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Predictable Chaos's Prattle

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Doctor Gregory House might have met his match in Verso by Kovou

Verso by Kovou (on A03) Anyone who has ever watched House, MD either loves or hates Gregory House. He’s snarky, rude and can put more politically incorrect phrases in a sentence than is feasible. The audience either loves to laugh or is horrified by his behavior. His co-workers toggle between tolerance and despising him and his boss has thousands of dollars set aside for, not if, but when they get sued because of his lack of bedside manner. He’s also a diagnostic genius who plays on wo

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos in Story Recommendation

The Way of Conquest by Pagination on AO3-Story Rec

The Way of Conquest by pagination Fic Recommendation I’ve been on a Star Wars kick lately and who better to read about than Mando. (Actually, perhaps Obi-wan is best, but I love this story, so Mando is.) The title is The Way of Conquest but I would probably retitle it Crackfic Kills the Sith Chancellor and Poor Mando Must Mop Up the Mess.  Poor Din Djarin ends up the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic by way of Time Traveling Force Osik and Articles of Succession, Section 238, Subsection 1

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos in Story Recommendation

Recommendations for Tardis Team

I've decided to recommend from A03 just becuase I'm sure you all are so familiar with the FFT Archives. My favorite trope, without a doubt, is Time Travel, so here are my favs: 1. Time Mutable Immutable by deGroot- It's a SS/HG. (I know a lot shy away from that pairing) but I love them together. Hermione is trying to stop some Voldemort Worshipers from changing time. They have determined that Snape is the lynchpin to the entire war and she must protect a teenage Snape. I love the friends to

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos in Recommendations

Second Times the Charm Challenge Results

Thank you for those that entered the Second Times the Charm Challenge. Each story was wonderful and very special in it’s own unique way. PM your stories for reviews (5 for 1st place, 3 for 2nd place, 2 for 1st place and 1 for Honorable Mention.) Honorable Mention: Lucky Penny by @Chelts-rhj  This one didn't actually meet the criteria to be in the running but it was such a lovely piece that I had to bring it up. It’s Albus Potter meets Time Traveler’s Wife. Chelts does a wonderful job weavin

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos in Challenge Results

Character Sorting: Where does Maerna fit? Everywhere and nowhere

aerna Danazul has been one of my favorite characters to create and write. I think (hope) she has lots of layers so sorting her would be a bit more interesting.  For those of you who don’t know Maerna, she’s American born who thinks she is a squib, but whose powers were bound at a young age. During the story, those powers reemerge due to the death of the one who bound them. Maerna is feisty and no nonsense but she has a caring, softer side as well, thus making her a good companion to Severus

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

I don't understand quidditch statistics

As with my blog, Hail Hogwarts Teachers, I think the numbers of the Wizardingly World are rather confusing, but none more confusing than sports.  Actually I think all sports statistics are confusing like why anyone would pay someone millions of dollars to play the most boring sport of baseball, but I digress. There are 14 professional quidditch teams in the British and Irish League. Each play must have 7 players, so that's 98 members; however, each team also has a reserve team (becuase

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

Results for the Title-tastic Challenge

I was so excited to have 6 awesome entries for the Title-tastic Challenge. I really enjoyed the various interpretations of the titles! All of them are worth reading. Presented in alphabetical order. . . . Existential Equilibrium(M) by @Noelle Zingarella Honestly, I grabbed two sophisticated E words and threw them together to see what an author came up with and Noelle does not disappoint. She studies the internal struggles of one person through his dream journal. His snarky, exasperated tone

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

Hail Hogwarts Teachers!

Inspired by @Lost_Robin's blog on the population of the wizarding world. . .    We all know that JRK’s strengths lie in worldbuilding and storytelling--not in math and logistics. Still, her word is canon, so I’ll work with her ideas as I grapple with the baffling world of HOGWARTS SCHEDULES There are a variety of Hogwarts schedules on the Internet including the ability to make your own. They show the daily schedule having anywhere from four to eight academic blocks per day wi

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

Fan Non-Fiction Challenge

Fan Non-Fiction Challenge The idea for this challenge originally came while writing my entry for @Noelle Zingarella's Make Me Like Sirius Black Challenge, for I entered, not a story with a plot per se but rather a report of the psychological analysis of the character. Then I realized how non-fiction could open up so much world building for the fanfiction world. I had four wonderful entries. One in the form of letters, one office memos, one Hogwarts assignment and one file from the Departmen

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

We are proud RavenpuffSlytherdors.

I love my house. They are an awesome group, but not because of the stereotypical intelligence associated with the blue and bronze. I actually enjoying being in my house because they are so much more. They are Ravenpuffslytherdors. Are my fellow claws intelligent, yes. We come from a variety of real life backgrounds and are all definitely "smart" in our fields, but I really like about them is that they caring and considerate. If you are having a bad day, someone is always there with a positi

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

Results of the What If Challenge

I really enjoyed judging these. It was so challenging to decide the winners, I had my beta (who is not on HPFT) read them too for another opinion. When scoring, half of the rubric was following the prompt which included: changing one event from canon and describe how the rest of the story's events would have unfolded because of it. 1. A clear understanding of when events deviate. 2. Detailed description of how it impacts the storyline.  The other 50% was general storytelling abilities/descriptio

Predictable Chaos

Predictable Chaos

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