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kingdom keys + a one-shot by maraudertimes


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it won't be much, because i'm v busy right now, but for nano i will hopefully write 2-3 chapters of my entry for the anti-hero challenge, kingdom keys, and finish a one-shot i've been thinking of, maybe all i need is time. i've got picspams and a bit about each story, but am always here for questions to better flesh everything out because i am notoriously bad at that kind of thing ?


kingdom keys


kingdom keys is a dark and twisty story that i don't expect to be very long but who knows at this point, i really should plan it better. it follows diana and teddy who are intent on revenge after they both lose someone. i'm not planning a happy ending, in fact i expect the ending to be pretty angsty, but yeah! the department of mysteries, extravagant galas, and metamorphagus-werewolf hybrids, oh my!


maybe all i need is time


this will be a sequel to if you're gonna lie, and follows molly after her relationship ends. even though the picspam is a little melancholic, i don't expect it to be super angsty heartbreak. like with if you're gonna lie, it is a songfic/based on a song, and points if you can figure out with one! i'm actually really excited about this one because i actually have a plan and i'm gonna draw on some of my own experiences. i don't know if i'm going to have her speaking to "you" as in if you're gonna lie, but i think i might? if i do, it will be a different "you"!

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Not me seeing my beloved Spencer Reid in a picspam - and for the anti-hero challenge!?!?!!! ? Let's gooooooo!!!!!!!!


Both of these stories sound awesome! I can't wait to see what you knock out this summer! ☀️

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On 6/29/2021 at 11:30 AM, RogueSlytherin said:

Not me seeing my beloved Spencer Reid in a picspam - and for the anti-hero challenge!?!?!!! ? Let's gooooooo!!!!!!!!


Both of these stories sound awesome! I can't wait to see what you knock out this summer! ☀️

i said this on the recent discord games night, but basically spencer reid + cat adams from criminal minds is like the dynamic im going for, and ugh im v excited i think im gonna write some of the first chapter tonight...............??!

can't wait for you to read it jacque!!! ?

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Kingdom Keys sounds like sucha badass name, Lo! I CANNOT WAIT to read that story! Anyway, I need to know more about how the Department of Mysteries plays a role in this story. Do they both work there? Did the department wrong them and be the cause of them losing the someone they care about me? Please write because you have me hooked and now I must knooooow! ?

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3 hours ago, prideofprewett said:

Kingdom Keys sounds like sucha badass name, Lo! I CANNOT WAIT to read that story! Anyway, I need to know more about how the Department of Mysteries plays a role in this story. Do they both work there? Did the department wrong them and be the cause of them losing the someone they care about me? Please write because you have me hooked and now I must knooooow! ?

ahhhhh i suppose i can give some detail... right? they did work there, the department did wrong them, but whether or not the department was why they lost this person remains to be seen ;) so basically yes, yes, and... maybe :elmofire:

also update i've got 442 words, so like that is progress!!!

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i am bored and i wrote a little bit more, so here is a snippet:


As the telephone box begins to move, he can feel Diana’s now icy stare take in the features that now make up his face. “Come now darling,” she purrs, leaning forward to whisper in his ear, her lips grazing his skin every so slightly, “it’s a party. Let’s have some fun.”


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I don't think we've interacted yet I've seen you around so yeah, hello! Also just thought I would drop by Novel Nest seeing as I like to see what other people are upto and or what projects/stories they're working on too.  :) 

First off, do want to say that both Kingdom Keys and Maybe All I Need Time seem like such awesome ideas and while I admittedly have not read If You're Going To Lie, definitely may want to read to since I do like the premise for the sequel. I'll try not to guess what the song is but that's just because I want to see how you write it into your story but it's cool that you're writing a song fic!  I just realized that I'm commenting this  in somewhat backwards order way (if that makes any sense), so backtracking and saying that Kingdom Keys, as dark as it sounds, has me highly intrigued by not just the plot and the characters but everything!  While I'm mostly for happy endings in all honesty, I'll also read stories without happy endings and whatnot because I enjoy those too at times too, also where will revenge lead Diana and Teddy to (I'm talking as if it's a person, don't mind me), and do loving the aesthetics that I'm getting from the gif/picspam. The quote already has me in chills but it's all good because I am interested in reading this now! No but seriously, I definitely am interested in this story! :D

Oh, and before I forget, I also wanted to leave you some questions and hope you enjoy answering them: 

1.  What color (or colors) would you describe Diana, Teddy, and Molly?  This question was inspired by a song called What's Your Color by Stella Jang on Youtube and it's a cute song but it got me to thinking about colors and characters themselves plus love seeing what people choose as their answers for them! ;w; 

2.  What's been the most challenging aspect of writing Kingdom Keys and or Maybe All I Need Is Time?

3.  Do you have a playlist for either Diana and or Teddy and or both of them? If not, what songs would be on the playlist for one and or both of them? Why? 

4.  What's your go to snack and or drink for when you write during Camp Nanowrimo?

5.  Has there been any writing advice and or words of motivation that has helped you when you struggled to write? 

6.  What inspired to you write Maybe All I Need Is Time?

7.   Also just for clarification, are you writing in second person for Maybe All I Need Is Time? Or are you writing just "You" in terms of what the narrator is referring to? Does this question make sense?

Bonus questions:  

8. So for the Kingdom Keys picspam/gif picspam (almost typed: spicspam because my brain is getting mushy, I mean, tired) is that Matthew Gray Gubler and is he like the dreamcast/fancast for Teddy in your story? Because I highly approve and love it! :D  And from your picspam of Maybe All I Need Is Time, there's a furry feet and I'm guessing this story has a furry baby and or cat/kitten? ;w; If so, how is this kitten and cat involved???  (Am into cats so I'm wondering if you have a cat in this story xD)

Overall, I am wishing you the best of lucking during this month and for the whole Camp Nanowrimo! I hope you'll be able to reach any if not all your writing goals be it to another chapter, adding more to your word count, and or just writing that story or two! Definitely will be rooting for you as well!  Don't forget to take breaks if and or when it is needed!  One last thing: You can do it! You got this! :) 



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17 hours ago, starlitcastles said:


I don't think we've interacted yet I've seen you around so yeah, hello! Also just thought I would drop by Novel Nest seeing as I like to see what other people are upto and or what projects/stories they're working on too.  :) 

First off, do want to say that both Kingdom Keys and Maybe All I Need Time seem like such awesome ideas and while I admittedly have not read If You're Going To Lie, definitely may want to read to since I do like the premise for the sequel. I'll try not to guess what the song is but that's just because I want to see how you write it into your story but it's cool that you're writing a song fic!  I just realized that I'm commenting this  in somewhat backwards order way (if that makes any sense), so backtracking and saying that Kingdom Keys, as dark as it sounds, has me highly intrigued by not just the plot and the characters but everything!  While I'm mostly for happy endings in all honesty, I'll also read stories without happy endings and whatnot because I enjoy those too at times too, also where will revenge lead Diana and Teddy to (I'm talking as if it's a person, don't mind me), and do loving the aesthetics that I'm getting from the gif/picspam. The quote already has me in chills but it's all good because I am interested in reading this now! No but seriously, I definitely am interested in this story! :D

? omg this is such a lovely surprise ? 

i am also usually for happy endings, but i just couldn't make it work with what i had, but i def feel you on that! and tbh revenge as a person leading them places is actually a good grasp on it ?

also so sorry for taking this long, i have had this response up since you posted here and have just been responding and then getting distracted, then responding and getting distracted, etc. ?

17 hours ago, starlitcastles said:

Oh, and before I forget, I also wanted to leave you some questions and hope you enjoy answering them: 

1.  What color (or colors) would you describe Diana, Teddy, and Molly?  This question was inspired by a song called What's Your Color by Stella Jang on Youtube and it's a cute song but it got me to thinking about colors and characters themselves plus love seeing what people choose as their answers for them! ;w; 

2.  What's been the most challenging aspect of writing Kingdom Keys and or Maybe All I Need Is Time?

3.  Do you have a playlist for either Diana and or Teddy and or both of them? If not, what songs would be on the playlist for one and or both of them? Why? 

4.  What's your go to snack and or drink for when you write during Camp Nanowrimo?

5.  Has there been any writing advice and or words of motivation that has helped you when you struggled to write? 

6.  What inspired to you write Maybe All I Need Is Time?

7.   Also just for clarification, are you writing in second person for Maybe All I Need Is Time? Or are you writing just "You" in terms of what the narrator is referring to? Does this question make sense?

ahhhh i always love answering questions!!! ?

1. i would say Diana is pure red, just like that super bright red colour that's used when everything else is black and white? is that a little niche? but yeah she's crimson all the way. i think Teddy is probably teal but like a dark teal that almost looks a bit grey? and then i would say molly is a lavender-grey (i really tried to give her a colour other than grey because that's just right on the head with that picspam but in the story i think that pretty much would be her colour ?)

2. kingdom keys has been difficult because its serious and actiony and not really humour at all, and when i get stuck writing i usually just throw some humour into things and let that draw out more plot. a lot more description than im used to as well... i havent even started maybe all i need is time because its going to touch on some poorly healed wounds, and im scared to get into that mindset again, but excited to finish and get that relief im hoping for ?

3. oooooh i dont for either... i might spend tonight thinking about that, but i promise i will answer this question soon... ?

4. i love sweet chili heat doritos and bueno chocolate bars. if you get tired of one you can switch to the other and vice verse! perfect complimentary snacks! for drink i just go with water (or redbull when im super super tired, a milestone i havent gotten to yet...) ?

5. i think someone recently posted on the discord something about writing even without your muse and like forcing that it to come out instead of waiting? and thats been really helpful! that and just using brackets and putting what i want a scene to look like as a tldr when im frustrated and stuck at a certain point! ✨

6. the song that inspired it if im being super honest. i heard it and it took me back to a specific point in time and i realized that although i wrote if you're gonna lie as a prequel to a story i never really picked up, i didnt like just having left her in that situation, and i wanted to show her redemption(?) i suppose? ?

7. definitely makes sense! in if you're gonna lie, the "you" was molly talking to her boyfriend at the time, cedric, as the narrator. ive decided that i want to do the same thing for maybe all i need is time, but with her talking to someone else - a different "you" but still narrating as if she's telling the story to someone who is a part of it! i also hope this answer makes sense! ?

17 hours ago, starlitcastles said:

Bonus questions:  

8. So for the Kingdom Keys picspam/gif picspam (almost typed: spicspam because my brain is getting mushy, I mean, tired) is that Matthew Gray Gubler and is he like the dreamcast/fancast for Teddy in your story? Because I highly approve and love it! :D  And from your picspam of Maybe All I Need Is Time, there's a furry feet and I'm guessing this story has a furry baby and or cat/kitten? ;w; If so, how is this kitten and cat involved???  (Am into cats so I'm wondering if you have a cat in this story xD)

Overall, I am wishing you the best of lucking during this month and for the whole Camp Nanowrimo! I hope you'll be able to reach any if not all your writing goals be it to another chapter, adding more to your word count, and or just writing that story or two! Definitely will be rooting for you as well!  Don't forget to take breaks if and or when it is needed!  One last thing: You can do it! You got this! :) 

ahhh i love bonus questions!!

8. yes it is matthew gray gubler, i love him for teddy in this situation mostly because i see teddy/diana as spencer reid/cat adams from criminal minds, i mean hello that gif? superior!! and yes there is a kitty! not gonna spoil too much here but molly does acquire a cat, and im excited for that part because i also love cats!! ?

thank you so much for such lovely thoughts and questions, and i will def take breaks when needed ?

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i've hit 2.5k :elmofire: so im going to celebrate with another snippet:


But no matter how long he scrubs at his skin, the red stains remain, and the droplets that run down his face are mostly tears. It’s only when Diana joins him, her rough hands delicately washing away the gruesome blemishes, that he’s able to breathe again.

“Teddy,” she breathes, his name the first word either has spoken since escaping the ministry. The sound is almost too soft for Diana, the moment too intimate, yet she continues. “I can be her for you, if you want. For tonight.”


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i think i posted a chapter??? kingdom keys+

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i was debating posting this, and then taylor pushed me over that edge...


aria moreno is not important, y'all are focusing on the wrong blonde haired, blue eyed woman... ?


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I don't know how to hide content, so I'll have to ask in full sight...Victoire??

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Just jumping in to say, again... I NEED MOOOOOOOORE!!! :P :rose:

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23 hours ago, Felpata_Lupin said:

Just jumping in to say, again... I NEED MOOOOOOOORE!!! :P :rose:

THIS!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 

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Hi Lo,

I have just read 'If You're Gonna Lie' and wow :o ? I love the way it's written, almost in the form of a letter that Molly is narrating to Cedric. I am intrigued to find out who the 'you' will be in the sequel - self-reflection, a close friend or family member, a new partner? I have so many questions regarding the sequel: 

1) Will Cedric be shoved off a cliff without a wand or a parachute to save his sorry ass? Please answer Yes...

2) Are we going to see the final process which drives the break-up (because I'd love to see Molly finally take control and call the shots), or are you planning on basing the sequel after the relationship has ended?

3) Is the sequel going to be a one-shot or will the story be told over a number of chapters?

4) If it is a multichaptered fic, will you publish chapters as you write or wait until the whole fic is written before publishing? If it is a one-shot, how has it progressed so far?

5) Will there be any family involvement in the sequel? Who will be the most supportive member of her family during this time? Will there perhaps be any opposition to the split from a well-intentioned but misunderstanding family member or close friend? 

6) How will the break up impact on Molly's and Cedric's joint friends?

7) Which Hogwarts house was Molly in?

8.)  Is there a backstory to how Molly and Cedric met/got together?

I am SO looking forward to reading where you take this story next and also still here for Kingdom Keys. All the best for the rest of JulNo ❤️ 


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On 7/24/2021 at 9:30 AM, PinsandKneazles said:

Hi Lo,

I have just read 'If You're Gonna Lie' and wow :o ? I love the way it's written, almost in the form of a letter that Molly is narrating to Cedric. I am intrigued to find out who the 'you' will be in the sequel - self-reflection, a close friend or family member, a new partner? I have so many questions regarding the sequel: 

1) Will Cedric be shoved off a cliff without a wand or a parachute to save his sorry ass? Please answer Yes...

2) Are we going to see the final process which drives the break-up (because I'd love to see Molly finally take control and call the shots), or are you planning on basing the sequel after the relationship has ended?

3) Is the sequel going to be a one-shot or will the story be told over a number of chapters?

4) If it is a multichaptered fic, will you publish chapters as you write or wait until the whole fic is written before publishing? If it is a one-shot, how has it progressed so far?

5) Will there be any family involvement in the sequel? Who will be the most supportive member of her family during this time? Will there perhaps be any opposition to the split from a well-intentioned but misunderstanding family member or close friend? 

6) How will the break up impact on Molly's and Cedric's joint friends?

7) Which Hogwarts house was Molly in?

8.)  Is there a backstory to how Molly and Cedric met/got together?

I am SO looking forward to reading where you take this story next and also still here for Kingdom Keys. All the best for the rest of JulNo ❤️ 


Hellooo!! Thank you so much for the lovely review and so sorry it's taken me so long to get to these questions - I had a long weekend ?

1. Cedric will not be shoved off a cliff, unfortunately. But if it makes you feel any better, I'm going to try and keep him from showing up in the sequel :P

2. I'm planning to just have maybe all i need is time set after the breakup. i really dont want to revisit him... 

3. just a one-shot, and if i want to revisit molly again in the future, probably another one-shot. or, you know, unhide and work on fatal pleasures which is the actual novel i started and then never went further than the second chapter that if you're gonna lie was the prequel for...

4. it has not progressed at all ? i really should write at least something for it, but i keep getting side tracked by other things... 

5. there will be family involvement, im not too sure exactly where i want to go with that, but i know that dominique will be featured heavily in a very supportive role (as for well-intentioned but misunderstanding family members, if they do end up popping up, they wont be a main point)

6. its less the break up that impacts molly and cedrics friends and more how it impacts them individually which then impacts how they treat their friends, if that makes sense? i dont know if it does but im trying to be at least a little vague until im 100% sure of which direction everything is going!

7. i dont know if ive said this anywhere, if im contradicting myself any, but i dont see molly as being from hogwarts. this version of her, at least, would have probably gone to a different school, like beauxbatons. but i might have put her in ravenclaw (or gryffindor tbh because im a sucker for my gryffs :P )

8. i dont really have a great backstory for them... ugh is this gonna give me an idea for the prequel to my prequel after i finish writing the sequel to my prequel that is also a prequel? i know that's confusing but i think thats about where my head is at ? basically, no, no set backstory, but that doesn't mean i wont eventually write one because you gave me an idea 


thank you so much for your questions and your reviews and just everything pins, you are such a lovely person ??? all the best to you too and again again thank youuu


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