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stumbling headfirst back into fic

it was approximately three years ago that i last announced a return to fic writing, or more specifically this site. fic was such a massive part of my life for so long that i've always felt like something was missing after i drifted away from it, but my dozens (probably) of halfhearted attempts to return always fizzled out because i was missing one crucial thing: the all-consuming passion for a particular piece of media that has to drive any fanfic engagement. if you follow me on twitter you


sapphicsunrise in updates

a little love story

it's been long enough since the Great Migration from hpff (five years!) that many of you won't know who i am or who @sihaya is. there's a big group of us who have been mostly dormant here on the new site but you can find us all on twitter, where we've been hanging out since a certain homophobe threw a tantrum and shut down the old forums.  i was vaguely aware of @sihaya on the old site, when she had the dubious username of 'evil little devil' and we happened to be active/between hiatuses at


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