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How to kill a witch/wizard - magical illness


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I need some magical sounding illnesses that I could use to kill a character. Needs to be a death that takes time but could strike the young or old. Preferably non-contageous.

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Guest pookha

AFAIK, the only canon illness that is mentioned is dragon pox, which is contagious, and tends to hit the elderly or young worst. It also turns you green, which may last. Abraxas Malfoy died of this, as did a Diggory and some Potters.


Other cool sounding diseases:


'Loser's Lurgy' posited by Luna Lovegood

Arcanopathy--the gradual loss of your magical ability, turning you to a Squib, which would subject you to normal human diseases.

Dracalgia--You are always in pain, as if your skin was afire

Logorrhea--running at the mouth, unable to stop talking--hard to eat, tires you out

Necrotizania--an infection from magical plants that slowly necrotizes your flesh, causing it to rot off


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Canon also has Spattergroit, Scrofungulus and Vanishing Sickness. They are only mentioned in passing.


Victoria_Anne, I LOVE your ideas.

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After writing these, I wonder for my sanity:


-Gnarlfinnder's Syndrome- a disease typically found among Goblins, but can be seen in some wizards that is akin to rapid arthritis. It eventually curls the victim's throat to the point where they can't breathe, thus dying of asphyxiation


-Mad Bowtruckle's Disease: Transmitted by a bite from a bowtruckle, this disease acts like the Muggle mad cow disease.


-Facesplit: Simply where the body eventually splits itself in half. Very gruesome.


-Floating Sickness: Where the victim loses most of their weight, rendering their bodies brittle and easily broken. Most victims die from a simple gust of wind or a hug.


-Garglespitz: Where one is forced to 'gargle' and 'spit' out everything fed to them.


-Locannar's Sleep: Sleeping sickness.


-Wortblight: Where every part of the victim's body gets covered in large, painful boils. Typically a childhood disease, some strains are known to be fatal and can cause blindness, internal warts (imagine that), and larger boils that eventually causes blood loss and hemorrhaging, somehow.


-Dollface: Where parts of the body turn to stone and shrink. In late stages, the victims are the size of dolls and are completely frozen, eventually dying when they can't breathe or their organs turn to stone.



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Squib flu - a flu like illness that also causes weakening or malfunctioning of the person's magic, either temporarily or if you want to be truly evil, permanently.

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Cackling Syndrome: A disease where the victim has an urge to cackle at random, and always inconvenient intervals.


Billywig Fever: A fever that causes people to float, bloat, and turn blue. In early stages, causes an irritating urge to eat Fizzing Whizzbees.

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