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The Nest

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The Three Elements of Character Creation

Character creation can be the bane of many a writer’s existence, especially when creating a character for a plot that has already been developed or a setting that has already been created. There are three aspects to creating a character: role creation, physical creation, and emotional creation.   The first step in creating a character in either original fiction or fan-fiction is the role creation. This means figuring out the role the character will play in the setting. Every character


Lost_Robin in robin's musings

Golden Retriever Heroes

Pretty sure this is only, like, the third post I've made in this, so, yeah. This was inspired by the Discord server and a very rapid-pace discussion about himbos, golden retrievers, and jocks (which I swear will make sense). This is also going to be rambly because I have no clue what I'm going to say in this, which is pretty much on-brand. I think. I don't actually know what my brand is other than frogs and Lucas Till. ...speaking of Lucas Till. Recently ?, his MacGyver show ended


Lost_Robin in robin's musings

The Sorting Hat Begs to Disagree

I’ve done quite a few of the sortinghatchats’ sorting quiz (m just to be safe) for my characters, but until today, I had never done it for myself. I fully expected it to be Ravenclaw Primary, Slytherin Secondary. I was right on half of that. I ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff, a house that I have only been sorted into on Pottermore exactly once. I have never seen myself as a Hufflepuff. About seventy-five percent of the time, I get sorted into Ravenclaw, for rather obvious reasons



Math, My Old Nemesis

Or, how I spent an afternoon frantically trying to figure out the age demographics of the wizarding world during the 1990s. Please keep in mind that I am not great at math, but this is (loosely) based on the demographics of the UK. That being said, if there are any grievous math errors, please let me know. And thank you to everyone in the Discord chat who brought this up so I started thinking about this. How Many Students Are There at Hogwarts? Okay, so it always seemed a little w



Good Enough

I've always had trouble with sharing my writing. Which is probably why I'm so hesitant to publish anything here, especially this blog post. I'm not a fan of my feelings being known, but I wanted to explain why I either publish lots of things super quickly or nothing for almost an entire month. This is also how I think, for lack of a better word. The problem I've always had is if my work was good enough or not. I'm always afraid that my work is terrible, and that everyone will laugh at



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