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The Many and Various Pokefics by TidalDragon


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This month my primary aim to work on all my pokefics so you can get your pokefix - it is in the spirit of such terrible puns that I humbly submit my image-less (because I'm writing this at work) and fantastically novel nest (because who else here writes pokefics?). Ayyyy.

Warning: Improvised memes ahead. Bonus points if you can guess what they're supposed to be. 

NOTEAll characters have been aged upI believe it's consistent with the progression of the animebut you can find that explanation on my AP. Also a pokedex can poketextNothing is above Teen Audiences because...squick.

Best In Show

A one-shot. What better way to start off JulNo, right? ?  Right?

Summary: Serena's back from Hoenn with a point to prove. When Ash returns from Kalos, he finds her at the Coumarine Showcase where she ignites more than his glowcaster.

Serena puts on a stunning performance. Ash is no longer dense. An amourshipping (Ash/Serena) story.

Pillow Talk

Wow. So chapter. Much short. Sweet. Many text.

Summary: Goodbye. Life will never be the same.

Serena stunned Ash with a kiss at the airport. Now they're traveling the world and trying to figure out...what the fuck? Not a pure chat!fic, but they may or may not consistently text on or near pillows. Amoreshipping.


Another one-shot. Mallow ?  ? Serena ?

Summary: A black-haired dad and a green-haired mom bake a cake. With assistance.

Ash and Mallow raising their kiddos in Alola. A random marsh holds a necessary ingredient. Because. An alohashipping story (Ash/Mallow).

Out of Frame

Here's to me trying to novel again. ?‍♀️ Fame. ? Keepin' it real.

Summary: The Kalos Queen abdicates her throne, but the cameras keep on rolling. She just wants a normal life. Why can't anyone understand that?

She's trying to dodge the spotlight. He finds out how bright it is. Two former champs meet in Alola and learn to deal. A KalosKing (Ash/Aria) story.

Aiming for 25K✅ Dreaming of 50? Expecting 10?‍♂️

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Hi there!

It's really cool to see that somebody else is working on Pokemon fanfiction for this Camp NanoWriMo as well seeing I had no idea if anybody else liked Pokemon and if so, what aspect of Pokemon did they like about it be the manga, anime, and or the games. For example, I love the video games, the anime/movies, and some of the side games but also the manga/comics too!  I'm not heavily invested in it like 24/7 or anything like that but do love it alot and it's one of my favorite video game series mostly because the main line game is what made me fall in love with it.  The show, on the otherhand, I have a love and hate relationship with to be honest considering that Ash has made me want to smash my head against the walls whilst watching him (not literally more so figuratively) but his travel companions as well as the Pokemon, animation, music, and everything else is what made me love it.  He also slowly does grow on me eventually seeing as I like how ambitious he is about his dream, how he loves his Pokemon, and his determination.  Also the X and Y anime did such a great job of exploring his time and training with Greninja and how deep it got. I also definitely love seeing him with his different companions throughout and along with him on his journey throughout the different regions and based off of the games.  Anyway, it's great that you're writing fanfiction that seems to be from the anime show?  I really think it's cool to see people engage in the Pokemon fandom be it the games, show, and or the manga or other aspects of it.  It's also cool knowing that you're into different ships from mine although Armourshipping is cute.  (I'm actually more into Pokeshipping and it's my OTP admittedly but I'm open minded to other ships although I lean more towards the games as far as shipping goes if we're being honest).   

I like the premise for all of them although both The Best in Show and Pillow Talk already have my attention. Hmm I do recall seeing that scene with the kiss from the airport and was kind of shocked but then again, also glad they did because there's probably many variations and or versions that fans can come up with to make it better and whatnot, you know? Definitely would love to see your take on that!  The summaries for both Marshmallow and Out of Frame sound pretty great too! 

With that being said, I also have some questions for you as well: 

1.    What drew you to Alohashipping, Armourshipping, and KalosKingshipping? Which one do you personally ship more? 

2. Aside from the ships you previously mentioned, do you have any other ships in the Pokemon anime that you like?

3.  I'm interested in Pillowtalk and Best of Show but out of your Pokefics, which one is the easiest for you to write so far? Which one has been the hardest? Why?

4. Have you also played any of the mainline Pokemon games and if so, which ones? What's your favorite of the ones you played? 

5  What's your favorite Pokemon so far and why? Do you also have a favorite mythical and or legendary Pokemon as well? :)

6.  Do you listen to Pokemon music while trying to write your Pokefics or do you have another playlist with completely different music that aren't Pokemon related but still would fit your works?

7.   What's your favorite aspect of writing in general? Why?

8.  Do you have any snack and or food you like to eat while you sit down and or write? If so, what are they and why? (I love seeing people say they like having coffee and tea but it's also fun when they mention a snack even if it's just a homemade chocolate chip cookie or something like that since I tend to eat while writing for NanoWriMo and Camp NanoWriMo). 

I know that most of these are Pokemon themed questions save for two yet I do hope they help you motivate and or be encourage to keep writing for Camp Nano.  I am definitely rooting and cheering for you and hope that you'll be able to get to not only reach your word count goals but also other writing goals as well! Oh, and if you need to take a break then please also don't forget to take care and do so if needed as that's important too! Best of luck! You can do this! You got this! :) 

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@starlitcastles Thanks for visiting and for the questions! I too had no clue if anybody here was interested, let alone interested in FF, but getting my ideas into a nest seemed more motivating than a bunch of waiting Word docs so I decided to go ahead. My journey with the fandom has been an long one that ranges from childhood until now. TL;DR I first got into the games and cards and then pretty much departed the fandom due to my entry into the 'beyond-the-books' HP fandom in HS. Then my son got into Pokemon a couple of years ago (oddly starting with two of the movies from the library) and here I am once again! Hopefully my responses will not become novel length, though I promise nothing.

What drew you to  Alohashipping, Armourshipping, and KalosKingshipping? Which one do you personally ship more? 

So I have something of a tier list. Tier 1 is amourshipping. That is all. I think a huge part of this is that XY/Z always had a more mature vibe to me versus other series. Serena also has great character development IMO as well - punctuated by the fact that when Ash says she can stick with him she chooses to chase her own dream despite her feelings for him. Also, the amount of blushing by Serena about him and the all the little nose-rubs that Ash does when he's a bit nervous or feeling awkward - coming after something Serena has done or said is fun.

Tier 2 is alohashipping and KalosKing. Alohashipping...the name fits because it's almost a literal 'you had me at hello'. Mallow stops to care and then grabs Ash's hand and drags him off while he and Pikachu are digging the scent... For real though Mallow is just a super up-beat character who I feel like always shares a positive energy with Ash - and if the way to a man's heart is through his stomach...Serena makes tasty treats and all...but Mallow's got that on lock. I feel that it could've been an actual amourshipping rival for me, but Mallow was criminally underdeveloped.

KalosKing...When Ash sees Aria, he likes what he sees (let's be real, ya boy wasn't talking about fennekin). Like Ash, Aria has to be extremely dedicated to her craft. And she could even be somewhat of an aspirational figure. She's 'made it' and he's still trying which for some people could be a problem, but they're not in the same field and Aria doesn't gloat, while Ash thrives on raising his game. She's up-beat, but pretty humble from what we can see and always willing to help. Plus the Arianna episode which is like...even though are in different fields...damn they could still teach each other some stuff with how they might battle.

TBH though, I think amourshipping plays its own part in this because even before she said it, I honestly did see Aria like Palermo told Serena: "you two are so much alike." There's still plenty of differences, but when I write this ship it can really only be Serena angst-ing or like...literally not in the fic. Not as in AU not there, but just...not.

Aside from the ships you previously mentioned, do you have any other ships in the Pokemon anime that you like?

And...Tier 3 is two ships that pop into my head every now and again. Amusing: Brock/Nurse Joy (because while it's probably not the case, the first 'Brock' moment I recall was his first one with Nurse Joy) and now that he's a breeder...has to end up with a Nurse Joy, right? And amusing and/or interesting...poffleshipping. Because Miette v. Serena is just so perfect. Miette can either be a legitimate rival/winner (#angstismyjam) or an absolute little troll (which I love).

I'm interested in Pillowtalk and Best of Show but out of your Pokefics, which one is the easiest for you to write so far? Which one has been the hardest? Why?

Pillow Talk has been the easiest so far. The chapters are short and have a fairly straightforward format, even outside the texting portions. And it was easy for me to structure.

The real challenge for me has been Best in Show. Like Quidditch matches/practices (of which I've written a fair few), I just honestly don't like writing battles/contests/performances very much. I hate the kind of ping-pong that I often read, but I feel it's much more difficult for a reader to intuitively understand like they might a sport without a decent amount of that. Yet I have to do it here because that's where Ash sees Serena again for the first time and how confident she's become. And I have to feather in Ash noticing her as beautiful-and-amazing-girl-he-wants-to-be-with-so-his-chest-doesn't-explode, rather than a cute, helpful friend that's a girl that sometimes gives him fuzzies.

Have you also played any of the mainline Pokemon games and if so, which ones? What's your favorite of the ones you played?

I have. I played and was completely obsessed with Red when it first came out in NA. And then Yellow was the same. Played those all the time with friends just sitting in the same room or particularly on the bus playing like maniacs. I played them on my giant brick Gameboy and just...fifth and sixth grade memories. Those are the only ones I played to completion because I got way more into sports games, real-time-strategy, and FPS (along with friends). But my favorite has to be Red because it was my first.

What's your favorite Pokemon so far and why? Do you also have a favorite mythical and or legendary Pokemon as well?

Favorite overall...wowza. That's a very difficult choice so I'm just going to go with my heart and say Bulbasaur. He was my first starter pokemon. Or it could be my favorite legendary, Zapdos (because a spiky lightning bird is just...dope).

Do you listen to Pokemon music while trying to write your Pokefics or do you have another playlist with completely different music that aren't Pokemon related but still would fit your works?

Unless there's a song that specifically inspired me to write a particular story and/or scene, I just listen to (if anything) my phone on shuffle. The lone exception is probably 'Dori Dori'. But my son hates Dori Dori.

What's your favorite aspect of writing in general? Why?

The healthy one is that I love world-building and sharing that world with others in the context of a story. This is even true for a lot of FF (though it's more 'level-building' than world-building - just to explain weird, inexplicable, and/or impossible stuff in the canon material). I think the writing I do outside FF is also about taking the seed of an idea and letting that grow, even if only in my own head. The unhealthy one is that it can become an escape from the 'real world' when I don't like how things are going for me there.

Do you have any snack and or food you like to eat while you sit down and or write? If so, what are they and why?

I did. Unfortunately the wrong parts of my body were getting swole so I've cut out junk food completely aside from my son and my dedicated 'Pizza Night' on Fridays. Now...maybe apple juice? #sad

Thanks for all your questions! Once my 4th of July draws to its dramatic conclusion I hope to be visiting threads and spreading the love. I'll start with yours first!

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I don’t have any questions really. Just came by to say hello and encourage your wonderful writing! Miss you friend. :bighug:

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