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Quidditch Sabotage (or sabotage in general)


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In a Quidditch match, what would be some sabotage things you could think of that 17 year olds could come up with? Or sabotage at a Quidditch boarding academy in general?

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Broom and glove tampering for sure. Add some potion or salve to make the brooms or gloves too slick or trim the broom tail ends to alter aerodynamics and precision. A subtle itching powder on quidditch robes would make it harder to focus.

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Replacing all the water in the showers with Flobberworm mucus. Setting off fireworks in the locker rooms or broom sheds. Use the player's broomsticks as paintbrushes for a giant mural one night and return them to the shed for the next day's match. Bewitch the bludgers like Dobby to repeatedly target the star players. Replace the beater's bats with something similar to a joke wand, something that explodes or is actually a giant Christmas cracker.

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Is it wrong that the first thing I remembered was that there was apparently a notorious pro Quidditch match where one of the players had his clothes hexed off? (He wore "nothing but a smile" as he won ?)


Some brilliant ideas have been already put forward but injuring the star player would probs be one of the more harmful but effective ones (team morale and that, you know). Also: slipping the opposing team potions that have comical effects (e.g. swelling someone's head so they can't lift off), replacing the broomsticks with ancient Shooting Stars, holding broomsticks until the players agree to do something really humiliating, bewitch their robes to look like the opposite team's (what a blow to their pride), frame players/team captains for a huge prank so that they get detention and can't attend practices. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I realize I'm Skyping with you right now but we are talking about ~my fic~ and I dont' want to forget to mention this to you afterwards SO


What if they just replaced their brooms with actual brooms?  And the players didn't notice, and went out onto the pitch all majestically, and crouched down about to leap into the sky with the crowd cheering, except they all just hopped/fell down.

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