come.

In his next life, James will be reborn as a niffler. You may find him dazzled by your sparkling jewelry; he was always enchanted by beautiful things, could find beauty in anything. (Keep your jewels close to you—that crafty, charismatic bastard was too charming, and he knew it). He will delight in creating chaos—harmless chaos, except for that vase nobody really liked that he hoped hid glittering treasures. We hope that in this life, James will find a gem that shines as brightly as he did—as he will. 

In another life, James will be reborn as an inventor, creating trinkets and toys. He’ll create a plush Snitch that’ll laugh and sparkle every time it is thrown in the air, with the same brightness that lights up in his eyes when he sees the smiles on the children’s faces. He will invent intricate, beautiful works of art, pushing the envelope of what is possible: with magic, with toys, with the imagination. Surpassing the creativity of his previous lives, he will be known to children as the ultimate provider of joy and fun, something that comes easily to him as he has always been a child at heart. We hope that in this life, James will have the big family he hoped for, with the love of his life, Lily Potter (née Evans).

James will be reborn as a dragon, fierce and powerful. He will stand watch over the Wizarding World, its proud and brave protector (who’ll inevitably show off its flashy wings and fancy flying at least once a day). For all his aerial displays, dragonologists will be unable to catch him or track him back to his nest; his home will remain a secret except to those he invites in. The whistle of the wind as he soars above mountains and valleys will fill his ears and the thrill of a well-executed dive will fill his heart. We hope that in this life, James will be able to enjoy freedom in the air.

In another, James will be reborn as a teacher: the student who delighted in mischief will become the one at the front of the classroom. He will find peace and satisfaction and wholeness in the smile of a student who has finally understood; in a student who gasps in glee as they succeed at last. His colleagues may find his methods unorthodox or wonder at how he commands such respect from his students even as he lacks severity, but he will inspire those in his care to reach heights they never knew they were capable of. We hope that in this life, James will share his excellence and he will live on in fond recollections long after he retires.

Death has not robbed us of his light forever; some souls have a light so powerful that it transcends space and time and the limits of human mortality. Keep your eye out for his light; it will be impossible not to notice. It will be a sort of infectious entity, making everything around it shine a little brighter too. It will be endless, bold. You’ll find it in another soul that dedicates itself to others, either to fighting to save others’ lives or trying to bring happiness into others’ lives. You will find James’s light in the spirit of resistance and justice. His light carries on in his son, Harry.

Whatever James is reborn as, we can only hope that he will finally learn how to use a comb.



The Augurey Editorial Team

The Demiguise -- @facingthenorthwind
The Grim -- @potionspartner

The Jarvey -- @Aphoride
The Kelpie (Photographer) -- @hecate
The Niffler -- @forever_dreaming
The Phoenix -- @MadiMalfoy

The Werewolf (Photographer) -- @Theia
Assistant Editors -- @dirigibleplums, @FawkesyLady, @Downbelow, @greisful & @Margaret





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