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Like really...I'm making this up as I go along with a confident smirk and shear force of will...not certain this is where I'm supposed to even be posting this. ?

Entries in this blog

Plotting Tips For Those Who Don't Plot Good

(and want to learn to do other stuff good too) If you’ve read anything in my WJ you know plotting is my least favorite thing to do with a story. George R. R. Martin calls it a gardening approach - which sounds better than ‘making it up as I go along’ so we’re going to lean into that and think positively during this post.  I don’t like planning things in general - vacations, appointments, what to eat for the week. This carries over into my writing too. I have shapes and colors of what I


GotNoJamsss in Camp FFT

Character Development Tips

I'm here to share a couple of character tips for when you're starting out on a new adventure or stuck in a rut that you need to dig your way out of. Hope this is helpful or at least the tiniest bit amusing. I'm just enjoying myself around the Camp FFT bonfire roasting marshmallows.  TWO QUESTIONS When I sit down to create a character I’m usually starting with two questions:  1. What do they want? 2. Why can’t they get it? These questions are going to be what I come back to


GotNoJamsss in Camp FFT

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