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The Millennials Ruin Everything Challenge - April 30th 2019


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Challenge Name:  The Millennials Ruin Everything Challenge hosted by @Ineke and @PaulaTheProkaryote
Challenge Deadline:  April 30, 2019!
Accepted Fandom(s):  Harry Potter, but crossovers are fine! We’re familiar with a lot of fandoms, but if it’s a new one to us, we’ll do some research or you can send us a synopsis! ;)
Accepted Ratings: Any!
Challenge Details:  It’s no secret that the youth are ruining everything with their avocado toast and lack of diamonds. Your goal is to incorporate the Millennials (or any generation) ruining the economy/culture/morals etc using the Wizarding World! 


Eg. Wizarding youth using pens instead of quills! Or notebooks instead of rolls of parchment.

Multi-chapter stories and one shots are both allowed!
You’re welcome to combine with other challenges!
No prewrittens, please!
Multiple entries allowed, but only one story will win per person! 
Must be posted on HPFT’s archives and follow TOS. 
For “The Millennials Ruin Everything Challenge” must be included in the story summary!

Every entry will receive a review! 
First place will receive 5 reviews and an award graphic!
Second place will receive 3 reviews and an award graphic!
Third place will receive 2 reviews and an award graphic! 

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I'll be a maybe! I already have an idea and title in mind

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i'm so in and so pumped for this :P 


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Hell yessss

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This sounds incredibly fun, but I’m not sure if RL will allow me to get something finished in time, so count me as a maybe! ☺️?

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I really shouldn't do this but man I haven't written humor in so long, it's worth a shot! I'll be a maybe ^_^ 

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ima call myself a hard maybe for this because i have a lot of feels after coming home from dinner tonight and could prob throw down with them but in all reality, real life time constraints may be an issues (and like who knows how i'll feel when i calm down ?)

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  • 1 month later...

thank you both for this challenge, i had entirely too much fun with it :P +owl never do that again

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Yaaay! Our first entry! =D



ShadowRose - +owl never do that again









adorably cute

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to experiment with this and see what I get! :D

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On 4/8/2019 at 9:45 PM, RoRoWeasley said:

I'd love to experiment with this and see what I get! :D

It's done and submitted, WOOOP!!! :yay:

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My entry is here: A True Ally  :cheering:

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@Ineke or @PaulaTheProkaryote if i were to manage to pull together a multi chapter fic, as long as the chapters posted are about millenials ruining something, does it need to be finished by the date?

like with my current ideas for what i've got, i should be able to get two, maybe three chapters up depending on time, but not be able to finish the whole thing

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Hiiiii my entry is posted! ^_^ Culture Shock

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4 hours ago, adorably cute said:

@Ineke or @PaulaTheProkaryote if i were to manage to pull together a multi chapter fic, as long as the chapters posted are about millenials ruining something, does it need to be finished by the date?

like with my current ideas for what i've got, i should be able to get two, maybe three chapters up depending on time, but not be able to finish the whole thing

Nope! That sounds fine!

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hellooo i have an entry +curious traveler. chapter 1 is up now. chapter 2 and possibly more to come soon!

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hello, guess who wrote a terrible nonsense fic about millennials ruining haunting based on a tweet she sent you both? that's right, it's me +boo

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