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The Nest

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The Three Elements of Character Creation

Character creation can be the bane of many a writer’s existence, especially when creating a character for a plot that has already been developed or a setting that has already been created. There are three aspects to creating a character: role creation, physical creation, and emotional creation.   The first step in creating a character in either original fiction or fan-fiction is the role creation. This means figuring out the role the character will play in the setting. Every character


Lost_Robin in robin's musings

Golden Retriever Heroes

Pretty sure this is only, like, the third post I've made in this, so, yeah. This was inspired by the Discord server and a very rapid-pace discussion about himbos, golden retrievers, and jocks (which I swear will make sense). This is also going to be rambly because I have no clue what I'm going to say in this, which is pretty much on-brand. I think. I don't actually know what my brand is other than frogs and Lucas Till. ...speaking of Lucas Till. Recently ?, his MacGyver show ended


Lost_Robin in robin's musings

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